HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Services Board - Minutes - 9/24/2015BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING Bayfield County Board Room September 24, 2015 Board Members Present: Fred Strand, Jim Crandall, Lona Schmidt John Bennett, Pat Carver, Rusty Williams, Kathy Wendling Board Members Excused: Kent Seldal, Deb Pyne Others Present: Elizabeth Skulan, Nikki Revak, Carrie Linder, Anita Haukaas Call to Order and Introductions Williams called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. No introductions were necessary. Review of the August 24, 2015 Meeting Minutes Motion by Strand, second by Schmidt, to approve the minutes as presented. Motioned passed unanimously. Public Comment – Limited to 3 minutes per person None Program Presentation – Community Intervention – Anita Haukaas The juvenile justice Community Intervention Program funds are to be used for early intervention services to first time offenders and/or services to serious, chronic offenders in accordance with Wis. Stats s.301.263. A balanced and restorative justice approach in juvenile justice is used by offering programs that protect the public; hold juveniles accountable for their actions; incorporate families into treatment; involve community resources; and help juveniles gain skills and competencies to lead normal, law-abiding lives. Bayfield County workers use the evidence based Juvenile Assessment Inventory System (JAIS) to identify the needs of the youth and provide the best possible case management for youth to prevent or reduce out-of-home placements. Youth are placed on either deferred prosecution agreements or consent decrees and are given reward incentives for positive change in their behaviors. Bayfield County received $5,800 for the current funding cycle. To date, 13 youth are on deferred prosecution agreements. Monthly Section Reports Support Services – Nikki Revak Staff is working on the final documents with Rich Setzke on the program compliance portion of the audit. Revak completed the second quarter fiscal reports and the 2016 proposed budget for the Aging and Disability Resource of the North (ADRC – N) and presented the information to the ADRC-N Advisory Committee on Monday, September 28th. Revak attended a Wisconsin Human Services Financial Manager’s Association planning meeting on September 17th and 18th in Steven’s Point. The Wisconsin Medicaid Cost Report (WIMCR) has been submitted to the State and is in review. The 2016 Aging Budget has been completed and sent on to the State. Jane Cook and family welcomed a granddaughter into their fold. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING Bayfield County Board Room September 24, 2015 2 Economic Support Services – Elizabeth Skulan reporting for Jeanine Spuhler The Northern Income Maintenance Consortium (NIMC) held an all staff and Directors meeting/training in Fifield today. All twelve counties were present. It was announced at the meeting that the federal Foodshare review results from October 2013 to September indicated that NIMC had 100% accuracy in reporting and timeliness for the cases reviewed. Staff was presented with certificates. Out of the 10 consortium statewide and the MILES consortium in Milwaukee, NIMC was the only consortium to receive this prestigious award. October 1 kicks off the WHEAP energy assistance season. The elderly, blind and disabled were mailed early applications. Aging & Disability Services – Carrie Linder Linder will present the State of Aging in Iron River for the Chamber of Commerce. Linder has also been asked to present at the Iron River Annual Economic Development meeting in November. National Memory Screening Week will begin November 2nd. Memory screens will be conducted on November 4th for the Aging and Disability Resource Center of the North (ADRC – N). Dementia Care Specialist Misty Mogensen, worked with Northern Waters Library Service to partner with the ADRC-N for the screens. The screening focus will be “How is your memory?” and checking one’s memory at an earlier age. The screenings can provide a baseline measurement for memory as well as promote people to consulting a physician when memory loss has been identified. Kathy Wendling praised Linder on her Aging Report for the Bottom Line. The 14th Annual Caregiver Conference will be held on October 2nd at the AmericInn in Ashland. Family Services – Anita Haukaas A Bayfield County resident recently was transported to Duluth for hospitalization at Essentia Health. As there were no open beds, the consumer was then transferred to a hospital in North Dakota. DHS has no jurisdiction over this placement or financial responsibility. It was noted that Bayfield County would have lost jurisdiction as soon as the individual was transported out of State to Minnesota. However, we were not aware that transfers were being made from Minnesota to North Dakota due to capacity issues. DHS has noticed an increase use of substance abuse issues with the use of meth and heroin in Bayfield County. Currently there are 22 Bayfield county residents enrolled in the Community Support Program (CSP); with two individuals enrolled in Family Care. Current year to date mental health emergency detentions are at 44 this year. