HomeMy WebLinkAboutForestry & Parks Committee - Minutes - 10/10/2022 BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY AND PARKS DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE MEETING October 10, 2022 County Board Room Members Present: Fred Strand, Chairperson; Jeffrey Silbert; Larry Fickbohm; Charly Ray; Steve Sandstrom Staff in Attendance: Jason Bodine, Administrator; Steve Probst, Assistant Administrator; Cassie Taylor, Office Manager Others in Attendance: Joseph Lebouton, WI DNR 1. Call to Order of Forestry and Parks Committee Meeting. This meeting was called to order at 6:01 PM. 2. Public Comment: None. 3. Approval of the September 12th Meeting Minutes. MOTION: (Fickbohm, Ray) Approve and place on file. All: Yes. Carried. 4. Monthly Reports. a) Forestry (all updates): Bodine presents roughly average stumpage revenue for September at $167k. Timber sale revenues are at $3.92 million. Total stumpage revenue should be well over $4.0 million this year, or roughly $1.0 million over budget. Expenses are still on target, but with a significantly larger town revenue sharing payment due to increase in stumpage returns. a. Carbon Project. Request has been received from verifiers for information which the office will provide this week. Still highly likely that the first carbon offset payment will be received in Q1 2023. b. Land Acquisition Project(s). Deadline for NOAA grant application was moved to end of October due to the hurricane. WI Coastal has been extremely helpful and encouraging. Working with TPL on application as well. c. 2023 Budget Modifications. Two significant modifications made to 2023 budget: 1) $71,500 in revenue added to address a grant from American Forests. These funds will be used to cover reforestation expenses in the barrens. 2) $30,000 in expenses added to contractual for CFI plot maintenance. Traditionally, contracting has been with Lumberjack RC&D to establish about 20-30 CFI plots/year. Now that all CFI plots have been established, department is moving into the maintenance phase. d. Trespass in Town of Hughes. Bodine has met with landowner and is working with Land Records and County Surveyor on best course of action. This will likely involve around 0.1 acres of land, as well as an access permit. b) Campgrounds and Day Use Parks (update). A total of nearly $141k has been received to date, establishing yet another revenue record for campground returns. Campground will close at the end of October. Seasonal camping selection was held on Oct 1 for 2023 camping season. All but three sites have been filled. Discussion is had regarding the potential of developing another campground. A feasibility study would be necessary; Pigeon Lake is a potential site. To be viable long-term, a new campground location would require access to a resource, lake, etc. c) Trails and Recreation. a) Motorized Trails: Clubs are getting ready for upcoming snowmobile season; working on a few minor re-routes of snowmobile trail outside of Washburn. b) Non-Motorized Trails: Recent work on Siskiwit Falls trail has been completed. Working on lake access projects at Bismarck and Pine Lakes in Iron River. Bayfield County Forestry & Parks Committee October 10, 2022 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 c) Yurts. Rustic camping variances have been updated for Bayfield and Cable yurts for another five years. The number of yurts covered at Bayfield location has been increased to three, to address potential for expansion. Current occupancy rates presented by Bodine. d) Events. North End Ski Club submitted a request for three standard events in 2023 (snowshoe, cross-country ski, and running). All three have been approved. d) Delta Landfill Update. Highway is making good progress. Still targeting late October completion date. Ideas for future property use are discussed. MOTION: (Silbert, Sandstrom) Receive reports as presented and place on file. All: Yes. Carried. 5. Fall Timber Sale Offering. The fall timber sale offering will include a total of 33 sales, covering over 2,100 acres, with a minimum bid value of nearly $880k. Of that total, 6 sales and 363 acres are re-offers. The re-offers have a total minimum bid value of nearly $115k. Ray mentions the Apostle Islands dogsled race has potential to interfere with sale 3-22. Bodine makes note that no sales this offering are in Ashwabay or Cable SMA; no recreation interference. MOTION: (Fickbohm, Ray) Approve timber sale offerings as presented. All: Yes. Carried. 6. Forest Carbon Offset Reserve Fund (FCOR). A draft executive summary outlining the proposed establishment of an FCOR is presented by Bodine. Proposal to allocate a minor percentage of future carbon offset funds to the FCOR. The allocation would be directed to three primary programs: Recreation; Land Acquisition; and Forest Management. Purpose is to establish initiatives of how to reinvest proceeds to attract potential investors. Need to resonate with values of shareholders buying into offsets. FCOR proposal designates approx. $3 million to recreation, $2.5 million to land acquisition, and $1 million to forest management. Silbert inquires if rec grant applications would be open to townships, private, or both? Bodine indicates both. Discussion is had regarding sustainability and forest health as main objectives to determine how programs will move forward. Some impact on harvest goals over time is expected. Sandstrom comments regarding a fund created specifically to mitigate climate change and Bodine responds indicating that an initiative to address that will likely lie with Mark and the general County fund. Bodine discusses the recreation fund allowing for an annual $250k rec grant; ability to fund large and meaningful projects. Discussion is had regarding the type of rec targeted with these funds; likely priority given to non-motorized and low-impact rec use. A rec needs analysis/study will need to be conducted. MOTION: (Silbert, Sandstrom) Approve Bodine’s draft executive summary outlining proposed establishment of an FCOR. All: Yes. Carried. 7. Committee Members Discussion. Fickbohm thanks Silbert for going to bat for the Forestry Department regarding new equipment purchases at the recent Executive Committee meeting. 8. Joseph Lebouton: No comments. The next Forestry and Parks Committee meeting has been scheduled for Monday, November 14th at 6:00 P.M. Meeting adjourned at 7:09 PM. Submitted by, Cassie Taylor