HomeMy WebLinkAboutLand Conservation Committee - Minutes - 6/10/2011 MINUTES June 10, 2011 Present: Bucky Jardine, Chair, Marco Bichanich, Vice-Chair, Bill Bussey, Patti Rantala Absent: Loretta Skaj, FSA Rep., Peter Tetzner Staff: Ben Dufford, Dave Schultz, Jeremy Bates, Travis Tulowitzky, Jennifer Schierman Partners: Gary Haughn, NRCS, Matt Hudson, Bad River Watershed Assoc., Chuck Campbell, Trout Unlimited, Cody Anderson, FWS Intern, Jessie Walker, FWS Intern Public Attendance: Mark Abeles-Allison, Rollund Kiel 1) Called to order by: Bucky Jardine, Chair (9:00 am) 2) Approval of Minutes (April 8, 2011); Motion to approve April 8, 2011 LCC meeting minutes by Bichanich/Bussey – carried 3) Public Comment(s) - NONE 4) Agency Staff / Partners Reports: a) NRCS Update: GH – Provided handouts detailing how funding is distributed and provided update on programs. A total of $233,346 has been requested in Bayfield County along for CSP, WHIP and EQIP programs (totaling 3,796.30 acres). Information on file. b) USFWS Update: Cody & Jessie introduced themselves. This is Cody’s 5th summer with FWS, and Jessie’s 1st summer with FWS. LWCD/FWS will share the interns on several projects. c) WDNR Update: NONE d) Wildlife Damage Update: DS – Report on file. Dave mentioned a beekeeper is coming to BC that needs fencing (up to 7). The bees will help pollinate trefoil, clover, alfalfa & orchards). WDP pay for materials, the farmer erects/maintains fencing for 5 years than they own. e) BRWA Update: MB – BRWA continue to work on the action plan that will be looking for a Resolution of Support from Bayfield County (once completed). They hope to send the plan to the EPA for approval by the end of August 2011. The plan is necessary to access funds. Also, just received word that a GLRI grant ($50,000) was received. Funds will be used on 5-10 WRP over the next 3 years in priority areas within Bayfield and Ashland Counties. f) Others – CC (Trout Unlimited): Provided an explanation about TU along with a hand-out. He is soliciting support from the LCC for a hands-on stream work project improving the Little Sioux River. Once local support is reached (LWCD, Forestry, County Board) the DNR will be approached. * The LCC provided vocal support for this project (not an agenda item). 11) Twin Bear Update: BD – This item was moved up due to potential power outage. A slide show was presented showing the progress of the ramp, boardwalk and planting at the campground. The initial construction is complete, although there may be a little tweaking to be done. 5) Discussion: Joint Landowner Workshop with Douglas County LWCD: BD – Douglas County would like to partner with Bayfield to host a workshop possibly early spring 2012. Workshops are a great way to provide information regarding practices along with a variety of topics. The LCC is in support of the department pursuing this event. 6) Discussion/Possible Action: Options for Cost Share Practice Priorities: BD – Options were provided to LCC regarding cost-share for fencing (on file). Motion to approve cost-share funding for fencing if option #1 is met OR if #2 is met by Bussey/Bichanich – carried 7) Discussion/Possible Action: LWCD Budget Amend Resol–USDA Co-op Agmt. #11-PA-11091305-044 for $45,330.00 (RAC Project). Motion to approve resolution as presented and forward to full county board for approval by Bichanich/Rantala – carried Continued: Page Two LCC Meeting June 10, 2011 8) Discussion/Possible Action: LWCD Budget Amend Resol. – USFWS Co-op Agmt. F11AC00345 for $44,310.00 (Whittlesey LWD Habitat Project). Motion to approve resolution as presented and forward to full county board for approval by Rantala/Bussey – carried 9) Discussion/Possible Action: Conservation Congress increase funding for 2012: KK – Informed LCC the importance of the WCC and indicated he is a new delegate representing Bayfield County. The WCC is statutorily required, and each county has 5 delegates that hold 3-year terms. Volunteers incur out of pocket expenses of approx. $400.00. The 2012 conference will be in Green Bay. The Dept./LCC proposed $1,800 in the 2011 budget, which was reduced to $500.00 total. The delegates would like to encourage the LCC to increase the funds available when preparing the 2012 budget. 10) 2011 Workload / Project Updates: BD – a list of potential/pending/cancelled projects is on file. There is a potentially large culvert project located on County Rd E. This is a perennial stream where several waterways converge. 12) LWCD Staff Reports: a) Jeremy Bates, AIS Coordinator – On File. Also noted that a new USFS/GLRI grant (approx. $40K) has been applied for a power washer. Bayfield County has been listed as the fiscal agent. Jeremy, Ben & Mark will work on the details. b) Jennifer Schierman, Clerk I – On File c) Travis Tulowitzky, Land Use Specialist – On File d) Ben Dufford, County Conservationist – On File 13) Other business as authorized by law: NONE 15) Next meeting date: Friday, August 12, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. in the E.O.C. 14) The LCC may go in and out of executive session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1)(c) to discuss performance evaluation data of a public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. 16) Adjourn