HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 11/15/2022 1 Bayfield County Clerk Lynn M. Divine, County Clerk Kim Mattson, Accountant Jeran Delaine, Deputy Clerk Gail M. Reha, Bookkeeper Paige Terry, Clerk III Ph: 715.373.6100 ● Fx: 715.373.6153 ● Email: Lynn.Divine@bayfieldcounty.wi.gov ● 117 E. Fifth Street, PO Box 878, Washburn, WI 54891 Minutes of the: Bayfield County Board of Supervisors’ Meeting November 15, 2022 6:00 p.m. Meeting Held in the Bayfield County Board Room, Courthouse, Washburn, WI The meeting of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Bayfield County Chairman Dennis M. Pocernich. A roll call was taken by County Clerk- Lynn Divine, as follows: Larry Fickbohm-present; Jeremy Oswald-present; Jim Crandall-present; Jeff Silbert-present; John Rautio- present; Steve Sandstrom-present; Mary Dougherty-present; Charly Ray-present; Fred Strand-present; Madelaine Rekemeyer-present; Marty Milanowski-present; Brett Rondeau-present; Dennis Pocernich- present. Total: 13 present, 0 absent. A quorum was present to conduct business. The following were also present for today’s meeting: County Administrator- Mark Abeles-Allison; County Clerk- Lynn M. Divine; Cinnaire Solutions Vice President, Development- Nicole Solheim; Cinnaire Solutions Development Manager- Jerrell Harris; Northern Lights Services CEO/NHA- Pauline Darling; Northern Lights Services Assisted Living Director- Annie Ylitalo; and Clerk III- Paige Terry. 4. Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance. 5. Public Comment: None. 6. Discussion and Possible Action, Minutes from October 25, 2022: Motion by Milanowski, seconded by Rondeau to approve the Minutes of the Monthly Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Meeting held on October 25, 2022. Motion carried, 13-0. 7. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2022-104: Retirement of Paul Susienka WHEREAS, Paul Susienka has served Bayfield County with distinction, honor and dedication in the Bayfield County Sheriff’s Office for 40 years, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 15th day of November, 2022, honors Paul Susienka for his 40 years of public service to Bayfield County and expresses gratitude for his efforts, wishing him well in the years ahead. Motion by Oswald, seconded by Crandall to adopt Resolution No. 2022-104 In Recognition and Appreciation of Paul Susienka for 40 Years of Commitment and Service in the Bayfield County Sheriff’s Office. Motion carried, 13-0. 8. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2022-105: Retirement of Kay Cederberg 2 WHEREAS, Kay Cederberg has served Bayfield County with distinction, honor and dedication in the Bayfield County Clerk Court Office for 33 years, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 15th day of November, 2022, honors Kay Cederberg for her 33 years of public service to Bayfield County and expresses gratitude for her efforts, wishing her well in the years ahead. Motion by Rondeau, seconded by Rautio to adopt Resolution No. 2022-105 In Recognition and Appreciation of Kay Cederberg for 33 Years of Commitment and Service in the Bayfield County Clerk of Court Office. Motion carried, 13-0. 9. Cinnaire Solutions Presentation, Jerrell Harris: Cinnaire Solutions Real Estate Development Manager, Jerrell Harris, and Vice President of Development, Nicole Solheim, gave a review on the organization’s background with housing development. Harris informed the board that the project specifications have been updated since the original RFP was presented, and the organization is looking to expand the original 40-unit projections to 50-56 units. The units will be a mix of one-, two-, and three-bedroom units. Crandall asked about the actions that Cinnaire will take to make sure that the housing is affordable while also breaking even in terms of cost. Harris explained that Cinnaire will be submitting an application through WHEDA and the tax credits, if approved, will offset the costs of the development. Sandstrom questioned how Cinnaire will be working towards reducing the development’s carbon footprint and increasing its energy efficiency to align with Bayfield County’s energy goals. Solheim reviewed actions that Cinnaire has taken with previous developments to increase their energy efficiency which includes solar installations. Solheim continued and reviewed the development’s affordability projections. 10. