HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Services Board - Minutes - 3/28/2019BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC March 28, 2019 Board Members Present: Larry Fickbohm, Jim Crandall, Jeremy Oswald, Tom Gordon, Aimee Kaufmann Board Members Excused: Lona Schmidt, George Newago, Susan Rosa, Kent Seldal Others Present: Elizabeth Skulan, Nikki Revak, Carrie Linder, Jeanine Spuhler, Cheryl Hanson, Call to Order and Introductions Crandall called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m. Discussion and Possible Action – Review of the February 28, 2019 Motion by Gordon seconded by Fickbohm, to approve the February 28th minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously. Opportunity for Public Comment – (Limit 3 minutes please.) None Program Presentation – Caregiver Challenge, Sue Rosa – Cancelled Monthly Section Reports Family Services – Cheryl Hanson Becky Kruit gave notice and her last day worked was Tuesday March 26, 2019. Mental Health Coordinator Kelly Fitzgerald and AODA Coordinator Sue Miller completed WI Juvenile Court Intake training in Weston this week. This training is required of all new Family Services workers to be able to take children and juveniles into custody for either safety or delinquency issues. There is a grueling WI Statute exam required that must be passed for the State to certify staff so they are eligible to do this. We look forward to adding both Kelly and Sue to our after-hours on call rotation! Hanson met with Carol Lund from Northland Counseling to review the CSP Program transition from New Horizons North, Inc. Economic Support Services – Jeanine Spuhler Danielle Colby and Spuhler participated in a Northern IM Consortium Quality Improvement meeting last week. The workgroup will be focusing on three areas to improve program accuracy: training, mentorship/monitoring of new workers, and desk aids. The workgroup will continue to meet to develop strategies to improve consortium performance. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC March 28, 2019 2 The Governor’s Budget expands Medicaid, making another 82,000 individuals eligible for coverage. However, there is no new funding for the Income Maintenance Consortia in the new budget to cover the cost of the additional workload. We are currently Recruiting for the Income Maintenance Consortia positions. ES continues to actively process applications for Energy Assistance, assist with malfunctioning furnaces, and assist with potential disconnections. The overall caseload for the program has increased over 5% from last year at this time. The winter heating moratorium ends April 15 and utilities can begin disconnecting customers behind on their bills. Anyone behind on their heating or electric bill should talk to their utility provider about available options. Aging & Disability Services – Carrie Linder Linder and UW-Extension are collaborating to improve transportation in our area by developing and organizing a Transportation summit in April. Linder will be reviewing the responses received from transportation surveys and will compile a preliminary report. The Governor’s Budget provides additional funding for transportation aids. WITC will be hosting a Caregiver and Dementia conference on April 18, 2019 in Ashland. One of the sponsors is the Aging and Disability Resource Center of the North (ADRC-N). Linder met with a group of individuals in October to discuss individuals with dementia and how to improve local options for crisis response and stabilization. The discussion included: state funding for crisis stabilization; maintaining individuals who have Family Care in the community; how to keep individuals out of state institutions. The group discussed conducting a feasibility study to better understand needs and potential solutions. Linder will contact the WI Alzheimer’s Institute to investigate the potential for developing online training tools that might be used for training. Accessible training on how to de-escalate individuals in crisis is needed. Support Services – Nikki Revak Revak is finalizing year-end reports. Children’s Long-Term Waiver, B3 and CCOP reconciliation reports are all due next week. Representatives from Baker Tilly, the County’s new auditors, are here this week. They are located out of Eau Claire. The auditors are asking lots of questions about the process in place to ensure appropriate checks and balance. DHS has two laptops that are not working correctly. Both Laptops are slated to be retired this year but have not been replaced due to the cabling and phone work that IT has been focusing on. Hopefully we will be getting new ones soon. Revak reported that she plans to retire in 2021, rather than 2020. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC March 28, 2019 3 Monthly Reports Monthly reports reviewed and placed on file. Aging and Disability Resource Center of the North (ADRC-N) - Misty Mogensen, the Regional ADRC-N Dementia Care Specialist (DCS) gave notice in December and left December 31, 2018. The ADRC Coordinator Heather List has recruited for the position. Interviews are scheduled for Friday, March 29, 2019. Human Services Day at the Capitol – Summary of issues that will be presented to legislators on April 2, 2019 were highlighted. Human Service Day at the Capital is held every other year on Madison, prior to the completion of the state biennial budget. The event is attended by Human Service Staff and member s of the WI Counties Association (WCA) County Ambassador Program (CAP) team. Skulan, Revak, Crandall and Strand are registered to attend this year’s event to be held on April 2, 2019. Advocacy will be provided to legislators regarding the following issues: Child Welfare Funding; Income Maintenance Allocations; Youth Corrections and the new Secure Residential Care Centers for Youth (SRCCY); Mental Health Crisis Services; and the Children’s Long-term Care Services (CLTS) Program. The whitepapers developed and provided by WI Counties Association’s Deputy Director of Government Affairs Sarah Diedrick-Kasdorf will be presented to legislators by all participating teams. Wisconsin Counties Association, 2019 – 21 State Biennial Budget Summary See handout attached to packet Community Support Program (CSP) Update -The CSP Program was transitioned to a new provider Northland Counseling on March 18, 2019. Five Bayfield County CSP participants were transitioned from the program previously administered by New Horizons North, Inc Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) Program Update – Skulan, Hanson, and Revak met with Ashland County staff to discuss the CCS Program. The Counties agreed that the CCS services currently provided are not meeting the needs of residents. Notice the Counties will no longer contract with New Horizons North, Inc. for CCS as of June 2, 2019 will be issued on April 1, 2019. Letters will also be issued to Bayfield County CCS participants and providers that the program will be transitioned to the County. Discussion and Possible Action –Aging and Disability Advisory Committee/Nutrition Advisory Committee Appointment of Sam Ray. Motion by Tom, second by Larry, to approve the appointment of Sam Ray to the Aging & Disability Advisory Committee and the Nutrition Advisory Committee and forward to the full county board for approval. Motion approved unanimously. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC March 28, 2019 4 Other (Informational Items) A. E-mail to Economic Support Specialist Audra Austin B. Mattie Quinn, “The Federal Government is Overhauling Foster Care. States Aren’t Ready.”, Governing, February 27, 2019 C. Other – Dane county has had the highest % of voters in the last few years with 80%, Bayfield County was the highest this year with 82%! Future Meetings A. April 25, 2019 B. May 23, 2019 C. June 27, 2019 Adjournment at p.m. 5:19 Submitted by Heather Gilbertson, Clerk II