HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Services Board - Minutes - 1/25/2018BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC January 25, 2018 Board Members Present: Larry Fickbohm, Lona Schmidt, Rachel Coughtry, Jim Crandall, Pat Carver (left at 5:10), Deanne Allen, Fred Strand (left at 5:45), Kent Seldal Others Present: Elizabeth Skulan, Nikki Revak, Jeanine Spuhler, Carrie Linder, Cheryl Hanson, Sarah Traaholt, Mark Abeles-Allison, Barbara Flynn, Shannon Esala (NorthLakes), April Lincoln (NorthLakes) Call to Order and Introductions Crandall called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. Introductions were made. Review of the December 5th Meeting Minutes Motion by Schmidt, seconded by Carver, to approve the minutes as amended. Motion passed unanimously. Public Comment – Limited to 3 minutes per person None Program Presentation – Family Services – Northlakes, Opioid Treatment and Services Bayfield County is working on informing the public about Opioid addiction and its negative effects on individuals, children and families. NorthLakes staff April Lincoln and Shannon Esala were introduced. Lincoln discussed the Matrix Model which is used to treat addiction. NorthLakes uses an Intensive Outpatient (IOP) program which is used for addictions, including gambling. There is an accelerated intake process of 24-48 hours, which sets the program apart from others in the area. A Recovery Nurse sees patients first to assess the participant and process a preadmission. The program often involves sessions 4 to 5 days a week, depending on programs and therapies selected, which are customized to the individual. Treatment is offered for a minimum of 16 weeks and a maximum of 52 weeks. NorthLakes is seeing an increase in the number of patients. They currently have approximately 200 participants enrolled in Ashland, Bayfield and Sawyer Counties. Most participants are voluntary. Lincoln highlighted some data that Northlakes has gathered from the 200 participants. Upon entry into the program: 50% of the urine analysis’ (UA) tested positive for opiates; 18% were positive for stimulant drugs; 16% were positive for marijuana; and 16% were positive for benzos and alcohol. Approximately 50% of the participants are male and 50% female. Participants cover a large age span, from youth to over 60. NorthLakes does not reject anyone seeking treatment due to an inability to pay. They assist the participant in getting insurance or offer a sliding fee scale. The preadmission program is not available to OWI offenders or teens in Ashland or Bayfield Counties. Monthly Section Reports Economic Support Services – Jeanine Spuhler The Management Team attended the County Tribal Relations committee meeting in Red Cliff, January 25th. Red Cliff is sponsoring a Battling Substance Abuse program on Feb 13th from BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING Bayfield EOC January 25, 2018 2 Noon – 7:00 p.m. at Legendary Waters Event Center. The program is open to the general public. Neil Hulmer is retiring on January 31st. Hulmer was hired in 1989, he has provided 28.5 years of service. Neil, and his wealth of knowledge, will certainly be missed. We wish him all the best! Tammy Fisher submitted her resignation notice. January 31st will be her last full day. Fisher will be working part-time through mid-March to assist during the recruitment and hiring process for new workers. We wish her luck in her new endeavor! Actively recruiting for three positions. One position will be hired as a regular full-time worker funded with a combination of state and county funding. The other two positions will be hired as limited-term employees (LTE) and paid for by the Northern Income Maintenance Consortium (NIMC). Food Share Employment and Training/Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents (FSET/ABAWD) funding will be used for one position. The other will be funded with Enhanced Medicaid (EMA) funds for a period of two years. The new EMA funded LTE will be in an office space that will be created from a full cubicle with acoustical extensions. NIMC will purchase materials and equipment required for this position. Desktop monitoring quality assurance and program administration review were completed for the Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP) by the State. Required local reviews were also completed by Spuhler. Home Energy Plus requires one WHEAP worker from each county that administers the program to attend the annual meeting. In 2017, Traaholt attended. February 2018, Spuhler will attend. WHEAP applications taken are 8% less than those completed the same time last year. NIMC Call Center has had more traffic due to the state distribution of 1095-B health coverage forms. Spuhler attended a webinar on how to better serve Limited English Proficiency (LEP) clients. NIMC is reviewing flexible work schedule options for staff. Spuhler is also on a workgroup researching remote work options for NIMC staff. Governor Walker’s proposal, “Wisconsin Works for Everyone” welfare reform would impose new rules for Income Maintenance programs. Support Services – Nikki Revak Working on getting FY 2017 invoices paid before the end of February. Year-end financial reports are due to the State by the end of March. 2018 contracts are being issued. Staff helped work on the DHS strategic plan. Kathy Wolfram will be on leave for her son’s surgery on February 6th. Wolfram may be out for an extended period. However, she will be working part-time remotely. