HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Services Board - Minutes - 9/27/2018BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC September 27, 2018 Board Members Present: Kent Seldal (arrived at 5:03), Jim Crandall, Jeremy Oswald (left at 5:57), Lona Schmidt, George Newago, Susan Rosa, Tom Gordon (left at 5:57) Board Members Unexcused: Larry Fickbohm Others Present: Elizabeth Skulan, Nikki Revak, Carrie Linder, Jeanine Spuhler, Sarah Traaholt Call to Order and Introductions Crandall called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Review and Possible Action of the August 23, 2018 Meeting Minutes Motion by Gordon seconded by Schmidt, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously. Action items moved to beginning of the meeting, so a quorum was present. Two Board members need to be at the Executive Meeting at 6:00 p.m. Program Presentation – 2019 – 2021 Plan on Aging, Carrie Linder, Aging and Disability Services Spent the last several months compiling and getting feedback and input. Had 206 interactions with the community through website, presentations, meetings, newsletter, congregate participants, and home delivered meals participants. The 2019-2021 Aging plan final draft is now completed and ready for the upcoming public hearings and posted on the website. Public hearings will be held in the county. Written comments will be accepted until Oct. 19th, 2018. Discussion and Possible Action – Ashland Bayfield Price Counties Public Transit Plan 2019-2023 Linder reported the Human Services Transportation Coordination Plan was recently finalized with identified needs, gaps and goals for the next five years. Motion by Gordon, second by Newago, to approve the Ashland Bayfield Price Counties Public Transit Plan 2019 – 2023. Motion approved unanimously. Discussion and Possible Action – Meeting times October and November/December 2018 meetings; Proposed dates and times 2019 Meeting BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC September 27, 2018 2 Skulan was asked to revisit the established 5:00 meeting time for the winter. A proposal was made that the meetings begin 4:00 p.m. starting October 25th. Proposed dates were distributed in packet. Motion by Rosa to accept the proposed 2019 meeting dates and begin all meetings at 4:00 p.m. Second by Schmidt, motion passed unanimously. Discussion and Possible Action – Recommend Appointment of Bayfield area Citizen Representative to County Board Chair. Linda Schneider is moving out of the area and has relinquished her appointment to the board. Citizen application for Aimee Kaufmann included in packet. Aimee Kaufmann is still interested in serving as the Bayfield area citizen to the Human Services Board. Motion by Gordon, second by, Schmidt to recommend the appointment of Aimee Kaufmann as the Bayfield Area Citizen Representative to the Human Services Board to the County Board Chair. Motion passed unanimously. Monthly Section Reports Support Services – Nikki Revak Auditors are completing the compliance portion of the audit. The support team has spent a lot of time finding data for the audit and explaining it to the auditors. Met with Carrie regarding GWAAR claim how to better report costs to grant. Suggested changes are in place to improve state reimbursement for Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP). Completed the re-obligation/de-obligation process for the Kinship allocation for 2018. When not all funds are needed, the State asked the they be de-obligated so that another county who needs them can gain access to the funds. Family Services – Elizabeth Skulan (for Cheryl Hanson) Said farewell to our summer intern Allie Bochler on August 24th. Hanson met with Liz Lexau from UW Extension to discuss how the departments can work better together to serve the families of Bayfield County. Hanson and Skulan attended a meeting in Ashland with the Wisconsin Council on Mental Health on Tuesday September 11th. The Council spent a couple of days in the northern part of the state getting feedback on issues and concerns about mental health services in our region. Hanson presented information and discussed how struggles and successes look like in Bayfield County. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC September 27, 2018 3 Family Services held monthly case staffing with Red Cliff Indian Child Welfare. Attended the monthly Law Enforcement/DHS meeting to discuss individuals in Bayfield County served by both offices. Staff from the Bayfield County Sheriff’s Office and DHS, District Attorney Kimberly Lawton and Iron River Chief of Police Tony Williams attended this month’s meeting. Hanson was on vacation the first week of September camping in Wyoming. Economic Support Services – Jeanine Spuhler Staff are processing early applications for the WHEAP program. Estimating 750 applications will be processed by Bayfield County Staff this heating season. Finished writing the Program Operations and Community Service Plan. Heather Gilbertson and Jessica Soulier will complete Intake training next month to help administer WHEAP the program. On September 26th the Economic Support Team attended a training for all consortium staff in Fifield. Aging & Disability Services – Carrie Linder In the final stretches of the Bayfield County Transportation survey. 3000 copies were mailed. Others were distributed by two interns throughout the county. The Northland College sociology class will be analyzing the data and providing a final report later this fall. Participated in the Community Health Improvement Plan stakeholder meeting. Mental health, AODA and chronic disease are still the main three focus areas for the upcoming planning period for Bayfield, Ashland and Iron Counties. Working on a universal process to assist individuals with dementia and behaviors that are a threat to themselves or others. DHS is co-hosting a meeting with Ashland County in October with decisionmakers from Northland Counseling, the hospital, area nursing homes, corporation counsel and law enforcement to get input on the process. The Birth to Three file review is complete. The Bayfield County Performance Plan has been submitted. There were no findings for the past year! Partnering with Sheriff’s department on the Dose of Reality Program. This program offers medication drop off sites at various locations around the county. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC September 27, 2018 4 Monthly Reports Monthly reports reviewed and placed on file. The projection at this time is that 2018 will end in a deficit. Skulan stated that the programs driving the deficit must be provided by law. The projections will be recalculated at the end of September and a budget resolution to increase the DHS spending authority will be presented at the next meeting. Proposed 2019 Department of Human Services Budget – The County Administrator made one slight change to the 2019 DHS budget. The change was to use the Department’s capital improvement funds on remodeling to improve work environment and security/safety. Aging Disability Resource Center of the North (ADRC-N) 2019 Budget – Bayfield County is the fiscal agent of the five county ADRC – N. The state contract is issued to and all monies flow through Bayfield County. The 2019 ADRC – N Budget was presented and approved by the ADRC – N Governing Board. However, since the budget was not balanced. Options to reduce the deficit were developed and discussed by the Management Team. Recommendations were made to the ADRC – N Governing Board. There was no clear consensus on how the budget will be balanced should the year still end in a deficit. Will monitor costs closely throughout the year and will request a solution if mid-year projections are that 2019 will end in a deficit. Other (Informational Items) A. E-mail from Wood County regarding Audra Austin B. E-mail thanking staff for assistance C. Article: When you’re elderly and ill and a storm is coming. D. Article: Insulin’s high cost leads to lethal rationing E. WCHSA Fall Conference agenda. Future Meetings A. October 25, 2018 at 4 pm. B. November/December Meeting – December 4, 2018, begin with Holiday Potluck at 3:30 pm. C. January 24, 2019 at 4 pm. Adjournment at 6:15 p.m. by Crandall Submitted by Sarah Traaholt, Clerk III