HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 Comprehensive Planning Committee - Agenda - 6/21/2023 1 Bayfield County Clerk Lynn M. Divine, County Clerk Kim Mattson, Accountant Jeran Delaine, Deputy Clerk Gail M. Reha, Bookkeeper Paige Terry, Clerk III Ph: 715.373.6100 ● Fx: 715.373.6153 ● Email: Lynn.Divine@bayfieldcounty.wi.gov ● 117 E. Fifth Street, PO Box 878, Washburn, WI 54891 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE Steve Sandstrom-Chair, Mary Dougherty, Charly Ray, Jim Crandall-Vice Chair, Ruth Hulstrom, Ben Dufford, Jason Bodine, Douglas Smith, Cole Rabska, Bob Anderson, Kellie Pederson, Mark Abeles-Allison, Keith Koenning, Barb Thorpe, Nicole Boyd ADVISORY MEMBERS: Jason Laumann, Northwest Regional Planning Commission Emily Nelson, Northwest Regional Planning Commission Megan Mader, Northwest Regional Planning Commission Lynn Divine, Paige Terry, Bayfield County Clerk’s Office RE: June 21st, 2023, 10:00 am, Bayfield County Comprehensive Plan Committee Meeting Dear Committee Members: Please be advised that the monthly meeting of the Bayfield County Comprehensive Plan Committee will be held on June 21, 2023 at 10:00am. This meeting will be held in-person in the Bayfield County Bayfield County Board Room meeting room, at 117 E 6th St Washburn, WI. Supervisors and the public will be able to participate in the meeting in-person or remotely via voice either by using the internet link or phone number below. Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 291 765 775 870 Passcode: fQhxSc Download Teams | Join on the web Or call in (audio only) +1 715-318-2087,,992152140# United States, Eau Claire Phone Conference ID: 992 152 140# Find a local number | Reset PIN Learn More | Meeting options Please contact Bayfield County at 715-373-6181 or 715-373-6100. If you have access questions prior to the meeting. During the meeting if you have connection issues, please email mark.abeles-allison@bayfieldcounty.wi.gov. 1. Call to Order 2. Introductions 3. Public Comment (3 minutes per person, 15 minutes total) Any person wishing to attend who, because of a disability, requires special accommodations, should contact the County Clerk’s office at 715-373-6100, at least 24 hours before the scheduled meeting time, so appropriate arrangements can be made. 2 4. Discussion and Possible Action, Minutes May 17, 2023 5. Existing Land Use Map Amendments/Corrections Update Bayfield County Existing Land Use Review (arcgis.com) 6. Future Land Use Map Status and Updates 7. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Action Plan Review a) Housing b) Transportation c) Utilities and Community Facilities d) Agricultural, Natural, and Cultural Resources e) Economic Development f) Intergovernmental Cooperation g) Land Use h) Hazard Mitigation 8. Review Proposed Committee Timeline Through End of Year (Attached) 9. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Public Participation, Hearing and Adoption i) Dates and Times j) Presenters k) Formats 10. Resources: Bayfield County Web Site, type 2022 Comprehensive Planning into Search Field • Current Bayfield County Comp Plan link: https://www.bayfieldcounty.wi.gov/DocumentCenter/View/129/Bayfield-County- Comp-Plan-Full-PDF • County Wide Plans: https://www.bayfieldcounty.wi.gov/209/Bayfield-County-Comprehensive-Plan • Existing Land Use Review: Bayfield County Existing Land Use Review | Northwest Regional Planning Commission, WI (nwrpc.com) • Draft Plan Elements: At NWRPC Site: Bayfield County Comprehensive Plan Update | Northwest Regional Planning Commission, WI (nwrpc.com) • Preferred Future Land Use Exercise form (PDF) • Preferred Future Land Use Exercise form (XCEL) 11. Next Meeting Dates: a) July 19, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. 12. Adjournment Sincerely, LYNN M. DIVINE Bayfield County Clerk LMD/pat 1 Bayfield County Clerk Lynn M. Divine, County Clerk Kim Mattson, Accountant Jeran Delaine, Deputy Clerk Gail M. Reha, Bookkeeper Paige Terry, Clerk III Ph: 715.373.6100 ● Fx: 715.373.6153 ● Email: Lynn.Divine@bayfieldcounty.wi.gov ● 117 E. Fifth Street, PO Box 878, Washburn, WI 54891 Minutes of the: Comprehensive Planning Committee Meeting May 17, 2023 10:00 a.m. Meeting Held in the Bayfield County Board Room, Courthouse Building, Washburn, WI & Remotely The meeting of the Comprehensive Planning Committee was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Committee Chairman, Steve Sandstrom. Members Present: Jim Crandall, Ruth Hulstrom, Mark Abeles-Allison, Emily Nelson, Steve Sandstrom, Megan Mader, Charly Ray, Mary Dougherty, Kellie Pederson, Jason Laumann (virtually), Cole Rabska (virtually), Nicole Boyd (virtually), and Paige Terry Members Excused: Lynn Divine, Ben Dufford, Douglas Smith, Jason Bodine, Bob Anderson, Barb Thorpe, and Keith Koenning Others Present: Clem Larson- Northwest Regional Planning Commission GIS Specialist, Kim Bro- Town of Washburn Planning Commission, Bruce Moore- Member of the Chequamegon Chapter of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby (virtual) Introductions: Introductions