HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Services Board - Minutes - 9/26/2019BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC September 26, 2019 Board Members Present: Kent Seldal (arrived at 4:03), Jim Crandall, Larry Fickbohm, Susan Rosa, Tom Gordon, Lona Schmidt, George Newago Board Members Excused: Aimee Kaufmann, Jeremy Oswald Others Present: Elizabeth Skulan, Nikki Revak, Carrie Linder (arrived at 4:03), Jeanine Spuhler, Sarah Traaholt, Rosie Kozeneski, Jenna Casey (Presenter from Workforce Resource, Inc. arrived at 4:08 p.m.) Call to Order and Introductions Crandall called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Review of the August 22, 2019 Meeting Minutes Motion by Gordon, second by Schmidt, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion passed. Public Comment – Limited to 3 minutes per person none Program Presentation – Wisconsin Works Program - Jeanine Spuhler (delayed until presenter arrived) Monthly Section Reports Support Services – Nikki Revak • Pulled together ADRC-N financials for the Director/Management Team meeting in Ashland on Wednesday. Presented the regional budget. Reviewed and highlighted in encounter report variances comparing similar positions in different counties. Discussed the 2020 Budget Proposal. • Worked with Skulan on ADRC-N 2019 projected expenses to develop a request for additional resources to submit to state. • Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP) season has started. Support staff have been busy answering consumer calls, assembling application packets, preparing outreach materials, and processing short form applications. Economic Support Services – Jeanine Spuhler • WHEAP season runs from October 1 through May 15th each year. Staff are gearing up for the busy season. Pre-program planning took place with the Sheriff’s office, Ashland County Housing Authority/Weatherization office and other agencies. Submitted plans to the State. Working on outreach plans. Two outreach sites are scheduled; one in Drummond and another in Iron River at the end of October. Applications are taken at those sights for individuals who want a face-to-face meeting but are unable to travel to Washburn. • Bayfield County will receive a waiver of work requirements for the Able Bodied Adults without Dependents (ABAWD) population due to its higher than state average BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC September 26, 2019 2 unemployment rate. Affected members will be exempt from FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET) requirements. The waiver affects six counties statewide and the tribes. Four of the six counties who will receive the waiver are located in Northern Income Maintenance Consortium (NIMC). They are: Ashland, Bayfield, Forest, and Iron. • Pending approval, the BadgerCare Reform Waiver Amendment is going into effect. It includes policy changes included in 2015-2017 Wisconsin Act 55. Changes include: establishing monthly premiums, requiring members to complete health and wellness questions, improving access to treatment for substance use disorder, rewarding healthy behaviors, establishing emergency room copayments; and limiting eligibility to 48 months for those in non-compliance. If approved, information will be shared with affected members. • JoAnn Honkala resigned. Honkala accepted a position at Northland College. • Received notice that the NIMC active error rate is the lowest in the state for the most recent rating period, October 2018 to May 2019. The NIMC rate is less than 2%. • State continues to enhance the MyACCESS mobile app. MyACCESS is a biometric tool that affords members thumb-print verification and facial recognition. The updated app will be released October 13. Program Presentation – Wisconsin Works Program Jenna Casey from Workforce Resource, Inc. presented information regarding the Wisconsin Works (W-2) program. Workforce Resource, Inc. is contracted with the state of Wisconsin Department of Children and Families to operate Wisconsin Works (W-2) programs for sixteen counties, including Bayfield. The program is available to low-income parents with minor children who meet the eligibility criteria. W-2 provides a variety of services which help participants in search of gainful employment and, for a period of time, supports those who have secure employment. Monthly Section Reports (continued) Aging & Disability Services – Carrie Linder • Sheila Mack, Elder Benefit Specialist retired today. Marianne Johnson was hired to fill the vacancy. Marianne previously worked for Bayfield County as an Elder Benefit Specialist. Some cross-training will take place this week. • Interviews for the Social Worker Aide position are scheduled on Wednesday. • Attended Census meeting today. Bayfield County looking for ways to get 100% participation. Underreported Census counts have a large monetary impact on the County and its funding for programs. Linder is developing plans that will assist the elderly complete the census, since the elderly population is historically an underreported target group. Family Services – Cheryl Hanson Hanson is out of the office. No report. