HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Services Board - Minutes - 5/25/2017BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC May 25, 2017 Board Members Present: Larry Fickbohm, Fred Strand, Jim Crandall, Rachel Coughtry arrived @ 4:40, Pat Carver Board Members Excused: Rusty Williams, Phil Milam, Lona Schmidt, Kent Seldal Others Present: Elizabeth Skulan, Jeanine Spuhler, Nikki Revak, Carrie Linder Call to Order and Introductions Crandall called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. Minutes were delayed at this point in the meeting, one more member needed for a quorum. Public Comment – Limited to 3 minutes per person No Comments Program Presentation –Aging and Disabilities Resource Center of the North (ADRC-N), Misty Mogensen, Dementia Care Specialist (DCS) The ADRC-N Dementia Care Specialist (DCS) was one of five programs that began in 2013. Funding was awarded through a one year competitive grant. Mogensen has been the DCS since 2013. The program first focused on Memory Care Connections, Language Enriched Exercise Plus Socialization (LEEPS), and Memory screens. As the DCS program has evolved over the years, the focus has changed to outreach, education, collaboration with networks, and developing a dementia friendly community and businesses. More recently, a partnership was formed with Northern Water’s Library Services for building Dementia Friendly Libraries in northern Wisconsin. In addition, dementia friendly trainings were offered with agencies (Law Enforcement, Emergency Responders, etc.) who respond to persons with dementia in crisis who may not need hospitalization in efforts to increase positive outcomes. Review of the April 27, 2017 Meeting Minutes (Quorum meet) Motion by Strand, seconded by Carver, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously. Monthly Section Reports Support Services – Nikki Revak Revak attended the Wisconsin Human Services Financial Manager’s Association Conference in Green Bay at the Tundra Lodge and Convention Center. Revak had the honor of introducing Keynote motivational speaker Green Bay Packer’s Rob Davis, Director Engagement and former Long Snapper. Davis is a phenomenal speaker. Davis spoke on teamwork and respecting one another. Heading up the Obsolete Property Committee. Abeles-Allison is looking for consistent department procedures for resale/disposal of obsolete property. A garage type sale; as is where is, cash and carry is proposed for July 13th 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and July 14th 8:00 to noon. Dependent on quantity of property to be sold. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING Bayfield EOC May 25, 2017 2 Working on reconciliation of the Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) program with New Horizon’s North. Got a new puppy a Golden doodle named Kokopelli. Koko has been with us for 10 days. Every day she finds a new way to torment the two humans that are providing food, shelter and love to her. She is a delight. Family Services – Anita Haukaas Skulan reporting for Haukaas. Haukaas resigned as of July 1st. Her last day in the office will be June 28, 2017. The position is advertised. The deadline for applications is June 4. The job description for the Family Services Manager was reviewed; no modifications were made. The salary is comparable to other positions in the area. However, the limited amount of paid benefit time available to new employees is an ongoing issue in Bayfield County. The Family Services Advisory committee meeting for June 20th has been cancelled. A new Social Worker has training certification issues. The Social Worker currently holds a training certification and believed that they could test this summer. However, that is not the case. The Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) has determined that additional courses are needed before testing will be allowed. Those courses can’t be completed before the expiration of the social worker’s training certification in November. The State will not extend the training certification but may issue a new certificate. The staff person can continue to perform their job duties until the training certificate expires. In November, the Social Worker could request a new training certification from the State and then meet those additional requirements during a new two-year period. However, the employee would still fail to meet the initial terms of employment with Bayfield County. The Social Worker may request amended employment conditions with a formal request to the County Administrator. However, approval of the request is dependent both on the County Administrator’s approval and the recommendation of the Department, which will take into consideration the employee’s performance, attendance, and commitment to completing the requirements. A high needs child was placed in Tennessee. Social Worker Becky Kruit traveled to Memphis to perform a site visit and facilitate the admittance. She was very impressed with the facility. Other Wisconsin county agencies have placed children there with very positive results. Family Services Social Worker Rachel Obiden gave a presentation to the student body on Alcohol and other Drug Abuse at the Washburn High school on May 12th. The presentation included a taped interview from a former user who is in recovery. She spoke about adverse effects on her health and the damage drugs had on their life. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING Bayfield EOC May 25, 2017 3 Economic Support Services – Jeanine Spuhler There are 31,000 cases currently in the Northern Income Maintenance Consortium (NIMC) caseload. NIMC is doing very well right now. Staff are being crossed trained to handle additional responsibilities to decrease the wait time for calls in the queue. Local quality reviews for the Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP) are under way. The regular WHEAP season has ended, however, crisis funding is still available. An Iron County NIMC worker will be in Bayfield County to job shadow as part of her training. Iron County does not have an Income Maintenance supervisor/manager on staff and through the consortium, Spuhler has taken on these duties. Spuhler attended and participated in an unemployment hearing for a former employee. Aging & Disability Services – Carrie Linder Krystal Ferrell was recently hired as a social work intern and is currently working with the Aging and Disability section. Ferrell will work with Family Services next. Ferrell is working with Dementia related services. She is focusing on developing a map that identifies agencies north of Highways 8 and 29 who can provide short term care for individuals with dementia. A number of individuals have been found in Bayfield County and care must be provided to them until family members or caregivers can collect them. Assisting with the Iron River Health Fair and the Bayfield County Health Fair with dementia memory screens. Forest Lodge (Cable) Library Director Kristine Lendved will host adult learning classes with Northwest Wisconsin Community Services Agency on an Aging Mastery Program. This will be a 10-week course, 1.5 hours each week. This is a nationwide program. A listening session was held in Port Wing for individuals who attend the senior congregate meal site. Several individuals shared their concerns about the meal site currently located at the South Shore School. Their request was to keep the program but move the meal site to the Bear Paw Café. A Request for Proposal will be advertised per the State requirements. If a new site is chosen, a 60-day notice must be sent to Greater Wisconsin Aging Association to make a program change. It is likely that the change in locating will result in higher costs for the meal site. Monthly Reports Monthly reports reviewed and placed on file. Skulan reported that current spending patterns are alarming. To date, DHS has spent $400,000 more this year than last year due to high Mental Health Institutions costs and high out of home placement costs for children. Some of the increase will be covered by State and Federal revenues due to increases in cost in the Comprehensive Community Services program. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING Bayfield EOC May 25, 2017 4 Discussion and Possible Action – DHS Resolution 2017 – 02 to Support Retention and Expansion of Wisconsin’s Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRCs) Dementia Care Specialist (DCS) Program Skulan stated that there is a proposal in the state budget to cut the funding for the DCS program while the elderly population continues to grow state wide. The recommendation is that the DHS board pass the resolution to support ongoing funding for the current Disability Care Specialist Program and to increase funding to expand the program to all counties in Wisconsin and forward it for consideration to the Bayfield County Board. Misty Mogensen is the Dementia Care Specialist (DCS) for the five county Aging and Disability Resource Center of the North. Motion by Carver, second by Fickbohm, to approve DHS Resolution 2017-02 to Support Retention and Expansion of Wisconsin’s Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRCs) Dementia Care Specialist (DCS) Program and pass on to full board. Motion passed unanimously. Bayfield County Workgroup for Working Remotely – A workgroup of Department Heads has been developed to discuss options for creating a county policy Skulan reported that last fall at a Personnel Committee meeting, retention and recruitment was discussed. Several Department Heads were asked to participate in a workgroup to explore developing a county-wide policy that would allow some remote work activities. Perspectives from Department Heads vary widely, due in part to the nature of the work performed by and the responsibilities of staff. This is an interesting work group with diverse responsibilities. Not all staff will be able to work remotely. Additional information will be shared at future meetings. Legislative Outreach – Update on Human Services 2017 – 2019 State Budget Advocacy Skulan reviewed the information in the board packet. Contact was made with area legislators and members of the Joint Committee on Finance to impress on them the need for sufficient funding. Draft 2018 DHS Budget Packet – Attachments included Skulan reviewed the annual budget packet information that will be distributed to providers and consumers to allow them the opportunity offer input through a public hearing process. The Department of Human Services Board may entertain a motion to move in and out of Executive Session pursuant to S19.85(1) ( c ); considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Motion by Carver, second by Strand, at 5:29 p.m. to go into executive session. Motion carried unanimously. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING Bayfield EOC May 25, 2017 5 Motion by, Carver, second by Strand, to excuse Management staff but allow Skulan to be present. Motion by Coughtry, second by Strand, at 5:32 p.m. to exit out of executive session. Roll Call Vote. Passed unanimously. Discussion and Possible Action(s) Approval of the April 27th Executive Sessions minutes. Other (Informational Items) A. UW Stout New Article May 1, 2017 B. Letter from Ron Hermes, Director Bureau of Permanence and Out of Home Care regarding Bayfield County’s exceptional performance – Congratulations Family Services Team!!!! C. Outcomes of the 2017 AARP Tax Aid Group D. National Budget (3) – What happens to Medicaid E. NACO statement F. WI budget project came out today G. World Elder Abuse Workshop – training Future Meetings A. June 22, 2017 – Please note, this meeting will be held in the County Board Room and will include a public Hearing for input on the 2018 DHS Budget as well as an opportunity for individuals to provide comments regarding Bayfield County’s policies and procedures for Equal Opportunity in employment, service delivery and language access B. July 27, 2017 C. August 24, 2017 Adjournment at 5:38 p.m. Submitted by the Nikki Revak