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2022-106: Housing Developer Selection WHEREAS, On July 26, 2022 the Bayfield County Board authorized a Housing Development RFP; and, WHEREAS, Several proposals were received by the September 23, 2022 deadline; and, WHEREAS, On September 27 the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors authorized the formation of a review committee organized by county staff, incorporating city and county representatives in addition to other housing related experts; and, WHEREAS, the Advisory Committee met four times between September 27 and October 13 and recommended the selection of Cinnaire Solutions, for the City of Washburn Development Housing Development to the Executive Committee; and, WHEREAS, On October 13 the Bayfield County Executive Committee approved the selection of Cinnaire Solutions for this project; and, WHEREAS, WHEDA requires an applicant to demonstrate that they are the successful respondent; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 15th day of November 2022, has selected Cinnaire Solutions to develop a project on publicly controlled land, specifically the property tax ID #32578. Ray asked if Cinnaire would take ownership of the property once the development began and, if so, questioned why that was not explained in the resolution. Abeles-Allison explained that the housing agreement would list requirements that would need to be met before Cinnaire could take 3 ownership of the property and stated that the purpose of the resolution is to simply name Cinnaire Solutions as the selected developer. Motion by Silbert, seconded by Sandstrom to adopt Resolution No. 2022-106 Housing Developer Selection. Motion carried, 13-0. 11. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Authorizing the Executive Committee to Execute the Housing Development Agreement with Cinnaire Solutions: Abeles-Allison explained that the restrictive timeline for Cinnaire Solutions to submit their WHEDA application would end before the January County Board meeting and recommended that the ability to draft and execute a housing development agreement with Cinnaire Solutions be given to the Executive Committee in order to meet the deadline. Motion by Milanowski, seconded by Rondeau to authorize the Executive Committee to receive guidance from corporation counsel in drafting and executing a Housing Development Agreement with Cinnaire Solutions. Motion carried, 13-0. 11. Northern Lights Services Presentation, Pauline Darling: Northern Lights Services CEO, Pauline Darling, reported that a lot of the COVID-19 restrictions in the facility are being lifted and the facility is on its way to returning to normal operations. The facility has reduced its number of beds down to 50 to help increase the Medicaid reimbursement rate to approximately $230 per day. Visitation has been opened up, but staff is still required to wear masks and goggles. Northern Lights has struggled to get more than 35 residents at a time; however, the facility is also struggling to staff to maintain the level of staff required for all 50 beds to be filled. Darling reported that the Northern Lights Board recently approved staff increases, and the facility is now able to implement a $19 per hour starting wage. Approximately $1.6 million in COVID-19 funds were received which helped keep the facility running during the pandemic. Darling concluded by stating she will be resigning as CEO and will continue to work remotely for Northern Lights as the Finance Director. Annie Ylitalo, Northern Lights Assisted Living Director, was introduced to the board and Darling reported that Ylitalo will be taking her place as CEO. Abeles-Allison informed the board that the facility’s HVAC project is currently underway with an estimated completion date of the first quarter of 2023. Darling added that the facility has raised funds for a solar project that would be installed on the facility’s hillside. Oswald asked that the board move ahead on the agenda to discuss Resolution No. 2022-111 to accommodate Bayfield County Human Services Director, Elizabeth Skulan. The board agreed. After discussion, it was decided that a motion would be made on all resolutions originally listed in item number 18 on the agenda. 13. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Budget Amendments: a) Bayfield County Resolution No. 2022-111; Department of Human Services 2022 Budget Adjustments: Skulan reviewed the resolution with the board. Department of Human Services 2022 Budget Adjustments WHEREAS, adjustments to and transfers within the Department of Human Services 2022 budget are necessary to satisfy state statutes and accounting principles; and, WHEREAS, unanticipated budget adjustments are necessary to increase the Department’s spending authority due to: the hiring of additional staff in the Comprehensive Community Support (CCS) Program, the Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) Program and Economic Support; a high cost juvenile corrections placement; institutional costs of a disabled youth who is in a state institution for an 4 assessment and plan; supplemental funding provided by the State to serve all children eligible for the CLTS program; and additional funds allocated to Bayfield County as the result of grant applications and additional or new allocates; and, WHEREAS, most of the additional expenses are offset by corresponding revenues; and, WHEREAS, placements in Juvenile Corrections and sending children with disabilities to a state institution for an assessment and plan to determine how to continue to allow the youth to live safely in the community rarely occur, DHS does not always budget for these expenses, and the estimated cost over budget is a gap of $330,000; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 15th day of November 2022, does hereby approve that the following 2022 budget line adjustments: Account Number Description Adjustments Revenue Adjustments 235-50-43560-104 ES, RMS, St / Fed Revenue $32,034.00 235-50-43560-104 ES, RMS, ARPA $12,000.00 235-50-46670 CCS, St / Fed Revenue $32,267.00 235-50-46620 AD, Children's Waiver $24,561.00 235-50-46670 CCS, St / Fed Revenue $125,000.00 235-50-46600 AMSO - Regional Crisis Line Revenue $88,521.00 235-50-46630 FS, Essentia Health Grant $2,000.00 235-50-43560-153 FS, SABG $77,000.00 235-50-46611 FS, MH Block Grant $50,000.00 235-50-43560-153 FS, Targeted Safety & Support Funding (TSSF) $35,000.00 235-50-43560-153 FS, Safe & Stable Families -Supplemental $11,972.00 235-50-46680 ADRC, DCS $18,000.00 235-50-49301 Transfer from Risk Reserve $285,028.00 Total $793,383.00 Account Number Description Adjustments Expenditure Adjustments 235-54-54430-50121 ES, RMS, Full Time $15,101.00 235-54-54430-50151 ES, RMS,FICA $1,155.00 235-54-54430-50152 ES, RMS, Retirement, ER $982.00 235-54-54430-50154 ES, RMS, Health $2,794.00 235-54-54430-50155 ES, RMS, Life $2.00 235-54-54430-50310 ES, RMS, Equipment $12,000.00 235-47-54311-50121 CCS, Full Time $28,263.00 235-47-54311-50151 CCS, FICA $2,162.00 235-47-54311-50152 CCS, Retirement, ER $1,837.00 235-47-54311-50155 CCS, Life $5.00 235-51-54317-50225 AMSO - Regional Crisis Line Expenses $88,521.00 235-55-54320-50121 AD, CLTS, Full Time $15,503.00 235-55-54320-50151 AD, CLTS, FICA $1,186.00 235-55-54320-50152 AD, CLTS, Retirement, ER $1,008.00 5 235-55-54320-50154 AD, CLTS, Health $6,860.00 235-55-54320-50155 AD, CLTS, Life $4.00 235-55-54320-50299 AD, Institutional Costs $220,000.00 235-55-54320-50299 AD, Protective Placements $5,000.00 235-56-54610-50299 AD, Congregate Meals ($50,000.00) 235-58-54581-50390 ADRC - DCS - Bayfield $13,000.00 235-47-54311-50299 CCS, Provider Services $125,000.00 235-54-54431-50310 ES, ARPA, Equipment $12,000.00 235-53-54520-50299 FS, Juvenile Corrections Placements $144,000.00 235-53-54310-50299 FS, MH Block Grant $35,000.00 235-53-54315-50299 FS, AODA $77,000.00 235-53-54520-50299 FS, TSSF $35,000.00 Total $793,383.00 b) Bayfield County Resolution No. 2022-112; Land Records Budget Amendment Land Records Budget Amendment WHEREAS, the Land Records Department has several proposed budget modifications in 2022; and, WHEREAS, Land Records oversees in-rem tax property sales, some parcels in 2022 required extensive cleanup prior to sales; land records contracted with the Bayfield County Highway Department to undertake this; and, WHEREAS, Overages in Land Sale Revenue has covered cleanup costs; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 15th day of November 2022, does hereby authorize the following line-item adjustments to be made to the 2022 budget: Increase Revenue: 100-13-48302 by $32,360 Increase Expenditures: 100-13-51731-50250 by $32,360 c) Bayfield County Resolution No. 2022-113; Bayfield County Jail/Courthouse Microgrid Project Budget Amendment Bayfield County Jail/Courthouse Microgrid Project Budget Amendment WHEREAS, Bayfield County applied for and was awarded an Energy Innovations Grant through the Wisconsin Public Service Commission; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County passed resolution 2021-36 in April 2021; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County passed resolution 2022-37 in March, 2022 to make corrections and