HomeMy WebLinkAboutTourism & Fair Committee - Minutes - 2/8/2023 2022-07-20 Minutes Minutes of the Wednesday, February 8, 2023, at 4:30 PM EOC Members Present: Larry Fickbohm, James Crandall, Jeremy Oswald, Steve Sandstrom, and John Rautio Members Absent: Others Present: Mary D. Motiff, Tourism Director; David Eades, Fair Coordinator I. Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 4:30 by Fickbohm II. Motion Regarding November 16, 2022, Tourism-Fair Committee Meeting Minutes Motion to approve by Rautio, second Oswald – motion carried. III. Public Comment: – Limited to 3 minutes per person. - None IV. Budget Review: Did well on revenue and expenses - bottom line - $274,000 budgeted - came in at $218,000, less in personnel costs for fair some increase in misc. supplies for fair. Both tourism and fair under budget. Motion to receive and place on file. Sandstrom carried. V. Discussion on Staffing Motiff described the need for more staff to handle the workload. Currently, the coordinator is only part time. Asking to make it full time. This would free up Motiff for Tourism and reduce inefficiencies with staff having to catch each other up tasks. The committee needs to know how expenses will be made up. More events. More tourism. How can you make the case that the added expense in wages will be offset by income? (Rautio) Hold more events (rent), camping, etc. (Fickbohm) Web work and outside work that Motiff does. Can this be reduced to free up your time? (Oswald) We are meeting goals so do we need more tourism? (Oswald) What kind of tourism do we want - short term or long term (Sandstrom) Need accurate job description for Motiff and Eades (Sandstrom) Define what Motiff should be doing as opposed to what she is doing. (Crandall) VI. Discussion on 2023 Fair Planning Motiff- spoke with Carnival and learned about other fairs and prices. Crandall asked about rodeos - Great Frontier was not at convention. Monster Truck contract not signed but hopefully there will be no issues. 2022-07-20 Minutes VII. Buildings and Grounds Update A. 4H Market Sale Projects Update Fickbohm - maybe use binder gravel instead of concrete. Can keep using the tent - issues with health department with pavilion too close to the barn. B. Campground Application Working on it. Need a variance for camping within 100 feet of a barn. C. Other Free exhibitors. Hopefully get more. VIII. Tourism Report from Director A. Department Goals & Objectives with Activities Doing co-op ads with ITBEC, Byway, NGLVC, Bayfield Chamber & VB - meeting goals B. Measurable Data Review including Analytics & Sales Tax Sales tax - up most months last year. Up 8% last year. Do not know what is specific to tourism but are working on figuring that out. Reviewed visitor webpage - Widgets on website, pdf of guide, Shrpa itineraries. Byway page on WisDOT site, new story map by WisDOT, insert for Byways will be included in Rustic Roads brochure. IX. Future Agenda Items and Next Meeting Date April 12, 4:30pm EOC X. Adjournment Adjourn 6pm Respectfully submitted by: Mary D. Motiff Director, Tourism & Fair