HomeMy WebLinkAboutSheriff’s Emergency & Veterans’ Services Committee - Minutes - 3/20/2023 Sheriff’s, Emergency Management, Veterans, Child Support Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Minutes of the: Bayfield County Sheriff’s Committee Meeting March 20, 2023, 4:00 p.m. Meeting Held in the Bayfield County EOC, Washburn, WI The meeting of the Bayfield County Sheriff’s Committee was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Bayfield County Chair Jeremey Oswald. A roll call was taken by Chair Jeremey Oswald, as follows: Dennis M. Pocernich-present; John Rautio-present; Jeff Silbert- present virtually. Absent: Vice Chair Larry Fickbohm Total: 4 present, 1 absent. A quorum was present to conduct business. The following were also present for today’s meeting: Sheriff- Tony Williams; Child Support Director- Jennifer Jones; Emergency Management Director- Meagan Quaderer; Chief Deputy- Andy Runice; Sergeant- Dave Renz; Captain Luke Kleczka; Emergency Management Assistant- Maria Renz. 2. Approval of Minutes of February 20th, 2023 Motion by Rautio, seconded by Silbert to approve the Minutes of the Monthly Bayfield County Sheriff’s Committee Meeting held on February 20, 2023. Motion carried,4 -0. 3. Public Comment: None. 4. Child Support Office a. Budget Summary presented by Jen Jones, Director for Bayfield County Child Support. The first revenue payment will be on April 30th. Payments are received quarterly. b. Department Overview: The department is currently exceeding last year’s overall statewide average. The department jumped up 10% on back child support and is up on collections. Child Support is at full staff and in about five weeks, will be in a new space which will have a designated testing room with a locked office for genetic testing. 5. Emergency Management a. Budget Summary presented by Meagan Quaderer, Director for Bayfield County Emergency Management. Quaderer submitted a grant through the DNR for electronic collections during Clean Sweep. Quaderer also plans to apply for the Stop the Bleed grant to go along with the AEDs for the squad cars. b. Department Overview: Quaderer and Maria Renz, Emergency Management Assistant, attended the WEM conference. They met with the heads of the OEC and had conversations about WISCOM and the PSAP grant. The WISCOM overhaul will bring more proposed towers to the county than expected. They also toured the Capital. The PSAP work group met this morning. The PSAP grant has two fund accounts that will be combined and available for a grant to be applied for by May 1st. The four county owned towers were inspected. Oswald stated he was willing to help with the electronics collection. 6. Sheriff’s Office a. Budget Summary: Budget Report included. b. Department Overview: Williams stated they hired three new full-time dispatchers and were given authority to hire a total of eight full-time. Williams hopes to hire one more May 1st to have 24/7 double coverage. There is a dispatch meeting scheduled for Thursday to cover their new schedule of a 12-hour rotation. Williams explains that the CARE interview room in the Sheriff’s Office does not work well for children, so the room will be moved to the annex side of the building to be less intimidating for children. The current CARE room will turn into a room for adults. Officer Miller applied for an MMC grant that was approved and will pay for all the squads to have an AED, a cost of $15,800. Williams and Runice provided an update on the squad orders and stated that four squads are expected to arrive in the first week of April, with the plan to be equipped and running by June. They just sent out for bids for four more squads this week and plan to order four more in the fall. Officer Matt Leino is the new Recreational Officer. Officer John Kroll from Ashland Police Department starts with the Sheriff’s Office on April 3rd. The Sheriff’s Office is still looking for one more patrol officer. The new patrol schedule started on Feb. 1st. The schedule is working well, and production is picking up. Runice stated the Birkie went well. c. Jail Overview: As of today, there are 46 inmates, 38 males and 8 females. 1 on electronic monitor. 20 inmates are boarded for Burnette and Ashland Counties. The training calendar for the jail ends in June, so they are currently working on recertification. The jail will be sending a couple of jailers to peer support training. Bayfield County Sheriff’s Office is the only department north of Hwy 8 that has the training. Crisis Intervention Training and leadership training are coming up. Jail and Kitchen are now fully staffed. Kitchen staff hours were increased because they have two menus and multiple programs. 7. Next Meeting Date, April 17th, 2023, at 4 pm in the EOC 8. Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the Sheriff’s, Emergency Management, Veterans, Child Support Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, Chairman Oswald adjourned the meeting at 4:46 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Maria Renz Bayfield County Emergency Management