additions where funds would be used to update hot water solar equipment servicing the jail, adding approximately 5.8kW of Solar PV, master metering the courthouse and jail complexes and installing a battery storage device with intelligent controls; and, 6 WHEREAS, a grant in the amount of $273,714 was received for the project through the Office of Energy Innovation with the Wisconsin Public Service Commission; and, WHEREAS, cost adjustments for transformers, solar tie-ins, generator controls and Utility Company cost increases have occurred; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County will apply for Direct Pay tax credits via the Inflation Reduction Act in the amount of at least $90,000 which will cover the increased costs, in the event these funds do not materialize a transfer from general fund balance will be required; and, WHEREAS, if external funding from Direct Pay tax credits is not awarded, additional county funds will be needed from fund balance; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 15th day of November 2022, does hereby authorize the following line-item adjustments to be made to the 2023 budget: Increased Expense: Capital Projects 430-70-57100-50820-007 by $90,000 Increase Revenue: Misc. State Grants 430-70-43590 by $90,000 (In the event the state grant does not come through a transfer from General Fund Balance to the Capital Improvement Fund will be made). d) Bayfield County Resolution No. 2022-114; Emergency Management 2022 Budget Amendment Emergency Management 2022 Budget Amendment WHEREAS, Bayfield County Emergency Management received $4,545 for a Fatal Vision kit but was not expected in 2022; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County Emergency Management received $4,250 for 300 travel safety kit donations for the Bayfield County Fair in 2022; and, WHEREAS, Expenses for the fatal vision kit in the amount of $4,545 were paid; and, WHEREAS, Expenses for the Bayfield County fair totaled $4,250; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 15th day of November 2022, does hereby authorize the following budget amendments: Increase BOTS Grant 100-18-43526-100 by $4,545 Increase Fair Donations 100-18-48521 by $4,250 Increase Fair Expenses from Donations 100-18-52508-50348 by $4,250 Increase Other Supplies and Expense 100-18-52501-50390 by $4,545 e) Bayfield County Resolution No. 2022-115; 2022 Health Department Budget Amendments 7 2022 Health Department Budget Amendments WHEREAS, amendments to the 2022 Health Department budget are necessary due to increases/decreases in federal and state grant funding; and, WHEREAS, this will not affect the amount of tax levy requested by the department; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 15th day of November 2022, amends the 2022 budget and authorizes the increase/decrease of the following revenue and expense accounts for 2022: ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION ADJUSTMENTS Revenue Amendments 100-20-43550-001 Maternal/child health grant ($220) 100-20-43550-002 Childhood Lead grant ($87) 100-20-43550-004 Beach Monitoring Grant $3,000 100-20-43550-005 Immunization Grant $208 100-20-43550-007 Prevention Grant ($499) 100-20-43550-008 Taking Action Grant $7,557 100-20-43550-010 Community Testing Grant $1,500 100-20-43550-011 WIC grant ($10,659) 100-20-43550-018 Opioid STR Grant $13,520 100-20-43550-022 SNAP ED $268 100-20-43550-024 THIS WIC $6,544 100-20-43550-030 Title X Grant $19,000 100-20-43550-147 ELC Enhancing Detection Grant ($118,900) 100-20-43550-154 Title X Telehealth $29,441 100-20-43550-155 Title X NCE $39,751 100-20-43550-802 PH Workforce Grant $64,700 100-20-43550-809 Imm covid supp 3 grant $7,811 100-20-43550-811 ARPA Covid Rec Grant $125,000 100-20-43554 Womens Health/Family Plan Grant ($6,110) 100-20-44101 Sanitarian Env Health $19,000 100-20-46510-001 Water Testing Fees ($24,000) Total Revenue Amendment $176,825 Expenditure Amendments 100-20-54103-50122 Part Time ($220) 100-20-54112-50121 Full time ($87) 100-20-54120-50340 Operating supplies $3,000 100-20-54113-50121 Full time $208 100-20-54104-50121 Full time ($499) 100-20-54141-50121 Full time $1,482 100-20-54141-50123 Temp empl $101 100-20-54141-50810 Capital equipment $2,885 100-20-54141-50340 Operating supplies $3,089 100-20-54101-50121 Full time $1,500 100-20-54107-50121 Full Time ($10,659) 100-20-54127-50340 Operating supplies $13,520 100-20-54121-50121 Full time $268 100-20-54128-50121 full time $6,544 100-20-54143-50121 Full time $19,000 100-20-54147-50121 Full time ($75,000) 