HomeMy WebLinkAboutLand Conservation Committee - Minutes - 2/23/2011 Our Mission: To assist the public in protecting, enhancing, and restoring the natural resources of Bayfield County Bayfield County Land & Water Conservation Department 615 2nd Ave. East; PO Box 126 Washburn, WI 54891 _____________________________________________________________________________________________  Phone: (715) 373-6167  FAX: (715) 373-6127  Website: www.bayfieldcounty.org MINUTES February 23, 2011 Present: Bucky Jardine, Chair; Marco Bichanich, Vice-Chair; Bill Bussey; Peter Tetzner (left 2:05), Citizen Member Absent: Patti Rantala, Loretta Skaj; FSA Rep. Staff: Ben Dufford; Dave Schultz; Travis Tulowitzky; Jennifer Schierman Partners: Mike Mylarnek, FWS; Matt Hudson, Bad River Watershed Assoc. Public Attendance: None 1) Called to order by: Bucky Jardine, Chair (1:00 p.m.) 2) Approval of Minutes (November 12, 2010); Motion - to approve November 12, 2010 LCC meeting minutes by Bichanich/Bussey – carried 3) Public Comment(s) - NONE 4) Agency Staff / Partners Reports - NONE 5) Discussion/Possible Action: Matt Hudson, Marengo River watershed action plan regarding the Committee sponsoring a resolution of support for the plan to put before the County Board for approval – no action necessary at this time. Information / handouts were distributed (on file). 6) Agency Staff / Partners Reports: a) NRCS Update – EQIP sign-up is closed. Approx. 70 participants which is more than in past. b) USFWS Update – MM: Looks forward to working with the LWCD on future projects. He spoke about the current blanket agmt. with the dept. and how it did not provide funding for County services (admin. support / technical). Currently language is being drafted for FWS to review that will include reimb. of up 20% of cost assoc. w/admin. support (grant mgmt., invoicing, fiscal reporting) directly tied to the agreement(s) which would be a great arrangement over the coming years. He plans to continue writing grants that the County applies for on behalf of FWS. He stated again how pleased he is with the Dept., staff, and county. c) WDNR Update - NONE d) Others - NONE 7) Wildlife Damage Program Update: DS – on File a) Discussion/Possible Action: Setting 2010 Crop Prices and Approve Eligible Claims: Motion -Approve setting 2010 crop prices & approve eligible claims as presented and authorize Ben or Bucky to approve future claims by Bussey/Bichanich – carried 8) WLWCA Update: BD – Provided a brief updated about the conference and suggests the committee be prepared to lobby for our organization to legislature. 9) C.O.L.I.P. Intern Status: BD – We received notification that C.O.L.I.P. will not be funded (2011). 10) Proposed deregulation of WI wetlands; Draft Letter Gov. Walker: BD - Asked if the committee would like him to send a letter or wait until the budget comes out. 11) Clerk I position status update: BD – Multiple side letters have been proposed, funds have been identified. The personnel committee wanted one line clarified regarding benefits. We are currently waiting for a confirmation letter from the administrator. 12) Twin Bear Presentation: BD – Currently waiting for a decision about the ramp. The DNR will be lenient regarding the date for submitting the plan. 50’ of “fishsticks” have been removed. Ben & Travis attended/presented plan to the Forestry Committee. DNR deadline for completion is: June 15, 2011. 13) Year-end financial report – on File 14) LWCD Staff Reports: a) Jeremy Bates, AIS Coordinator – on File b) Jennifer Schierman, Clerk I – on File c) Travis Tulowitzky, Land Use Specialist – on File d) Ben Dufford, County Conservationist – on File 15) Other business as authorized by law – Matt Hudson offered to attend future LCC meetings under partners. 16) Next meeting date: Friday, April 8, 2010 at 9:00 am in the E.O.C. 17) Adjourn: 3:05 pm