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING Bayfield County Board Room September 24, 2015 3 Becky Kruit is providing educators with Mandated Reporting training. She recently provided training at the Early Childhood Center in Red Cliff. Family Services held their annual staff retreat. They identified the following goals: a healthier environment; safety in their office and job; and an increased atmosphere of healthiness. Monthly Reports The monthly reports were reviewed and placed on file. 2016 DHS Proposed Budget Skulan reported that she and Revak presented the proposed 2016 DHS Budget to the Executive Committee on September 16th. The proposal included an additional 1.5 FTE Social Work Aide positions. The new positions will be presented to the Personnel Committee for their consideration and approval on October 5th. Resolution to Retain 2014 Funding for Potential Repayment of Medicaid Although it is more than likely that the State will help DHS resolved the financial issue with Northland Counseling’s licensure from 2010 to 2015, the matter is not yet settled. Skulan stated that after consultation with the auditors, she developed a resolution to request that the County Board allow the retention of 2014 funds in the DHS Risk Reserve until the matter is resolved. If it is determined that all or some of the funds are not needed, the money will be returned to the General Fund. Motion by Crandall, second by Wendling, to approve a resolution that recommends the County Board retain $80,000 of 2014 funding for potential repayment of Medicaid and forward the resolution to the County Board. Motion passed unanimously. Income Maintenance Operational Analysis Draft Report Skulan reported that the analysis developed for the State on the performance of Income Maintenance Consortia was completed by Deloitte. The report identified which consortia are the most efficient and the most cost effective and areas in which consortia can improve. The Northern Income Maintenance Consortium (NIMC) received the largest reduction in funding, so had the least amount of money to work with. NIMC’s goal was to be the best consortium in the State and they are very close to obtaining the goal. A copy of consortia profiles and ratings from the report will be put in the “drop box” for board members. Family Care/IRIS 2.0 Public Hearing, September 21, 2015, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. Hayward High School Auditorium, 10320 N Greenwood Lane, Hayward Linder and Skulan attended the Public Hearing in Hayward. Skulan developed the talking points and Linder provided testimony from them. A copy of the “Talking Points for Family Care/IRIS 2.0 Public Hearing” is in the Board Packet. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING Bayfield County Board Room September 24, 2015 4 2016 Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) Scope of Services State Proposed Contract Changes ADRC’s agencies statewide met and are very anxious about contract changes proposed by the State. Anne Olson, Office Director for the Bureau of Aging and Disability Resources, is very business minded. One proposed change is that all ADRC’s change the color of the ADRC Logo to Blue and White. The ADRC-N signs are in black and were based on the State requirements in 2009. The summary of proposed changes will be reviewed at the quarterly ADCR-N Advisory Committee meeting on Monday, September 28th. Staffing Updates Support Staff Denise Ruberg resigned, her last day was Tuesday, September 22. Half-time Support Staff Sarah Copp, was offered, and accepted a full-time position. Copp will be 50% as a Clerical Call Center worker and 50% receptionist. Other (Informational Items) A. E-mails to legislators regarding proposed legislation for 17 year old youth B. Letter to Red Cliff to Tribal Chair C. Letter from Janice Ribbons, CCCW Board of Directors Chair to Iron County Board Chair Bob Kopisch Future Meetings A. October 22, 2015 B. November/December Meeting – Tuesday, December 1, 2015 beginning with Holiday potluck at 3:30 C. January 28, 2016 There was a question from the Board regarding the home delivered meal program. A new van was purchased that uses conventional gas to replace the Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) vehicle that had previously been sued to deliver meals. The van is working out great. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 4:58 p.m. Submitted by Nikki Revak, Financial Manager