of the committee members were made. Public Comment: Mike Radke, Bayfield, expressed concern regarding page 22 of the draft plan located in the Agricultural, Cultural, and Natural Resources section which states, “public forest primarily for timber resources and other forest products, recreation, fish and wildlife, and wilderness opportunities.” Radke explained that the current wording appears to overemphasize timber harvest and resources over recreation and asked that the committee consider rewording the sentence in a way that would place more emphasis on recreation over harvest. Kim Bro, Washburn, expressed concerns regarding possible hazardous topics that should be included in the Hazard Mitigation section of the plan. Bro suggested a map identifying high fire-prone areas be moved to the hazard mitigation section from the Agricultural, Cultural, and Natural Resources section; and a map that identifies closed/abandoned landfills located in groundwater recharge areas. Discussion and Possible Action, Minutes April 26, 2023: Motion by Abeles-Allison, seconded by Pederson to approve the minutes from the April 26, 2023, Comprehensive Planning Committee. Motion carried. Existing Land Use Map Amendments/Corrections Update: Nelson reported that the deadline for towns to complete the exercise was the previous week and stated that the web map has been updated based on feedback that was received. Clem Larson with Northwest Regional Planning Commission reviewed some of the updates that have been made to the web map and stated that he is not accepting any more changes at this time but may open the map back up for updates in the future if desired. Pederson asked how many updates were received. Larson replied approximately 300 updates were submitted from an estimated five towns or less. Crandall stated that he noticed that some of the changes for the Town of Drummond have yet to be made. Larson informed Crandall that he would revisit the changes that were submitted by the Town of Drummond and make the necessary changes. Bro stated that he had concerns regarding the treatment of the agriculture/residential and forest/residential lots and 2 spoke on the difference between these two classifications. Laumann explained that the problems Bro is referencing would not be covered by the existing land use map and explained the purpose of both map classifications. Future Land Use Mapping Updates: Larson reviewed which towns have completed the exercise and which have not. Larson stated that the extension the committee previously asked for would allow the committee to extend the future land use mapping exercise to allow the towns more time to complete their exercise. Laumann recommended giving the towns an additional 30 days to complete the exercise. After discussion and amendment, a motion was made by Abeles-Allison, seconded by Hulstrom to extend the future land use mapping exercise by 30 days to give the towns more time to complete the exercise and to require committee members to reach out to the towns that have not completed the exercise to ensure that they are aware of the extension and know to complete the exercise. Motion carried. Bro explained that confusion occurs in the towns where individuals automatically assume that the land use refers to zoning and do not understand that the topics are separate. Bro also spoke on the importance of preventing the fragmentation of forest and agriculture lands. Laumann explained that one purpose of the land use exercise was to determine if the discussion regarding land fragmentation was warranted. The following individuals volunteered to contact the remaining towns: Charly Ray – Bayview Mark Abeles-Allison – Port Wing Paige Terry – suggested that the County Clerk contact Keystone and Barksdale. Ruth Hulstrom – All remaining towns Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Public Participation, Hearing, and Adoption: a) Dates and Times: b) Presenters: c) Formats: Pederson stated that she found the public comment format, which lacked back and forth conversation, to be meaningless in acquiring substantive public input and suggested an open house that would allow the committee to engage with the public. Laumann informed the committee that the scope of work for the project did include one open house. Extensive discussion took place regarding open house meeting formats available to the committee. Multiple committee members suggested holding multiple open house meetings in separate areas of the county that would include a presentation, review of the draft plan, and a possible Q&A section. Suggested meetings places include the Town of Cable, Town of Iron River, and the County Board Room which would have a virtual meeting option as well. Laumann recommended that the committee defer setting dates for open house/public participation meetings to next month’s meeting as the extension for the project was just granted so the NWRPC will need to revise their timelines for the project. The committee decided to hold off on setting dates and times until the next meeting. Ray asked when the Hazard