HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Services Board - Minutes - 8/22/2019BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC August 22, 2019 - Board Members Present: Kent Seldal, Jim Crandall, Jeremy Oswald, Larry Fickbohm (arrived at 4:05), Susan Rosa, Tom Gordon Board Members Excused: Aimee Kaufmann, Lona Schmidt, George Newago Others Present: Elizabeth Skulan, Nikki Revak, Cheryl Hanson, Carrie Linder (arrived at 4:35), Val Levno Call to Order and Introductions Crandall called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. Review of the July 25, 2019 Meeting Minutes Motion by Gordon, second by Seldal, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion passed. Public Comment – Limited to 3 minutes per person none Program Presentation – Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) Program, Val Levno, CCS Administrator CCS is a community-based program for individuals with mental health and/or substance use disorder issues. The program keeps participants in the community by providing them with coordinated behavioral health and psychosocial rehabilitation services. CCS participants use professional, community and natural supports to achieve goals identified on their recovery plans. Monthly Section Reports Economic Support Services – Jeanine Spuhler • We are still recruiting for an ES worker. • One employee will be going on Family Medical Leave. Aging & Disability Services – Carrie Linder arrived 4:35 • Adult Protective Services Social Worker Jacqui Grimm gave notice. • The Adult Protective Social Worker vacancy was posted. No qualified candidates applied. The position title was changed to Adult Protective Services Worker. Qualifications then also included licensed registered nurses as an alternative to a certified social worker. • Karen Bodin who is a registered nurse, employed as a Social Worker Aide, indicated her interest and was offered the position. She accepted. • The Social Worker Aide and Elder Benefit Specialist positions are currently posted. • Elder Benefit Specialist Sheila Mack’s last day will be October 1st. We wish her good luck in her retirement. • Linder was partnering with AARP to develop a volunteer program for Medicaid Part D Open Enrollment. The program would be like the volunteer program that AARP offers to assist individuals file their state and federal income taxes. However, due to changes on the portal for open enrollment, the program has been delayed. • Mack assisted over 90 individuals in 2018 enroll in Medicare Part D. A letter will be issued to those individuals to inform them of the steps to take in 2019 to enroll independently. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC August 22, 2019 2 Support Services – Nikki Revak • Is compiling the 2020 Budget. • Helped develop the 2019 budget resolution. • Is in the process of keying estimated 2019 budget figures into the county’s system. Family Services – Cheryl Hanson • There is an open position for AODA/MH Social Worker. • Two child protection investigators were injured in a non-work-related accident. One returned to work this week. She is not yet able to work full-time. The other will be out for a while. FS staff have stepped up and are helping with the child protective services investigations and cases. • Bayfield County agreed to cover on-call services for Red Cliff while their staff are out at training. • Social Worker Aide Marne Belanger and Social Worker Stacy Schmidt organized the Foster Care picnic held on August 21st in Iron River. Hanson reported that the weather was perfect for the picnic. • Two foster parents located resources and supplied food for the picnic as well as backpacks and school supplies for the foster children. • Belanger and Schmidt created a display that featured facts and data about the number of out of home placements in Bayfield County. The display won an award. • Hanson met with Wayne Crozier the newest committee member for the Family Service Advisory Committee. Monthly Reports Monthly reports reviewed and placed on file. Medicaid Expansion by the Numbers Video- Showing of a video which illustrates how the anticipated savings was calculated for the state of Wisconsin if Medicaid is expanded from 100% of the federal poverty level (FPL) to 133% FPL. On August 5, 2019, Governor Evers, Senator Jon Erpenbach, and Representative Daniel Reimer Introduced stand-alone legislation to expand Medicaid as originally proposed in the Governor’s biennial budget. Medicaid expansion was eliminated before the final state budget was signed. Discussion and Possible Action – DHS Resolution 2019-03 Budget Adjustments The 2019 budget must be modified to provide additional spending authority to DHS for changes to the Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) program, supplemental funding in the Children’s Long-term Services (CLTS) program, and new grants. Motion by Gordon second by Rosa, to approve the DHS Resolution 2019-03 Budget Adjustment as presented. Motion passed. Discussion and Possible Action – Draft of DHS 2020 Budget A draft of the 2020 budget was reviewed. The budget was developed per instructions from the County Administrator’s office, which afforded no county levy increase. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC August 22, 2019 3 Motion by Gordon second by Fickbohm, to approve the Draft of the DHS 2020 Budget as presented. Motion passed. Discussion and Possible Action – DHS Resolution 2019-04 To Establish a Transportation Coordinating Committee (TCC) To meet the requirements of Wis. Admin. Code §Trans. 2.10, DHS needs a Transportation Coordinating Committee. The Aging and Disability Services Section Advisory Committee has acted in that capacity in the past. However, an enabling resolution that establishes the committee to oversee the transportation plans could not be located. To correct this and to meet the transportation needs of our target populations, a resolution was presented to develop a separate transportation sub-committee. This resolution will be forwarded to the County Board for approval. Motion by Rosa, second by Gordon, to approve the DHS Resolution 2019-04 to Establish a Transportation Coordinating Committee (TCC) and forward the resoluton to the County Board. Motion passed. Aging and Disability Resource Center of the North (ADRC-N) – Status Update There have been several meetings with partner counties and state staff regarding the future of the ADRC-N. With assurances of some limited term funding from the state in 2019 and 2020, the group has decided not to disband before the end of 2020. At that time, more should be known about how future ADRC allocations will be awarded. Changes in state administration and state staff has derailed plans for any of the changes introduced last year. As a result: a new Request for Proposals for an ADRC-N Coordinator has been issued; data will be transitioned from Nightengale Notes to the State data base; an investigation of changes to the phone system to reduce cost has been implemented; and the process of identifying a new fiscal agent as of January 1, 2021 has begun. The state has promised that the ADRC-N will be granted one-time funding to help get through 2019 and perhaps 2020. Bayfield County has given notice that they will not act as the fiscal agent after December 31, 2020. Other options, such as partnering with other counties, but not as many as five, for a new ADRC region may also be explored once future allocations are known. Other (Informational Items) A. Press Release, Erenagh/Riemer Introduce Medicaid Expansion Bill B. E-mail, Katie Davis, Wisconsin Counties Association, free board member event, October 16, 2019, Stevens Point, WI Future Meetings A. September 26, 2019 B. October 24, 2019 C. Nov/Dec Meeting – Tuesday, December 3, 2019, holiday potluck begins at 3:30, meeting to follow. Adjournment at 5:40 p.m. Submitted by the Heather Gilbertson, Clerk II