HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Services Board - Minutes - 10/22/2015BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING Bayfield County EOC October 22, 2015 Board Members Present: Fred Strand, Jim Crandall, Lona Schmidt, Pat Carver (left @ 5:04), Kathy Wendling, Kent Seldal Board Members Excused: John Bennett, Deb Pyne, Rusty Williams Others Present: Elizabeth Skulan, Nikki Revak, Carrie Linder, Anita Haukaas, Mark Abeles-Allison (left at 5:00 p.m.) Call to Order and Introductions Crandall called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. Introductions were made. Review of the September 22, 2015 Meeting Minutes Motion by Strand, seconded by Carver, to approve the September 22, 2015 minutes as presented. Motioned passed unanimously. Public Comment – Limited to 3 minutes per person None Program Presentation – Aging and Disability Services, Dementia Friendly Business, Jack Holevatz Aging and Disability Services Specialist Holevatz reported that in 2010, Bayfield County had the fourth largest percentage of populations over age 65 in Wisconsin’s counties. With age being the biggest risk factor for developing some type of dementia, it is of great importance to determine how we can make changes today to support our communities in the near future. A dementia friendly community is one that demonstrates a high level of public awareness and understanding of dementia. Persons with dementia are enabled to live as independently as possible and are encouraged to continue to be part of a community where they are met with understanding and given support where necessary. Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning serious enough to interfere with daily function. Dementia causes changes in: memory, language, thought, navigation, behaviors, personality/mood, planning and organizing. There are no obvious physical signs to indicate that someone has dementia. Good customer service skills with individuals with dementia includes: calm, positive and friendly demeanor; smile; good eye contact; approach from the front within the individual’s line of vision; reach out and introduce yourself; put the person at ease; allow them to take their time; and patience. The goal for Bayfield and Ashland Counties is to develop an educated, understanding community to reduce the social stigma associated with memory loss. This will ease fear and isolation. By easily accessing local resources, people are enabled to live well with dementia in their own community. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING Bayfield County EOC October 22, 2015 2 One in five people over the age of 65 will have some type of memory loss due to dementia. The number increases to one in two for individuals who are over the age of 85. Look for the Purple Angel symbol to identify businesses whose staff is trained to be “Dementia Friendly”. Intake and Assistance staff, Jack Holevatz and Ann Marie Mackin, are both qualified to provide the Dementia Friendly Business training. Please feel free to contact them or refer businesses to them directly to acquire Dementia Friendly Business training. Monthly Section Reports Economic Support Services – Jeanine Spuhler The Northern Income Maintenance Consortium (NIMC) Supervisors are preparing for implementation of “On Demand Application and Renewal Interviews”. On demand applications will begin January 1, 2016. NIMC is piloting this new state program. NIMC staff will have changes in their job duties with the new pilot. Clerical Call Center staff will no longer assist with telephonic signatures. The amount of Affordable Care Act funding (PPACA) available in this biennium is still uncertain. As a result, three of seven PPACA staff has been notified that their employment with the NIMC consortium may end December 31, 2015. One PPACA staff who received notice is a Bayfield County employee. The 2015/2106 Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP) season began on the first of October. As of today, 73 WHEAP applications have been processed and 71 more have been received, but not processed. There is a marked decrease in face-to-face interviews this heating season compared to previous years, likely due to the nice weather this fall. Statewide Real Time Eligibility will be launched later this month. Individuals will be able to access state data base(s) to determine eligibility for health care programs and may have temporary cards issued to them via their home computer and printer. This will streamline health care accessibility for a select few. Individuals without home Internet access can access the Internet free at their local public library. Aging & Disability Services – Carrie Linder A “Free Brain Wellness Check” handout was distributed. On November 4th memory screenings will be conducted at five sites in Bayfield County. On November 12th the Iron River Community Center will host a memory screening in coordination with the monthly senior congregate. The 2016 – 2018 Aging Plan will be finalized shortly. A public hearing will be held on November 9th for review and approval at the Aging and Disability Services Advisory Committee meeting. The Birth-to- Three evidence based outcome process called Primary Coach to Teaming training is going well. The team “practiced” the entire process by interviewing a few staff that has young children. This has helped develop the process and strengthen the team. A qualified Speech and BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING Bayfield County EOC October 22, 2015 3 Language Pathologist (SLP) has not yet been recruited, but efforts continue to find an appropriate therapist. In the meantime, consumers are referred to The Northlakes for SLP therapy and the county is responsible for the payment for the therapy. Without a SLP therapist on the team, the Primary Coach to Teaming does not work for children who only require SLP. Linder is serving on the Member/Patient committee at Memorial Medical Center (MMC). She has valued the experience and is learning the responsibilities that hospitals are charged with as well as the processes they must follow with patients. Regular ongoing surveys from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) are sent to MMC patients for input. Linder asked the DHS Board Members to share personal input or statements that they have heard from the community regarding care at MMC. Family Services – Anita Haukaas Family Services is sharing an intern who is also working with the Clerk of Courts office. She will be assisting Family Services staff with miscellaneous projects. The Community Intervention Program for 2014 – 2015 report has been completed