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC September 26, 2019 3 Financial monitoring report at every meeting. Better align with state reporting. New World report is a standard that the County Administrator wants Human Services to share with the Board. However, the internal budget monitoring worksheet will also be shared as this tool better illustrates the actual revenues and expenditures. Monthly Reports Monthly reports reviewed and placed on file. Discussion and Possible Action DHS Resolution 2019-06 Request to Apply for a Waiver from Federal Rules Excluding Medicaid Coverage for Institutional Stays. Federal rules currently prohibit states from using Medicaid funding for patients who are placed in inpatient stays in an Institute for Mental Disease (IMD). In Wisconsin, this includes Mendota, Winnebago, Bellin Psychiatric Center, Libertas Center, Fond Du Lac County Health Care Center, Aurora Psychiatric Hospital, Rogers Memorial Hospitals, Milwaukee County Behavioral Health, Trempealeau, and Waukesha County Mental Health Center. Charges for services in these facilities for participants who have Medicaid are charged to the county of residence. Counties also pay the difference between the Medicare and Medicaid rate and the cost of inpatient stays in state IMDs. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) has invited states to apply for a waiver so that Medicaid can be used for inpatient stay at state IMDs. This resolution recommends that the Bayfield County Board urge Governor Evers and the Legislature to apply for the waiver. Motion by Schmidt second by Seldal, to approve the DHS Resolution 2019-06, Request to Apply for a Waiver. Motion passed. A&D Services Advisory Committee & Nutrition Advisory Council Appointment, Martha Oie Martha Oie applied to serve as a member of the A & D Advisory Committee. Martha works for North Country Independent Living as an Independent Living Specialist. Martha has previously been on the advisory committee and her work with individuals with disabilities allowed her to provide a valued and appreciated perspective. Motion by Gordon second by Schmidt, to approve Martha Oie as a committee member for the A&D Services Advisory Committee, Motion passed. Add NAC Gordon. One Bayfield County Comprehensive Community Services Committee Participant Appointment, two applications received for review. Sandra Notzke and Kari Lind have both applied to serve on the Bayfield Comprehensive Community Service Board. Kari was recommended for the participant appointment. Motion by Gordon second by Fickbohm to approve Kari Lind as a Bayfield County Comprehensive Community Services Committee Participant, Motion passed. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC September 26, 2019 4 DHS 2020 Budget Update The County Administrator is currently reviewing department budgets and compiling the full county budget. Since the DHS budget was developed with no county levy increase, we do not anticipate any changes. At the County Administrator’s request goals were written to include measurable outcomes. Aging and Disability Resource Center of the North (ADRC-N) – Status Update Request for proposals were issued in all five counties to secure an ADRC Coordinator. No proposals were received. Staff in all five counties continue to work toward making changes that will positively affect the bottom line in 2019 for the ADRC-N. Staff from each of the counties have taken on some responsibility until a coordinator is hired. A request for additional resources for fiscal years 2019 and 2020 was submitted to the state. Bayfield County has notified the region that they will not perform the duties of fiscal agent after December 31, 2020. Another county will need to take on this role or a third-party administrator will need to be located and contracted with. 2020 DHS Board Meetings Calendar - A list of meeting dates for 2020 is included in the packet. Other (Informational Items) A. Notice, County Human Services/Social Services Board Member Event, Wisconsin Counties Human Services Association. Future Meetings A. October 24, 2019 B. Nov/Dec Meeting – Tuesday, December 3, 2019, holiday potluck begins at 3:30, meeting to follow. In County Board Room. C. January 23, 2020 Adjournment at 5:01 p.m. Submitted by Sarah Traaholt, Clerk III