100-20-54147-50122 Part time ($10,000) 8 100-20-54147-50530 Rents and leases ($2,000) 100-20-54147-50391 Medical supplies ($1,400) 100-20-54147-50390 Other supplies ($1,500) 100-20-54147-50290 Contractual svcs ($29,000) 100-20-54154-50290 Contractual svcs $1,000 100-20-54154-50121 Full time $28,441 100-20-54155-50121 Full time $39,751 100-20-54153-50121 Full time $64,700 100-20-54151-50121 Full time $3,905 100-20-54151-50123 Temp empl $3,906 100-20-54152-50121 Full time $70,000 100-20-54152-50122 Part time $26,200 100-20-54152-50123 Temp empl $5,000 100-20-54152-50530 Rents and leases $2,800 100-20-54152-50340 Operating supplies $3,000 100-20-54152-50290 Contractual svcs $3,000 100-20-54152-50154 Health ins $15,000 100-20-54109-50121 Full time ($6,110) 100-20-54119-50121 Full time $19,0000 100-20-54114-50121 Full time ($24,000) Total Expenditure Amendment $176,825 f) Bayfield County Resolution No. 2022-117; 2022 Courthouse HVAC Project Budget Amendment: 2022 Courthouse HVAC Project Budget Amendment WHEREAS, the Courthouse and Annex HVAC project was approved as an ARPA project; and, WHEREAS, Several change orders for both the annex and courthouse projects were received on Monday, November 14, 2022; and, WHEREAS, The following change orders were behind enclosed spaces just recently uncovered or discovered and not included in bid documents; and, WHEREAS, the change orders are over the contingency for the project and include the following change orders totaling $85,756; • Conversion of existing jail panel boards from single to three phase, equipment, materials, labor and permits and inspections - $27,699 • Provide feeder power from new three phase subpanel to relocated RTU - $5,802 • Replace all existing conduits, boxes and conductors supplying light fixtures, code compliant - $38,502 • Replace light fixtures in the annex - $14,203; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 15th day of November 2022, does hereby authorize the following budget amendments: Increase Revenues: General Fund Balance Applied 100-00-49301 by $85,756 Transfer from Other Funds 430-70-49201 by $85,756 Increase Expenses: 9 CIP HVAC 430-14-57100-50820-101 by $85,756 Transfer to CIP 100-00-59430-50820 by $85,756 Motion by Rondeau, seconded by Sandstrom to adopt Resolution No. 2022-111, No. 2022-112, No. 2022-113, No. 2022-114, No. 2022-115, and No. 2022-117 Assorted Department Budget Amendments. Roll Call Vote: Fickbohm-yes; Rautio-yes; Rondeau-yes; Sandstrom-yes; Ray-yes; Strand-yes; Dougherty-yes; Oswald-yes; Milanowski-yes; Crandall-yes; Rekemeyer-yes; Silbert- yes; Pocernich-yes. Motion carried, 13-0. 14. Discussion and Possible Action, City of Bayfield, St. James Social Memorandum of Understanding, WEDC CDI Grant: Abeles-Allison gave a brief review of the project. Crandall asked for more specifics on what the project is and where it is located. Dougherty gave a review of the project. Annalisa Bermel, with the City of Bayfield and grant applicant, explained that she has been working towards a proper historic rehabilitation of the property and explained that the beginning of construction is close, but the grant funding will be critical toward the project. The board discussed the impact that the project will have on the City of Bayfield. Motion by Rondeau, seconded by Dougherty to approve the City of Bayfield, St. James Social Memorandum of Understanding. Roll Call Vote: Crandall-yes; Rondeau-yes; Strand-yes; Silbert-yes; Fickbohm-yes; Dougherty-yes; Sandstrom-yes; Oswald-yes; Rautio-yes; Rekemeyer- yes; Ray-yes; Milanowski-yes; Pocernich-yes. Motion carried, 13-0. 15. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2022-107: Designation of Authorized Depositories in 2023 for Bayfield County WHEREAS, Section 34.05 of the Wisconsin Statutes authorizes counties to invest any of their funds not immediately needed, in time deposits, in banks, or savings and loan associations, in accordance with and subject to the limitations of Wisconsin Statute §66.0603(1m), and also authorizes counties to engage in financial transactions in which the public depository agrees to repay funds advanced to it by the county plus interest, if the agreement is secured by bonds or securities issued or guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Federal Government; and, WHEREAS, it appears to be to the financial benefit of the County and its citizens to invest funds not immediately needed in such deposits and to enter into such financial transactions from time to time. