HomeMy WebLinkAboutLand Conservation Committee - Minutes - 5/17/2019 Our Mission: To assist the public in protecting, enhancing, and restoring the natural resources of Bayfield County Bayfield County Land & Water Conservation Department 615 2nd Ave. East; PO Box 126 Washburn, WI 54891 ___________________________________________________________________________________  Phone: 715-373-6167  FAX: 715-373-6127  Website: www.bayfieldcounty.org MINUTES May 17th, 2019 (to be approved) Present: Fred Strand; Marty Milanowski; David Zepczyk; Melissa Netz-FSA Rep; Ben Dufford-Co. Conservationist; Travis Tulowitzky-Cons. Tech.; Melissa Kraft-LWCD Asst; Andrew Teal-AIS Coord., Ramona Shackleford-NCWMA Coord., Kyra Thornley-CBCW Summer Intern Absent: Peter Tetzner-Citizen Rep.Tom Snilsberg-Co Board, Tony Janisch-SRWA, Dave Schultz-Wildlife Damage Specialist; Gary Haughn-NRCS Meeting was called to order at 9:00 am. Introductions were given roundtable. MOTION: Approval of Minutes (February 22nd, 2019) – Milanowski/Zepczyk – motion carried. Public Comment: None. Agency Staff/Partners Reports: a. NRCS Update: None. b. USFWS Update: Ben noted that the annual project meeting was cancelled due to unavailability of people to attend. c. WDNR Update: None. d. SRWA Update: Ben reported he heard they are in the process of restructuring office staff. They are still looking for funds for projects and staff. e. Other: Zepczyk noted that he attended town meeting to express the need for roads to get repaired and open back up. Discussion: Bayfield County Ad Hoc Cervid Study Committee Update – Strand: Committee Chair Strand gave an update on the status of the ad hoc cervid study committee meetings. On May 29th, 2019, a public information hearing will be held at the Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center (NGLVC) at 6:30pm, to allow for public input. The study committee completed informational fact findings and are in the process of completing a report on the findings and recommendations and will present the report to the county board on June 25th, 2019. Discussion: AIS Coordinator/Lake Specialist Position Update: Andy has been scaling back on AIS duties and adding more lake related work to his daily duties. Inland shoreline mitigation plans are an increasing workload, especially the last 2 years. Andy is learning the mitigation process from Travis and the zoning department. Travis and Andy worked on a few mitigation applications and Andy completed his first one this week. We will be looking into costs to obtain another CAD station for Andy as he gets more familiar with the mitigation process and other technical work. We had around 12-15 mitigations last year. Discussion/Possible Action: 2019-2029 Land and Water Resource Management Plan: Ben contacted two local consultants, Cheryl Clemens and NWRPC, to solicit bids for the plan re-write per the direction of the LCC at the February meeting. After discussion with both consultants, Ben determined we are proceeding with the Northwest Regional Planning Commission. He provided a copy of the contract/scope of services to the LCC, reviewed the old plan, and asked for input from the committee as to what they want to see in the next 10- year plan. Some issues and ideas have changed in 10 years, and some issues remain ongoing, therefore we are looking for feedback to report to the NWRPC to get the process started. NWRPC submitted a proposal which came in under budget, $8,500 for plan and meeting facilitation at $460/per meeting with 3 meetings. Ben is going to move forward with NWRPC and noted it must be completed by Dec. 2019. Once the plan is completed, it will be brought before the LCC for approval, therefore, we may need to meet early December. Ben provided the current agreement along with goals and objectives and asked that the committee review the paperwork and contact him with any ideas or suggestions. Ben noted we are receiving increased calls due to stream bank and bluff erosion with property owners asking for suggestions on what they can do to save their property. High lake levels are increasingly becoming more of an issue and we should be planning for the next 500-year flood. The plan will include a focus on Nutrient Management, farming, and lake work/stream bank/bluff erosion. 