Mitigation, Land Use, and Implementation elements would be available online. Nelson replied that the Hazard Mitigation element would be added soon, the Land Use element would not be able to be completed until after the future land use mapping exercise deadline is met, and work on the Implementation element is ongoing. Pederson questioned what the work group assignments were for the next meeting. Nelson answered that the work groups should review the Hazard Mitigation element, work on the “when” and “who” portions of each element’s implementation and revise the “future needs” and “policies” portions of each of the elements. Nelson stated that she would send out links of each of the elements and reminders to each of the work groups. Pederson asked if the strategy plans would also go live on the NWRPC website. Laumann advised that the committee wait to publish the documents until the committee as a whole has revised the documents 3 and approved their publication. Discussion took place regarding adding the strategy plans to the website. After extensive discussion, it was decided that the strategy plans would not be added to the website for now. Resources Comprehensive Planning Calendar: a) June 21, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. b) July 19, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. Next Meeting: a) Thursday, June 21, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. in the County Board Room. Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the Bayfield County Comprehensive Planning Committee, Chairman Sandstrom adjourned the meeting at 11:33 a.m. Respectfully submitted, LYNN M. DIVINE Bayfield County Clerk LMD/pat BAYFIELD COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE 2023-2043 REVISED TIMELINE NEXT STEPS TARGET DATES (2023) Deadline for Town Future Land Use Mapping Exercise June 15 Comprehensive Planning Committee Meeting • Future Land Use Mapping Discussion • Action Plan Review June 21 Comprehensive Planning Committee Meeting • Action Plan Review • Draft Comprehensive Plan Finalization • Public Open House Discussion and Scheduling July 19 Deadline to Post Full Draft Plan August 15 Deadline to Post Notice of Public Open House(s) August 31 Hold Public Open House(s) on Proposed Draft Plan September/October Comprehensive Planning Committee Meeting(s) • Consider Public Comment • Draft Comprehensive Plan Finalization • Plan Adoption Process Overview • Resolution to Recommend Draft Plan to County Board October County Board of Supervisors Meeting • County Board Receives Committee Resolution and Schedules Public Hearing on the Draft Plan and Ordinance o The hearing must be preceded by a Class 1 notice published at least 30 days before the hearing is held October/November Hold Public Hearing on Draft Plan and Ordinance November/December County Board of Supervisors Meeting • Ordinance to Adopt the Updated Comprehensive Plan By December 31 HOUSING Draft Revision Equity Goal: Bayfield County will actively increase development of new attainable housing opportunities for county residents across the spectrum of age, income and ability. Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Bayfield County will support the development of equitable, attainable housing opportunities in communities across the County. Action 1: Increase public awareness and understanding around the need for equitable housing. Gather support for equitable housing development. December 2023 ●UW Housing Educator Action 2: Quantify the need for additional rental units to accommodate demand. December 2024 ●UW Housing Educator Objective 2: Bayfield County will support development of new housing opportunities for elder residents, including independent living and assisted living that can serve residents across the income spectrum. Action 1: Continue to support Northern Lights Health Care operations through active partnership, including financial assistance, grant support, and advocacy. Ongoing, as needed ●County Board Action 2: Support the development of a financial Complete plan by December 2026 ●County Board ●Northern Lights Board 1 sustainability plan for Northern Lights Health Care. ●City of Washburn ●Human Services Action 3: Provide assistance and support to Cinnare Solutions to develop a 56-unit senior-focused complex in Washburn adjacent to Northern Lights. Ongoing until completion of build in December 2025. ●County Administrator ●City of Washburn Action 4: Provide assistance and support to local communities in crafting RFPs for development of additional housing units for elder residents. Ongoing, as needed ●UW Housing Educator Action 5: Apply for and co-sponsor applications for funding opportunities and technical assistance in collaboration with county municipalities and the Tribe. Ongoing, as needed ●County Administration Objective 3: Bayfield County will support development of new housing to meet the needs of a robust workforce making between 80% - 120% of county median income. Action 1: Provide support for new initiatives supporting home ownership and rental opportunities, including the BOBI