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, assembled this 15th day of November 2022, hereby authorizes and directs the Bayfield County Treasurer to invest 2022 County funds, not immediately needed, either in time deposits in accordance with and subject to the limitations of Wisconsin Statute §66.0603, or by entering into financial transactions in which a public depository agrees to repay funds advanced to it by the County plus interest, if the agreement is fully secured by securities issued or guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Federal Government, with any of the following financial institutions, which have been designated as public depositories for Bayfield County: • Bremer Bank & Bremer Trust; • Security State Bank; • Northern State Bank; • Chippewa Valley Bank; and the 10 • Local Government Investment Pool, investing in public instruments as approved by the County Executive Committee in accordance with county and state investment policies and laws; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that County funds not so invested shall be deposited in checking or savings accounts at any of the foregoing institutions. Motion by Rondeau, seconded by Rautio to adopt Resolution No. 2022-107 Designation of Authorized Depositories in 2023 for Bayfield County. Motion carried, 13-0. 16. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2022-108: Holding of Meetings as may be Necessary to Conduct Business in 2023 WHEREAS, Wisconsin Statute §59.13(2)(a) requires counties containing less than 25,000 population limit the number of days for which compensation and mileage may be paid to Committee members to 20 days, not more than 10 of which shall be for services on any one committee, except that the Board may increase the number of committee meetings under par. (b) and similarly fix the compensation of the members for the additional meetings; and, WHEREAS, the committees of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors are required to conduct business of said Bayfield County, to hold and conduct committee meetings in excess of the number permitted by State Statute §59.13(2)(a); and. WHEREAS, by action of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, the number of meetings of said committees beyond the statutory limit may be extended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 15th day of November 2022, agree that the committees of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors be and are hereby authorized to hold such meetings during the year 2023, as may be necessary to conduct the business of said Bayfield County and be compensated for any such meetings. Motion by Rondeau, seconded by Crandall to adopt Resolution No. 2022-108 Holding of Meetings as may be Necessary in 2023. Motion carried, 13-0. 17. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2022-109: Authorization for the County Board Chair, County Clerk, and County Treasurer of the County of Bayfield to Borrow Funds on a Short Term Basis WHEREAS, it may be necessary to borrow funds on a short-term basis, in order to meet payrolls and other obligations including current and ordinary expenses within the next year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in annual session, assembled this 15th day of November 2022, directs and authorizes the County Board Chairman of the County of Bayfield, the County Clerk, and the County Treasurer, to borrow funds on a short term basis for 2023, in an amount not to exceed Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) in aggregate if in their opinion it should be to the County’s best interest to make such loan or loans. Motion by Strand, seconded by Rondeau to adopt Resolution No. 2022-109 Authorization for the County Board Chair, County Clerk, and County Treasurer from Bayfield County to Borrow funds on a Short-Term Basis. Motion carried, 13-0. 11 18. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2022-110: Snowplow Awareness and Operator Appreciation WHEREAS, Bayfield County contains over 2,100 miles of roads; and, WHEREAS, snowplowing is a critical service to ensure that emergency services can safely travel as required, and that citizens are able to access work, school and necessary services; and, WHEREAS, County and Local Roadway maintenance, mechanic and support employees are dedicated to keeping roadways clear at all times of the year, but have additional burdens during the winter season; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County reminds all persons to: • Be cautious when they encounter snowplows • Limit driving during bad weather to avoid becoming stuck or stalled in their vehicles. • Be aware that Wisconsin state law requires drivers to be at least 200 feet behind a working snowplow. • Please observe the Move Over Law and use caution when passing a working snowplow. They often create a cloud of snow that can obscure a driver's vision. