HomeMy WebLinkAboutChildren’s Community Options Program Advisory Committee - Agenda - 9/12/2023 K:\Agendas and Minutes\CCOP Advisory Committee\Meeting information\2023 CCOP meeting information\2023-09-12_CCOPAC_Meeting_Notice.docx FROM: Hayley Weyers DATE: September 5, 2023 RE: MEETING NOTICE The Children’s Community Options Program Advisory Committee (CCOPAC) meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 12, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. An in person and remote meeting will originate from Conference Room A, Washburn, Wisconsin. For public participation, remote access is available via Microsoft Teams or by phone using the information below: ________________________________________________________________________________ Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 214 183 096 522 Passcode: 4zPMi2 Download Teams | Join on the web Or call in (audio only) +1 715-318-2087,,80611338# United States, Eau Claire Phone Conference ID: 806 113 38# 1. The agenda includes: Call to Order; Discussion and possible action for review/adoption of the 12/13/2022 meeting minutes; CCOPAC Orientation Binders; Children’s Long Term Support program enrollment report; Discussion of changing meetings to every other month instead of quarterly; other informational items; motion to adjourn meeting. Notice is hereby given, in the event the standing committee does not have a quorum, the County Board Chair or Vice Chair may act as an ex officio member (County ordinance, Chapter 3, section 2-3-1 (c)) c: County Board Chair County Administrator County Clerk HS Director and Managers DCS, Rhinelander Health Department Red Cliff Tribe Post (bulletin board and website) Daily Press Any person wishing to attend who, because of a disability, requires special accommodations, should contact the Department of Human Services at 715-373-6144, extension 83344, at least 24 hours before the scheduled meeting time, so appropriate arrangements can be made. K:\Agendas and Minutes\CCOP Advisory Committee\Meeting information\2023 CCOP meeting information\2022-09-12_CCOPAC_Meeting_Agenda.docx CHILDREN’S COMMUNITY OPTIONS PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CCOPAC) RE: September 12, 2023 CCOP Advisory Committee meeting Dear Committee Members: Please be advised that the quarterly meeting of the Children’s Community Options Program Advisory Committee will be held on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. An in person and remote meeting will originate from Conference Room A, Washburn, Wisconsin. For public participation, remote access is available via Microsoft Teams or by phone using the information below: Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 214 183 096 522 Passcode: 4zPMi2 Download Teams | Join on the web Or call in (audio only) +1 715-318-2087,,80611338# United States, Eau Claire Phone Conference ID: 806 113 38# Find a local number | Reset PIN ________________________________________________________________________________ Notice is hereby given, in the event the standing committee does not have a quorum, the County Board Chair or Vice Chair may act as an ex officio member (County ordinance, Chapter 3, section 2-3-1 (c)) The agenda for this meeting is as follows: AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Discussion and possible action for review/adoption of 12/13/2022 meeting minutes 3. CCOPAC Orientation Binders a. Distribute and begin review of sections: DHS Organization, Introduction, and Roles and Responsibilities 4. Children’s Long Term Support program enrollment report 5. Other informational items from the committee 6. Discussion continuing of changing meetings to every other month instead of quarterly 7. Motion to adjourn c: BCDHS Board Members Sara Wartman Michelle Lampson Hayley Weyers Cheryl Cook Anna Hanson Sherri Paulson Any person wishing to attend who, because of a disability, requires special accommodations, should contact the Department of Human Services at 715-373-6144, extension 83344, at least 24 hours before the scheduled meeting time, so appropriate arrangements can be made. K:\Agendas and Minutes\CCOP Advisory Committee\Minutes\2022 CCOPAC minutes\2022-12-13 CCOP Minutes - Draft.docx BAYFIELD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES CHILDREN’S COMMUNITY OPTIONS PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Bayfield County Courthouse via Teams Meeting & Phone Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. Committee Members Present: Sherri Paulson (by Teams), Michelle Lampson, Hayley Weyers Committee Members Absent: Sara Wartman Staff Present: Deanna Regan Call to order: Weyers called the meeting to order at 10:11 a.m. Review/adoption of minutes from 09/13/2022 meeting: Committee updates: • Discussion and possible action - Recommend appointment of Cheryl Cook to the CCOP Advisory Committee • Discussion and possible action - Recommend appointment of Anna Hanson to the CCOP Advisory Committee Because the CCOP Advisory Committee must be comprised of 50% parent members, the committee prioritized the following applicants and would like the board to add these members in order as more parent members are added to the committee. • Discussion and possible action - Recommend appointment of Brad Larrabee to the CCOP Advisory Committee • Discussion and possible action - Recommend appointment of Melissa Giesregen to the CCOP Advisory Committee Draft minutes, scheduled for final approval at the next regular CCOPAC meeting. Department of Human Services 117 East Fifth Street P.O. Box 100 Washburn, WI 54891-0100 Telephone (715) 373-6144 Fax (715) 373-6130 Email: baycodhs@bayfieldcounty.wi.gov Motion by Weyers to approve the 09/13/2022 meeting minutes, second by Lampson. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Weyers, second by Lampson to recommend appointment of Cheryl Cook to CCOPAC. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Weyers to approve, second by Lampson to recommend appointment of Brad Larrabee to the CCOPAC. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Lampson, second by Paulson to recommend appointment of Anna Hanson to CCOPAC. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Weyers to approve, second by Paulson to recommend appointment of Melissa Giesregen to the CCOPAC. All in favor, motion carried. K:\Agendas and Minutes\CCOP Advisory Committee\Minutes\2022 CCOPAC minutes\2022-12-13 CCOP Minutes - Draft.docx • Discussion and possible action - Recommend appointment of Alison Erickson to the CCOP Advisory Committee Children’s Long Term Support Program Enrollment: • Weyers reported there are 42 active enrollments in the CLTS program. All of those are also in the CCOP program. • There are 2 kids aging out in the January to March time frame. Other Informational Items: • CLTS affiliated summer camps o Lampson stated that there are not any camps a reasonable distance from here other than Easter Seals. Discussion ensued regarding finding someone in the tri-county area to do one. Paulson suggested talking to the people who provide equine therapy. Lampson suggested talking to the Boys Scouts and Girl Scouts. Paulson also suggested Dave Beeksma, who used to run a camp in Bayfield County. Adjournment: • Meeting adjourned at 10:57 a.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by Deanna Regan, Clerk II, Support Staff Motion was made by Weyers to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Lampson. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Lampson to approve, second by Weyers to recommend appointment of Alison Erickson to the CCOPAC. All in favor, motion carried.