HomeMy WebLinkAboutLand Conservation Committee - Agenda - 3/30/2012 Our Mission: To assist the public in protecting, enhancing, and restoring the natural resources of Bayfield County Bayfield County Land & Water Conservation Department 615 2nd Ave. East; PO Box 126 Washburn, WI 54891 _____________________________________________________________________________________________  Phone: (715) 373-6167  FAX: (715) 373-6127  Website: www.bayfieldcounty.org Any person wishing to attend who, because of a disability, requires special accommodations, should contact the LWCD at 715-373-6167, at least 24 hours before the scheduled meeting time, so appropriate arrangements can be made. 1) Call to order 2) Approval of Minutes (January 20, 2012) 3) Public Comment 4) Agency Staff / Partners Reports: a. NRCS Update b. USFWS Update c. WDNR Update d. BRWA Update e. Others 5) Wildlife Damage Program Update, Dave Schultz: a. Discussion/Possible Action: Upcoming changes to 5-year Wildlife Damage Plan b. Discussion/Possible Action: USDA / APHIS Contracts Update 6) Discussion/Possible Action: Appointment/Introduction of Rebekah R. Anderson, FSA Rep. 7) Discussion/Possible Action: LWCD 2012 Budget Amendment Resolution 8) DATCP - SWRM funding update 9) 2012 Bayfield County Fair Participation 10) WLWCA / WALCE Merger Update a. Technical Committee Update / Structure 11) Rip Rap Site(s) - Follow Up 12) LWCD Staff Reports: a. Jeremy Bates, AIS Coordinator b. Jennifer Schierman, Clerk I c. Travis Tulowitzky, Land Use Specialist d. Ben Dufford, County Conservationist 13) Other business as authorized by law 14) Next meeting date 15) Adjourn K:\LCC Meetings\Agendas\2012\01-20-12_Agenda.doc AGENDA Our Mission: To assist the public in protecting, enhancing, and restoring the natural resources of Bayfield County Bayfield County Land & Water Conservation Department 615 2nd Ave. East; PO Box 126 Washburn, WI 54891 _____________________________________________________________________________________________  Phone: (715) 373-6167  FAX: (715) 373-6127  Website: www.bayfieldcounty.org MINUTES January 20, 2012 Present: Bucky Jardine, Chair; Marco Bichanich, Vice-Chair; Bill Bussey, Patti Rantala, Peter Tetzner Staff: Ben Dufford, Dave Schultz, Travis Tulowitzky, Jeremy Bates, Jennifer Schierman Absent: Loretta Skaj, FSA Rep. Partners: Mike Mylarnek, USFWS; Matt Hudson, BRWA Public Attendance: None 1) Called to order by: Bucky Jardine, Chair (9:03 am) 2) Approval of Minutes (08-12-11): Motion to approve August 12, 2011 LCC meeting minutes by Bichanich/Tetzner – carried 3) Public Comment(s) – NONE 4) Agency Staff / Partners Reports: a) NRCS Update: NONE b) USFWS Update: Mike M - Down to one person at NGLVC (Mike), YCC will be smaller than in past (15-18 y/o) some will be returning. Applications will be circulated the next couple months for the position. Possible intern for MM. Many people have approached Mike for volunteer opportunities. Will be doing a fair amount of job sharing (BC/other FWS agency). Fiscal year began 10/1/11, unsure of current funding status. Will be aggressively seeking grants, with limited time to pursue them however. Wickstrom project (log jam) has received lots of great feedback from several biologists. Pursuing permanent Conservation Easement(s) in the Whittlesey Crk, will use up most of the land acquisition funds. Thanks to the LWCD staff for helping out on many fronts. c) WDNR Update: NONE d) BRWA Update: Matt Hudson –last summer solicited LCC for resolution of support, the project continues moving forward. Much more involved then orig. thought. Hoping to have something before the end of summer. Meet w/landowners, build databases of interested parties for projects related to helping rivers (BC/AC/SOEI), planning work is moving forward. Culvert program: new grant to inventory culverts, focusing on sedimentation now – streamlining this program will be helpful. Mining: neither