HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Services Board - Minutes - 12/5/2017BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC December 5, 2017 Board Members Present: Larry Fickbohm, Lona Schmidt, Rachel Coughtry, Jim Crandall, Pat Carver, Deanne Allen Board Members Excused: Fred Strand, Rusty Williams, Kent Seldal Others Present: Elizabeth Skulan, Nikki Revak, Jeanine Spuhler, Carrie Linder, Cheryl Hanson, Call to Order and Introductions Crandall called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Introductions were made. Review of the October 26th Meeting Minutes Motion by Carver, seconded by Schmidt, to approve the minutes as amended. Motion passed unanimously. Public Comment – Limited to 3 minutes per person None Program Presentation – Children’s Community Options Plan (CCOP), Kristin Opperman, Youth Transition Specialist, Aging and Disability Services Section Opperman reported that the purpose of CCOP is to provide a coordinated approach to supporting families who have a child with a disability. A collaborative relationship with the family, supports and services are aimed at achieving desired outcomes. Funds are used for purchasing goods and services that respond to assessed needs and desired outcomes as identified in the child’s individual service plan (ISP). Children and their families need to meet certain eligibility requirements to qualify for the program. Many families use the funding to purchase items that are not covered by Medicaid Card services, like specialized equipment, adaptive aides, wheel chair accessibility and home modifications. Referrals come from families, schools and physicians. In Bayfield County, there are 25 children enrolled between CCOP and Children’s Long Term Care Waiver programs. Monthly Section Reports Economic Support Services – Jeanine Spuhler Due to unexpected staff Family Medical Leave (FML) locally and regionally in the Northern Income Maintenance Consortium (NIMC), the workload has increased. Volunteer overtime, up to 50 hours per week, is encouraged and approved by the NIMC regional manager. On Friday, December 1st, all state computer program systems were down. This affected the NIMC Call Center, CARES data system and the Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program systems. Family Services – Cheryl Hanson The Family Specialist position interviews were held. An offer was made and declined. That position is re-advertised. A Part-Time Social Worker Aid position will be advertised January 2018. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING Bayfield EOC December 5, 2017 2 Another Child Protective Services worker has been trained to complete forensic interviews. There are two staff who can complete the interviews, called CARE interviews, for allegations of child abuse and neglect. The CARE interviews must be completed within 24 hours of the report of abuse and/or neglect. Two Family Services staff attended a Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) training presented by Wisconsin Attorney Henry Plum. Staff learned how Bayfield County can achieve long-term stability for children in the child welfare system. DHS continues to license Red Cliff foster care providers. With the increase in licensed placements, meeting required monthly face to face visits is more difficult. Support Services – Nikki Revak It is good to have Kathy is back from FML. Her son Ryan is scheduled for surgery on February 6th. We expect that she may need to be on leave again at that time. Support Staff evaluations were completed (on time) and reviewed with staff. Copies were distributed to Peppy and the County Administrator’s office. Staff are working on wrapping up Fiscal year 2017 and starting Fiscal Year 2018. Research was done to find and price out floor to ceiling wall panels for an additional office in Economic Support. Aging & Disability Services – Carrie Linder Staff evaluations are completed. Data and records were collected in preparation for the Elderly Nutrition program review. Results of the program review will be shared with the board. Sarah Cowen, Great Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources, Operations Coordinator, visited the Port Wing senior meal site during the Halloween costume party. Seniors are pleased with the program. Meals are served once per week, averaging between 40 – 50 consumers. The Budget Amendment included modifications to the Nutrition Revitalization Grant for the purchase of equipment. The deadline for Request for Proposals for the Elderly Nutrition Program was Thursday, November 30th. Three proposals were returned. One request was for a 10.75% increase; resulting in a rate much higher than the $6.50 average meal rate for a restaurant serving the program in the State of Wisconsin. Linder was directed to meet with the vendor to negotiate a lower rate. Three other RFP’s were either overlooked, forgotten or delayed due to staff turnover. All three of those vendors are committed to provide services in 2018. November was Dementia Care awareness month. Memory screens were held throughout Bayfield county. Barnes and Washburn experienced good turnout. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING Bayfield EOC December 5, 2017 3 Monthly Reports Monthly reports reviewed and placed on file. DHS is still expected to be over budget. Northern Income Maintenance Consortia (NIMC) staff expansion Skulan reported that at the October 25th NIMC Director’s meeting, the eleven counties came to agreement to expand consortium staff by 5, for a two-year period. The consortium will use the enhanced MA funding from 2015, 2016 and 2017 to cover the costs. Due to unanticipated family medical leaves and the volume of increased calls, staff are unable to meet demand. DHS wants to hire one of the five positions and will be submitting a request to the Personnel Committee. Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) Program Expansion Update Skulan reported Douglas County provided notice to the State that they are unable to implement CCS until January 2019. This due to the limited amount of time they had to develop policies and procedures and complete a program plan after identifying a vendor to contract with prior to January 1, 2018 to implement sooner. DHS’s 2016 audit finding that required contracts with New Horizon’s North (NHN) for 2015, 2016 and 2017 is still not resolved. NHN has returned the contracts but neglected to sign and return the contract addendums. Alternative addendum language is being negotiated with Michael Lang, Executive Director of NHN. Discussion and Possible Action – Department of Transportation 83.21 Application 2018 (Note: The state template was not updated, so the year on the fillable form still reads “2017”.) Linder reported that the projects within the DOT program have not changed. Trust Fund Spending Plan for 2017 and 2018 includes a planning and managerial study of the current transportation system in place in Bayfield County. Implementation of findings will take place in 2019. A partnership with Northland College, Center for Rural Communities, and Center on Wisconsin Strategy will assist in the development, execution, and summary of a survey. Last night the Aging and Disabilities Advisory Committee approved the 2018 DOT 83.21 Application and recommend its approval to the Human Services Board. Motion by Schmidt, second by Fickbohm, to approve the Department of Transportation 83.21 Application 2018. Motion passed unanimously. Discussion and Possible Action Aging and Disability Services Advisory Committee Appointment – Suzanne Rooney Linder reported that last night the Aging and Disabilities Advisory Committee approved the appointment of Suzanne Rooney and recommend her appointment to the Human Services Board. Motion by Allen, second by Carver, to approve Suzanne Rooney’s appointment to the Aging and Disability Services Advisory Committee. Motion passed unanimously. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING Bayfield EOC December 5, 2017 4 Discussion and Possible Action Department of Human Services Strategic Planning Discussion tabled to the January meeting. Other (Informational Item None Future Meetings A. January 25, 2018 – 4:00 p.m. B. February 22, 2018 – 4:00 p.m. C. March 22, 2018 – 4:00 p.m. Adjournment at 5:29 p.m. Submitted by Nikki Revak, Financial Manager