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 15th day of November 2022, does hereby recognize the importance of the work of County and Local Roadway Maintenance Employees, Mechanics and Support Staff and thanks them for their efforts to keep County and Local Roadways safe during heavy snow events. 6:49 p.m. – Brett Rondeau left the meeting Motion by Milanowski, seconded by Ray to adopt Resolution No. 2022-110 Snowplow Awareness and Operator Appreciation. Motion carried, 12-0, 1 absent. 19. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2022-116: Appreciation of Town, City, and Village Clerks and Election Workers For a Smooth November 8, 2022 Election WHEREAS, the right to vote is one of the most important Constitutional Rights of the American People; and, WHEREAS, the election process and its safeguards are equally as important to voters of the United States; and, WHEREAS, County Clerks, Municipal Clerks and Election Workers carry out these safeguards to maintain the integrity of our election process; and, WHEREAS, the 2022 election had strong turnout for a mid-term election, that together with the ever increasing complexities and challenges made for a long day and night for both Clerks and Election Workers; and, 12 WHEREAS, despite these challenges, clerks and election workers made the Constitutional Right of Voting a smooth and seamless process; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 15th day of November 2022, shares its sincere appreciation for the planning, effort and time all local government clerks and election workers spent to ensure a successful election day on November 8, 2022. Abeles-Allison informed the board that the heading of the resolution was up for debate to be edited to include “County Clerk.” The board agreed on the change. 6:51 p.m. – Brett Rondeau rejoined the meeting. Oswald ask Divine to give the board some insight to the election process. Divine gave and overview of the election process. Motion by Fickbohm, seconded by Rautio to adopt Resolution No. 2022-116 Appreciation of Town, City and Village Clerks and Election Workers for a Smooth November 8, 2022 Election with the recommended change to include “County Clerk” in the heading. Motion carried, 13-0. 20. Reports; a) Future County Board Meeting Dates: a. December – will meet if necessary b. January 31, 2023 c. February 28, 2023 d. March 28, 2023 b) EMS Update: Abeles-Allison reported that a letter was received from the Town of Bell regarding the board’s approval of the Countywide EMS provision and distribution of funding. c) Comprehensive Planning Update: The next meeting will take place tomorrow, November 16, 2022 at 10:00 AM. d) Superior Days, Feb 20 – 22, 2023: Ray asked if the agenda for Superior Days is available. Strand reviewed the agenda with the board. Oswald asked if it were possible to add meetings to a shared calendar. The board discussed different options. Divine stated that she would inquire with IT. Abeles-Allison reviewed the different construction projects currently underway in the Courthouse and Annex buildings. 21. Supervisors’ Reports: Strand reported that the Forestry Department had a good timber sale of $1.7 million worth of wood, which brings the total timber sale funds to $3.8 million and is slightly above the department’s budget projections. 22. The Board may entertain a motion to move in and out of Closed Session pursuant to §19.85(1) (c) to consider the employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility (e) to deliberate or negotiate the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session (g), to confer with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved: Abeles-Allison suggested that the board members complete their County Administrator Evaluations and submit them to the County Clerk’s Office and informed the board that there was not much of an update regarding the Lawsuit Review. Chairman Pocernich decided to dispense with the closed session items. 23. Adjournment: 13 There being no further business to come before the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, Chairman Pocernich adjourned the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, LYNN M. DIVINE Bayfield County Clerk LMD/pat