HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Services Board - Minutes - 8/23/2018BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC August 23, 2018 - - Board Members Present: Larry Fickbohm, Kent Seldal, Sue Rosa, Tom Gordon, Jeremy Oswald (by Phone) Board Members Excused: Jim Crandall, Lona Schmidt, Linda Schneider, George Newago Board Members Not Excused: None Others Present: Elizabeth Skulan, Nikki Revak, Carrie Linder, Cheryl Hanson, Jeanine Spuhler, Heather Gilbertson Call to Order and Introductions Fickbohm called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Review of the June 28, 2018 Meeting Minutes Motion by Gordon seconded by Seldal, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously. Public Comment – Limited to 3 minutes per person None Program Presentation – Heat for Heroes, Economic Support, Jeanine Spuhler In 2017, 20 vets were served in Bayfield County 1st step apply for WHEAP at local office 2nd step Contact Heat for Heroes Monthly Section Reports Aging & Disability Services – Carrie Linder Linder presented information on the 7.5 Program, Positive Views on Aging = 7.5 Years Longer Life! Participated in a Birth to 3 program onsite file review with the state liaison. Received a glowing report, best report since 2009! CLTS – received a report from state on demographical data collection by county, most of Bayfield County percentages are higher than the state average however we are serving disabled children at a higher rate than most of the state. Well wishes for Allie Bochler the A&D/FS Social Worker Intern. Subject to change at the September meeting BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING County Board Room June 28, 2018 2 Linder and Skulan met with the Red Cliff Family Service Director and Red Cliff Home Delivered Meal Director to discuss meal delivery. Clarifies that face to face contact at the time of delivery with the HDM participant is a requirement of the program. Support Services – Nikki Revak Auditors here this week – will be back in September. Checked on file compliance from contract to approval to payment. Budget balanced and completed per MAA direction. Participated in a B-3 Review. Participated in SSI reviews with two CLTS consumers. Attended two phone procurement meetings. Family Services – Cheryl Hanson Hanson and staff held the first ever Foster Family Summer Picnic on Aug. 15th in Port Wing. There were 25 attendees. Hanson applied for a grant for foster parent recruitment, training, and support. Hanson reported that the re-entry grant continues to plan for programming for inmates coming out of jail. Hanson spent quite a bit of time out of the office this past month attending mandatory trainings. All the trainings are required by the State of Wisconsin to assure safety in Child Protection. Economic Support Services – Jeanine Spuhler The Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP) begins soon. Two senior employees retired this year, so two employees will be trained in WHEAP. Audra Austin was hired as a new limited term employee (LTE). Her first day is starting Monday, August 27, 2018. Still recruiting for a second LTE. Monthly Reports Monthly reports reviewed and placed on file. Trainings – One additional training was added to handout -Revak and Skulan will be in the Dells for CCS Training September 11 and 12, 2018. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING County Board Room June 28, 2018 3 Discussion and Possible Action – Proposed 2019 Department of Human Services Budget Skulan briefly reviewed the 2019 budget summary and highlights. Motion by Gordon second by Seldal to approve the Proposed 2019 Department of Human Services Budget as presented. Motion passed unanimously. Discussion and Possible Action – Final 2017 Annual Report Due to audit adjustments there were slight changes in language on pages three and four of the 2017 DHS Annual Report. Motion by Gordon second by Rosa to approve the final 2017 DHS Annual Report as presented. Motion passed unanimously. Discussion and Possible Action - The Board expressed thanks to Patricia Carver, former City of Bayfield representative. Patricia was appointed to the DHS Board in 2012 and served two full terms. Patricia was a staunch advocate for the DHS. She will be missed. Motion by Gordon second by Seldal to send letter to Carver thanking her for her services. Motion passed unanimously. Minutes, DHS All Staff Meeting, June 20th – Suggestions for increased security A Human Service Security Training was held on June 20, 2018. Law Enforcement presented several scenarios that compromised staff security. The exercises allowed staff to experience security threats in a safe role-playing environment. Several suggestions, included in the All Staff Meeting minutes were made to improve DHS security. Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) Program Regional Expansion – Status update Douglas County submitted their program plan to the State. The Departments of Quality Assurance; Health Services; and Care and Treatment Services now have 90 days to review and comment on the plan. Once the review is complete, we will have a better idea if the program will be provisionally certified and if implementation will begin January 1, 2019. Notice of Award of Child Welfare High Cost Pool Funds Due to the increase in costs and number of tribal children placed between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018, DHS and the Red Cliff Indian Child Welfare (ICW) Director submitted a joint application for Tribal High Cost Funds. Bayfield County was one of eight applicants. Available funding was pro-rated and Bayfield County qualified for four percent of the funds, $28,467.84. Other (Informational Items) A. Thank you to Cheryl Hanson from District Attorney B. Other Future Meetings A. September 27, 2018 B. October 25, 2018 BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING County Board Room June 28, 2018 4 C. November/December Meeting - December 4, 2018, begin with Holiday potluck Adjournment at 6:05 p.m. Submitted by Heather Gilbertson, Clerk II