2019 Budget Overview / Grant Discussion: Ben received a memo recently from the Co Admin. giving notice that the county board will meet on May28th, 2019, and to start planning for the 2020 budget. Further, that departments should start budget planning and get any major expenditure item(s) affecting the LWCD budget for the committee to review by May 23rd, 2019. Ben noted that we may ask for funding to add another auto-cad license to Andy going on basic designs. We will be looking into an estimate. Ben discussed the budget overview and upcoming projects. He noted that we may need to revisit making the AIS position a county position. Ramona reported that she received notice of a GLRI grant which will begin Oct. 1, 2019 NCWMA. The grant is for a two-year period. Ben discussed Fish Creek issue on old US Hwy. 2 regarding loss of a bluff area. He noted Dale Johnson will be reaching out to the land owner again. We have offered help for the past two years however, we haven’t been able to get the land owners final commitment in an agreement. Project updates: Zepczyk asked for an update on the dump site in Delta. Ben noted that he discussed the issue with Stacy, project engineer with DATCP, who said that she is willing to do work at the site. Discussion on geo-grid lifts as a retaining wall, and possibly new drain tile and rock securing where the channel comes down from Cty. Hwy. E. A couple different practices will be used to stabilize it. It is unlikely that everything will get done by this year at the site. LWCD Staff Reports: a. Andy Teal, AIS Coordinator- reviewed, on file. b. Ramona Shackleford, NCWMA Coordinator-on file. c. Dave Schultz, Wildlife Damage-handout provided, on file. d. Melissa Kraft, Land Conservation Assistant -reviewed, on file. e. Travis Tulowitzky, Conservation Technician-reviewed, on file. f. Ben Dufford, County Conservationist-reviewed, on file. Andy: Recently attended LEEP day in Barnes, spoke at recent convention, will be working on Lake Owen regarding yellow iris removal. Barnes will be getting a decontamination station, however delivery has been delayed and he is unsure of where it will be located at this time but thinks it will be on private property and available for public use. Invasive Species ID Day is on June 7th and Ramona will be speaking. Andy will give a presentation June 21st at the Lakes Convention. Red Cliff, with the help of a large grant, completed replacement of phragmites with native phragmites and he nominated them for the Crusaders Award which they won. Ramona: Ramona and Kyra assisted with the Mellen garlic mustard hand pulling this week with Northland College student help and GLIFIC. It is a large area, but it is getting under control with the treatment attention it gets annually. Montreal/Hurley pull is coming up with area students scheduled to help. Ramona has held multiple Right of Way workshops that have went well. Discussion on Wild Parsnip. Ramona did a presentation on IS in Cornucopia recently and an AIS presentation at the Washburn School district this week. She is still working on getting summer interns. Dave Schultz provided his report prior to the meeting however, he was unable to attend. Ben updated that Bill Johnson provided his price and that issue has been taken care of and Johnson is satisfied with his reimbursement claim. Melissa: Report on file. Travis: Report on Nutrient Management Plans (NMP). Total of four farms signed cost-share agreements which have been carried over into 2019. Jason Fischbach does work on the plans and is a big help with that. Travis discussed the importance of getting the mitigation plans we receive done asap as the land owner cannot have contractors start work until our office completes the mitigation plan and zoning holds the landowners permits until the plan is completed. Travis noted that Andy will be a big help doing these as Travis is very busy with current projects starting up for the season. Discussed dam removal project in Oulu. Question on NM and amounts of liquid manure allowed. NR 151 rules have been changed somewhat including fractured bedrock areas, etc. Application restrictions are already in place, for example, in concentrated flow areas, etc. Manure digesters were briefly discussed regarding Kewaunee County. Further discussion regarding liquid manure application. Travis noted that from NM tests, we see extremely low phosphorus levels and low runoff as farm areas are mostly flat. The biggest risk of runoff seems to be because of clay soil from heavy rain events where runoff is more of an issue. Ben: Discussed projects he has been working on and with various townships and recommendations on various issues he has been asked about. Discussion regarding an increase in flood mitigation. Discussion on status of bank erosion at the Mason park. Ben gave information on rip rap that the township was inquiring about. The neighboring landowners are willing to work with the town on what needs to be done. Next meeting date: Aug 23rd, 2019, at 9:00 AM. Motion to adjourn by Marty Milanowski, 2nd by Dave Zepczyk, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m. K:\LCC Meetings\Minutes\2019\05_17_19_ Minutes.doc