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING Bayfield EOC January 25, 2018 3 Aging & Disability Services – Carrie Linder After three years of being without a Speech and Language Pathologist, the Birth-to-3 Program has contracted with a new provider, Bay Area Home Health who can provide this service. Hosted Aging and Disability Advisory Committee meeting. The Committee reviewed the State assessment from October. The rules governing membership requirements have changed. The committee must be comprised of members who meet the nutrition program standards or a second committee must be developed. The committee decided on a single group that will meet both requirements. Linder will begin working on restructuring the committee and will hold some meetings each year whose agenda will focus primarily on the nutrition program. Jacqui Grimm gave birth to a baby boy, Kody. Grimm will return to work part-time in March. Other staff have been assigned the workload in her absence. Sheila Mack and Karen Bodin are providing Medicare 101 session in different locations throughout Bayfield County. Presenting to groups reduces the amount of time spent with single clients in the office. The first meeting was held in January, 17 people attended. On Tuesdays, beginning Feb 6th and through April 10th, the AARP Foundation will be providing free in-person tax preparation at the Bayfield County Courthouse. Family Services – Cheryl Hanson Richard Kamm completed his Juvenile Court Intake Training, which allows him to take children into custody. Kamm will begin taking on-call rotation in February. Family Specialist interviews took place January 24th. References are being made on a candidate and we expect an offer to be extended on the position. Social Worker Aide position posting ends February 28, 2018. Family Services Advisory Committee met on Jan 9, 2018. Hanson wrote a letter of support for a grant for the New Day Shelter Advocacy Center. The grant would allow the Center to purchase audio and visual equipment for forensic interviewing. This would not replace the interview room in Bayfield County, but would be another location option to hold interviews. Worked with Economic Support and Aging and Disability staff to coordinate services between sections. Human Services is helping to sponsor local educational presentations. The movie Resilience, which explains how Adverse Childhood Experiences or (ACES) and the trauma that children experience as a result of ACES can negatively affect them throughout their life, will be shown in Iron River, January 25, 2018 and at the Washburn Harbor View Event Center Feb 21, 2018. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING Bayfield EOC January 25, 2018 4 “Written-off”, a documentary about the life and death due of a Crandon, Wisconsin youth as a result of opioid addiction will be presented at Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center on February 7, 2018. Monthly Reports Monthly reports were reviewed and placed on file. Discussion and Possible Action – Renewal of Human Services Board citizen member appointments, Lona Schmidt, Iron River and Kent Seldal, Washburn Skulan stated that renewals were overlooked in June and asked the Board to approve the recommendation retroactive to July 1, 2017. Motion by Fickbohm, seconded by Strand, to recommend the appointments and term renewals of Human Services Board Citizen members Schmidt and Seldal to the County Board Chair. Motion passed unanimously. Discussion and Possible Action – Thank you for past service, former Human Services Chair Rusty Williams Skulan spoke briefly regarding the Department’s appreciation for Rusty Williams and his service, dedication, and support to Bayfield County residents and the Human Services programs while on the County Board of Supervisors. A card was circulated for signatures. Motion by Schmidt seconded by Carver, to recognize former Board Chair Williams for his service on the DHS Board. Motion passed unanimously. Discussion and Possible Action – DHS Resolution 2018-01 Resolution to Update Employer Identification Number and Signatory Card from State Bank of Drummond to Chippewa Valley Bank The State of Drummond Bank was recently purchase by Chippewa Valley Bank. Due to the change, the DHS account required a new signature card. Skulan reviewed the resolution. Motion by, Schmidt, seconded by Allen, to approve DHS Resolution 2018-01 to update Employer Identification Number and Signatory Card for Chippewa Valley Bank Nutrition Program. Motion passed unanimously. Discussion and Possible Action Department of Human Services Strategic Planning Skulan reviewed a draft Strategic Plan with the Board and asked for their input. Skulan will send an e-mail to the Board and asked for input no later than February 9, 2018. The final draft will be presented for review at the February meeting. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING Bayfield EOC January 25, 2018 5 Hiring Practices – Review Skulan described the process from posting to hire to fill a vacant position. A sample employment application was provided to illustrate the information available to the hiring panel at the time candidates are invited to interview. The DHS ratio of female to male applicants was compared to the same ratio for individuals hired in the last two years. They were very similar. The County Administrator referenced a source that indicated that 82% of social workers nationwide are female. Other (Informational Items) A. Governor Walker Announced a Plan to Provide a Long-Term Solution for Wisconsin’s Juvenile Corrections and Treatment Systems. B. Foster Care article C. Big Pharma article Future Meetings A. February 22, 2018 – 4:00 p.m. B. March 22, 2018 – 4:00 p.m. C. April 26, 2019 – 4:00 p.m. Adjournment at 5:50 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by Sarah Traaholt, Clerk III