pro/con, looking for good information to provide, working w/local government thru-out process. e) Others: NONE 5) Wildlife Damage Program Update, Dave Schultz: Rpt on file – Also, Elk are not on list yet, they’re potentially being added to the program due to round bale damage. DNR will take on, until elk (other: cougar, wolves) are added to WDP, they may be added to plan for approval sometime 2012. a) Discussion/Possible Action: Setting 2011 Crop Prices and Approve Eligible Claims: Motion to approve the average price set for the commodities of the 2011 Crop Prices and eligible claims by Bichanich/Rantala - carried 6) Discussion/Possible Action: 2011 GLRI Grant Agmt between BC and Northland College: Motion to approve LCD entering into GLRI Grant Agreement between BC and Northland College (SOEI) by Bussey/Rantala - carried. Discussion - Total grant award is $300,000 between several org’s, BC portion will be $50,000 (projects/staffing) in the fish/Marengo watersheds. 7) WLWCA / WALCE Merger Update: BD – How will the merger be funded is a main question. Almost unanimous support (52/2) in favor to merge the two org’s during the Dec. 2011 Conf. WALCE has the ball in their court now, this issue will be determined during the WALCE annual conference in March. LCC Minutes (01-20-12) Continued - 8) DATCP - SWRM funding update: BD – Several print outs were provided to LCC for review. The concern is that the transfer won’t be happening (lobbying to move the SEG funds to GPR funds, eliminating SEG). DATCP is going with making the cut (12.4%) of the $1.1 million to all counties which results in a significant change to our staffing funds. We’ll continue looking for funding opportunities (grants, agmts or levy) to off-set short falls. Northern/smaller counties suffer the most. DATCP has final say overall. 9) Shoreline Mitigation Status: TT – Goal was to follow-up on previous mitigation variances. Staff from both departments (LWCD/P&Z) go together on site visits. The goal seems to have been met on those sites (40-50). Some issues have been how the plans have changed/morphed which is a challenge. P&Z are dealing with enforcement and are sending letters dealing with incompliance of plans. BB – mentioned he’s very impressed that both departments are working together and making great strides towards the goal. 10) Rip Rap Site(s) - Follow Up: BD – Three (3) sites in SW part of County. Const. was done 2 yrs ago that former Conservationist developed plans, guidelines, etc., forwarded to DNR for review and were approved. The plans indicate a specific rock to use, however, on-site the former conservationist changed the plan(s) and instructed contractor to use smaller rock. DNR & Warden said each site is failing and were installed incorrectly. The big question is: Who pays for the repairs? Possibility is that contractor to be cited due to not following the original plan. MAA wants LCC to discuss and bring recommendation to the Executive decision. General consensus of the LCC is for MAA & Executive Committee to determine who pays for repair. 11) 2011 Project Review; 2012 Project List: BD – Three (3) projects are C-O funds from 2011 to 2012, and are already allocated. Tentative project list for 2012 include: streambank, several WRP’s, CREP project, embankment, in-stream habitat project, agricultural projects (watering, pipeline systems), Whittelsey Creek project. Most sites have been surveyed, no contracts signed yet. 12) LWCD Staff Reports: a) Jeremy Bates, AIS Coordinator – On file b) Jennifer Schierman, Clerk I – On file c) Travis Tulowitzky, Land Use Specialist – On file d) Ben Dufford, County Conservationist – On file 13) Other business as authorized by law: Mentioned that Loretta Skaj, FSA Representative’s term is up and going to be replaced. 14) Next meeting date: Friday, March 30, 2012 at 9:00 am (EOC) 15) Adjourn – 11:32 a.m. K:\LCC Meetings\Minutes\2012\01-20-12_Minutes.doc