and submitted to the State. The Independent Living Program will be regionalized in 2017. Historically, Bayfield County has not utilized all of the annual funding for this program as it is for voluntary services provided to children aging out of out of home placements. Bayfield County has few children who meet the criteria and usually the children are no longer interested in continuing to work with a social worker. On Monday, October 20th a Foster Care provider training was held. Guest Speaker Dianne Heapy talked about grief and loss. Foster parents experience loss when children in their care leave their homes, either to return to their biological family or if they can no longer care for children who have been placed with them. Feedback after the training was very positive. Seven foster parents participated in the training. Rachel Obiden, Alcohol and other Drug Abuse (AODA) Coordinator has been doing a wonderful job. Obiden was able to assist two organizations apply for Prevention Grant funds. Funds will be used to inform the public about local AODA resources. Cheryl Hanson, Mental Health Coordinator, has completed all of the functional screens for current Community Support Program (CSP) clients. Functional screens still need to be completed on the waitlist clients. Family Services staff is enjoying it’s flexible work schedule and are working well together to ensure adequate coverage. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING Bayfield County EOC October 22, 2015 4 Support Services – Nikki Revak Revak reviewed the Clerk I, Clerk II, Clerk III, Bookkeeper, and Financial Manager job descriptions and worked with Skulan to complete them for the new wage study. Revak worked with the Aging and Disability Resource of the North (ADRC-N) Coordinator, Barb Peterson in responding to budget questions from an ADRC-N Governing Board Committee Member. Work is being completed on the Northern Income Maintenance Budget for Bayfield County Income Maintenance workers. Revak and Ashland Financial Manager, Pete Herlevi met with Lori Hanson from New Horizon’s North regarding the Comprehensive Community Service Program. Discussion centered on how both counties will reconcile program expenses to program revenues for the contracted services. Monthly Reports EAS reviewed the year to date budget. Current projections indicated that, although we will likely need to introduce a resolution in December to increase DHS’s annual spending limit for 2015, the budget will not exceed current county levy limits. The monthly reports were reviewed and placed on file. Income Maintenance Operational Analysis Next Steps Skulan referred to an e-mail from NIMC Regional Managers Doreen Lang dated October 9th regarding the statewide Income Maintenance Operational Analysis completed by Deloitte. The State’s next steps will be to work with each consortium to develop a program improvement plan that will identify areas of improvement to address deficiencies. Wisconsin Department of Revenue – Mandate Relief Waiver Request Skulan reported that counties are required to request an audit from any provider who is paid more than $25,000 per year with state and/or federal funds. Audit fees can be very costly for small businesses to meet the audit requirements. The law allows counties to request relief from the audit requirement for providers that are paid less than $75,000 per year. Skulan requested a waiver for the next two year period. A copy of the letter is in the board packet. Reclassification Requests Skulan presented the reclassifications, with Revak in attendance, to the Personnel Committee on October 1, 2015. Social Workers Stacy Schmidt and Crystal Clark-Gregoire’s request to be reclassified from a Social Worker I to a Social Worker II were approved. Carver left the meeting at 5:04 BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING Bayfield County EOC October 22, 2015 5 New Wage Study and Wage Schedule Since implementation of the current Wage Schedule on January 1, 2013, many concerns have been raised by staff and department heads. The County Board of Supervisors has heard the concerns and has solicited an updated study and schedule to be completed by Carlson Dettman Consulting LLC. The DHS Management team worked with Skulan to update/revise DHS job descriptions. Twenty-one DHS job descriptions were reviewed and forwarded to Mark Abeles- Allison. Per the County Administrator, it is hoped that new wage study could be completed by the end of January, 2016 with a possible implementation date following. Motion by Sedal, second by Schmidt, to make a recommendation that any positive change in salaries be retroactive to January 1, 2016. Motion passed unanimously. A request was made to share the meeting minutes with this resolution highlighted with the County Administrator, Mark Abeles Allison and the County Board Chair, Dennis Pocernich. Staffing Updates Four new DHS staff must complete five social work classes in order to qualify for the test to become certified social workers within the next two years. Currently, Wausau is the closest location where staff can complete the education. Attempts to have the courses held in Ashland or Hayward beginning October 19, 2015 failed. Staff is finding the travel and the cost of the training to be prohibitive. The tuition for each course is $1,600 and do not qualify for student loans. One of the suggestions by DHS Board Members was to talk with Mark Abeles-Allison regarding possible financial assistance from Bayfield County to assist with paying for the courses. Also suggested was to use this issue as a topic for Superior Days. Britt Sirrine tendered notice of her resignation. Her last day will be October 30, 2015. We are sad to see her leave. We are accepting applications for the vacancy. Applications are due on November 8th. Other (Informational Items) A. Wisconsin Counties Human Services Association Fall Conference Notice B. Thank you note To Home Delivered Meal Van Driver Lorraine Benson C. Two E-Mails thanking Brittany Sirrine D. Future of Long Term Care article by Tom Frazier E. E-mail from Lisa Hassenstab Director, Wisconsin Counties Human Services Association (WCHSA) regarding referral of Child Abuse and Neglect Cases F. Transcription of a voice mail from a consumer thanking Sheila Mack Future Meetings A. November/December Meeting – Tuesday, December 1, 2015 beginning with Holiday potluck at 3:30 B. January 28, 2016 C. February 25, 2016 BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING Bayfield County EOC October 22, 2015 6 Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 5:32 p.m. Submitted by Nikki Revak, Financial Manager