HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Services Board - Minutes - 7/25/2019BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC July 25, 2019 Board Members Present: Kent Seldal, Jim Crandall, Jeremy Oswald, Lona Schmidt, Aimee Kaufmann, Tom Gordon Board Members Excused: Larry Fickbohm, Susan Rosa, George Newago Others Present: Elizabeth Skulan, Nikki Revak, Cheryl Hanson; Jacqui Grimm Call to Order and Introductions Crandall called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Review of the June 27, 2019 Meeting Minutes Motion by Schmidt, second by Gordon, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion passed. Public Comment – Limited to 3 minutes per person none Program Presentation – Adult Protective Services (APS), Aging & Disability Services Section Adult Protective Services Social Worker, Jacqui Grimm Grimm provided a Power Point presentation about Adult Protective Services, including the 2018 statistics. Monthly Section Reports Support Services – Nikki Revak • Met with Natalie Schmalz, the new Dementia Care Specialist for the Aging and Disability Resource Center of the North (ADRC-N). Issued equipment and completed paperwork with Schmaltz. • Now working on the DHS 2020 budget. Family Services – Cheryl Hanson • Bayfield County is looking for a Social Worker to fill the vacant AODA Coordinator position. • The Summer Foster Provider Picnic will be held on Aug 21, 2019 at Moon Lake in Iron River. • On July 25, 2019 Family Services attended the State Dept of Children Families Annual Kinship Training. The training was held at Harbor View Event Center in Washburn. Counties in attendance were Bayfield, Sawyer, Douglas, Iron and Washburn. Economic Support Services – Jeanine Spuhler • Kaley Lukas was hired for the vacant Economic Support Specialist position. Kaley’s first day is July 29, 2019. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC July 25, 2019 2 Aging & Disability Services – Carrie Linder • Sheila Mack submitted notice of retirement as of October 1, 2019. Mack will be taking some vacation time, so her last day in the office will be mid-September. • APS Social Worker Grimm gave notice on Tuesday that she will be leaving Bayfield County. Grimm will be working at MMC in the Behavioral Health Unit. • The ADRC-N has not yet determined if the regional entity will disband at the end of 2019. There is meeting with the state on Thursday to discuss individual county allocations in 2020. Monthly Reports Monthly reports reviewed and placed on file. Medicaid Expansion by the Numbers Video- The State removed the video from the Wisconsin Department of Human Services website. Revak will try to secure a copy of it for the next meeting. Discussion and Possible Action – Family Services Advisory Committee Member Appointment Wayne Crozier Wayne Crozier expressed interest in an appointment to the Family Services Advisory Committee. His application was reviewed by the County Administrator. The Family Services Committee recommended Mr. Crozier’s appointment. Motion by Gordon, second by Schmidt, to approve the appointment of Wayne Crozier to the Family Services Advisory Committee. Motion passed. Discussion and Possible Action – Resolution to Support Wage Schedule Increases to Social Work Positions Prior to leaving, Social Worker Rebecca Kruit made a presentation to the Family Services Advisory Committee about the challenges of working as a Child Protective Services (CPS) Social Worker. When responding to questions, Rebecca indicated to the Committee that an increase in wages and a revision of the fringe benefit package might allow Bayfield County to be more successful recruiting social workers. The Committee developed the resolution presented which recommends that the Personnel Committee increase the wage schedule for Social Workers and conduct a review of the fringe benefit packages offered by other counties. When provided with a copy of the resolution, the County Administrator asked that the following supplemental information be provided: the most recent Social Workers hired have not been at the first step of the Wage Schedule; new hires have been allowed to negotiate a higher rate and, in some instances, some leave time; the Personnel Committee is currently reviewing a policy to allow new hires five sick days upon hire (instead of two) that can be used, along with all sick time accrued during the first year, as PTO. The County Administrator preferred that the committee BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC July 25, 2019 3 consider a recommendation to the Personnel Committee to review the Wage Schedule for the Social Work positions. Some discussion followed. Motion by Gordon second by Seldal, to approve the resolution as presented. Motion passed. Discussion and Possible Action – Draft 2018 Annual Report A draft of the annual report was included in a late addition to the June Board packet. Approval of the report was postponed as some committee members had not had the opportunity to review it prior to the meeting. Schmidt commented that the report was very comprehensive and easy to read. Motion by Gordon, second by Schmidt, to approve the 2018 DHS Annual Report as presented and forward it to the full County Board. Motion passed. Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) Program – Status Update; Audit Waiver Request; Response to Participant Concerns The 2018 and 2019 requests for Audit Waivers for New Horizons North, Inc. were both denied by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. A letter was issued to the CCS participant who provided testimony at the 2020 Budget Public Hearing addressing his concerns. Bayfield County is recruiting a half-time Registered Nurse (RN) for the CCS program due to capacity issues with the one full-time RN shared with Ashland County. Aging and Disability Resource Center of the North (ADRC-N) – Status Update: The state has yet to determine the county allocations should the consortium disband regional operations. The ADRC Coordinator is working with State IT staff to transition data to the State’s IT system. All five counties must complete an application to establish the county ADRC prior to September 1, 2019 to implement a change on January 1, 2020. Heather List of List Project Management, Inc. submitted her resignation. Her last day will be July 31, 2019. Other (Informational Items) A. Capitol Watch, WCA’s Weekly Legislative Update for the week of July 8, 2019, summary of Biennial Budget B. June 25, 2019 letter from Senator Janet Bewley C. July 16, 2019 e-mail from Katie Herrem, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Counties Human Services Association (WCHSA). Future Meetings A. August 22, 2019 B. September 26, 2019 C. October 24, 2019 Adjournment at 5:17 p.m. Submitted by the Heather Gilbertson, Clerk II