HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Services Board - Minutes - 9/22/2011BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC, Bayfield County Annex September 22, 2011, 2011 Board Members Present: Clarence Henkel, Rusty Williams, Kenneth Jardine, Lona Schmidt, Ted Benson, Pat Carver, Dee Kittleson (4:03) Board members absent: Jim Crandall, Bill Bussey Others Present: Elizabeth Skulan, Nikki Revak, Jeanine Spuhler, Anita Haukaas Call to Order and Introductions K. Jardine called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Review of the August 25, 2011 Minutes Motion by C. Henkel, seconded by P. Carver, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried. Opportunity for Public Comment None Recognition for Social Worker Jan Bergst, retiring on October 17, 2011 On behalf of Bayfield County Department of Human Services, E. Skulan thanked Jan Bergst for her 20 years of services as a long-term care case manager. Ms. Bergst was not present but will be presented with the letter at a later date. Program Presentation – Child Care Certification, Crystal Clark Family Services social worker, Crystal Clark, gave an overview on child care certification. Currently in Bayfield County, there are six certified providers, six licensed providers and four licensed group child care centers. C. Clark works with the certified providers, while the state oversees the licensed providers/child care centers. In Wisconsin, a caregiver can legally care for three unrelated children under the age of seven in addition to their own children without being required to be regulated as a daycare. When someone cares for four or more children, they are required to become either certified or licensed. Certification or licensure requires an application, fees, and a number of other program requirements focused on providing safe, quality care for children. Monthly Section Reports Support Services – Nikki Revak The compliance part of the audit is complete. There were no findings. The Aging and Disability Resource Center of the North (ADRC-N) budget is complete and has been submitted for approval to the ADRC-N Governing Board. The support staff retreat was rescheduled for September 27, 2011. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC, Bayfield County Annex September 22, 2011 2 Aging & Disability Services – E. Skulan for Carrie Linder Work continues for the transition of the Children’s Long-Term Care (CLTS) waivers to the Third Party Administrator (TPA). Bayfield County is scheduled for implementation on December 1, 2012. The final budget and narrative for the Birth to Three ARRA grant was submitted. A total of $17,721 ARRA funds were successfully applied to infrastructure development and team building. Staff participated in outreach activities for the Senior Expo, the Ashland Farmers Market and the Bayfield County Fair. Staff attended a meeting at the Memorial Medical Center with several other agencies to discuss the Helen EF case which established new requirements for serving and protecting individuals with Alzheimer’s or related dementia. Stefanie Scribbins, MSW, began work on September 6, 2011. Stefanie has been training with Jan Bergst and will be assigned Adult Protective Services and Intake/Assistance with the ADRC-N. Economic Support Services – Jeanine Spuhler October 1, 2011, Bayfield County will implement a Call/Change center for the Income Maintenance program. This will allow incremental change for both staff and consumers prior to regional Income Maintenance and a regional call/change center are implemented January 1, 2012. Energy assistance short forms were mailed to consumers on fixed incomes. Consumers mailed back the short forms in record numbers. Staff continues to participate in various workgroups in preparation for Income Maintenance regionalization. Family Services –Anita Haukaas The Family Services Advisory Committee met on September 20th, Barb Flynn, Red Cliff Domestic Violence Case Worker and Lorna Gamble, Red Cliff Indian Child Welfare Social Worker were in attendance. Joseph Scribbins, Family Services Social Worker, gave a presentation on domestic violence. There were two juvenile law enforcement referrals for August. In September there have already been 20 referrals. Family Services held their annual retreat on September 7, 2011. Staff is currently working on developing a Community Services procedure. Monthly Reports The monthly financial, training, and waiting list reports were reviewed and placed on file. 2012 DHS Budget – Update on 2012 Budget E. Skulan reported that she and N. Revak presented the 2012 Human Services Budget to the Executive Committee on September 13, 2011. E. Skulan reported that committee appreciated that the Human Service developed and presented a budget with a zero county levy increase, as directed. Birth to Three Program Data Review – Review of letter issued by DHS E. Skulan reviewed the letter issued by DHS stating that Bayfield County was in 100% compliance for the data review. She complimented Aging and Disability staff, Dana Denker, and Northern Lights staff on their success on this compliance audit. Update Income Maintenance Regional Model – Update on information received regarding the development of regional services E. Skulan reported that Bayfield County will be implementing a Call/Change center for Bayfield County Income Maintenance consumers starting October 1, 2011. This will give our staff an BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC, Bayfield County Annex September 22, 2011 3 opportunity to see if they are suited for call/change duties. It will also expose consumers to incremental change prior to January 1, 2012 and the implementation of a regional delivery system. Sawyer County implemented a local call/change center September 1, 2011. The Northern IM Consortium will be meeting on September 29, 2011 in Price County. On that day, Letters of Intent will be provided to Wood County, the lead agency in the Northern IM Consortium, for inclusion on the consortium application. E. Skulan reported that she had the privilege of providing a short presentation on the regionalization of Income Maintenance Services to the eleven Tribes at Legendary Waters in Red Cliff. Tribal representatives are very concerned about how the reduction in funding will affect the delivery of services to tribal members who do not live on tribal land, particularly in the Northern and LaCrosse regions. Draft Meeting Dates 2012 – Review of tentative dates for 2012 DHS Board Meetings E. Skulan reviewed the 2012 DHS Board Meeting dates. Long-term Care District Board – Standing agenda item, update from Dee Kittleson regarding activities and information from the long-term care district board. D. Kittleson reported that NorthernBridges can only take clients off the waitlist through attrition. Other (Informational Items) A. P. Carver shared information on CORE’s QPR training for suicide prevention. Anyone interested in attending should contact CORE directly for more information. Future Meetings Future meeting dates were scheduled as follows: A. October 27, 2011 – 3:00 to accommodate those who need to attend the Superior Days issues meeting that evening in Superior B. December 6, 2011 - combined November/December meeting – will begin with a potluck at 3:45 C. January 26, 2012 Adjournment The meeting adjourned 5:10 p.m. Submitted by Nikki Revak, Financial Manager