program. December 2024 ●UW Housing Educator ●County Board Action 2: Update county zoning ordinances to support multi-unit and higher density housing options. December, 2024 ●Planning and Zoning / County Board 2 Action 3:Collaborate with Bayfield County Housing Authority to identify new opportunities that could support residents making up to 120% of County Median Income. December 2024 ●Bayfield County Housing Authority Action 4: Explore the creation of a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO). December 2024 ●Bayfield County Housing Authority ●UW Housing Educator ●County Administration Action 5: Coordinate a regional discussion on how to more effectively harness employer resources to address workforce housing issues. December 2023 ●BCEDC ●UW-Community Development Objective 4: Bayfield County will seek opportunities to increase the stock of both owner- and renter-occupied units (including starter homes and multifamily units), in order to ensure a mix of opportunities for residents making less than 80% of median income. Action 1: Work with Bayfield County Housing Authority to identify opportunities to support an increase in their program capacity. ●Bayfield County Housing Authority ●UW Housing Educator ●County Administration Action 2: Identify and support a LIHTC application for new income-qualified housing units. June 2024 for application submission in December of 2024 ●UW Housing Eductor ●BCEDC 3 ●Local Municipalities Objective 5: Increase the supply of transitional housing to address homelessness and housing insecurity in the region. Action 1: Coordinate with local human services agencies to develop needs assessment in order to better understand the scale of housing insecurity in the region and possible solutions. Ongoing with Annual conversation to address emerging needs by December 2023 ●Northwest CSA ●Ashland County ●Human Service ●Veterans Affairs ●Criminal Justice Coordinating Council Seek financial and technical support to ensure the continued success of the existing transitional housing providers. Ongoing with Annual conversation to address emerging needs by December 2023 ●Northwest CSA ●Ashland County ●Human Service ●Veterans Affairs ●Criminal Justice Coordinating Council Objective 6: Bayfield County will increase the supply of supportive housing options. Action 1: Coordinate with partners to develop and support a LIHTC application under the supportive-housing set aside. June 2024 for application submission in December of 2024 ●UW Housing Educator ●BCEDC ●Local Municipalities ●AARDC ●Northern Lights Nursing Home ●CEP ●Red CLiff Housing Authority 4 Quality Goal: Bayfield County will capitalize on opportunities to improve the existing housing stock in order to enhance the quality, livability, and character of the County. Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Bayfield County will actively seek funding sources to offset the cost of new home development. Action 1: Develop a relationship with USDA Rural Development and identify funding sources to support a new housing development. December 2023 ●Housing Coalition ●UW-Community Development ●Administration Action 2: Identify an additional project within the county to make use of USDA funds. December 2024 ●UW-Community Development ●Administration Action 3: Apply for USDA funds to support a new development. December 2025 ●UW-Community Development ●Administration Action 4: Develop new funding mechanisms for Land Trusts and Small Developments as part of the WHEDA Rural Affordable Workforce Housing Pilot. July 2024 ●Housing Coalition ●UW-Community Development ●Administration Action 5: Research opportunities within Federal BIL funding to support housing infrastructure development. December 2023 ●Housing Coalition ●UW-Community Development ●Administration 5 Action 5: Identify additional projects within the county to make use of LIHTC funding. December 2025 ●Housing Coalition ●UW-Community Development ●Administration Action 6: Identify and apply for one additional grant per year to offset the costs of housing development. By December of each year. ●Housing Coalition ●UW-Community Development ●Administration Objective 2: Bayfield County will encourage the redevelopment or elimination of substandard, blighted, or deficient housing throughout the County. Action 1: Provide support to Town of Cable and its development partners to create a shovel-ready site at the former School site. December 2024 ●Housing Coalition ●UW-Community Development ●Administration Action 2: Develop a plan and process to recapture tax delinquent properties for development of affordable housing. December 2024 ●Housing Coalition ●UW-Community Development ●Administration Action 3: Develop an inventory of properties for redevelopment. December 2024 ●UW Housing Educator ●Land Records ●Planning and Zoning ●BCEDC Objective 3: Bayfield County will Partner with NWRPC to increase access to programs that provide residents with financial incentives and opportunities to improve and 6 maintain homes, including disbursement of Community Development Block Grant Housing funds. Action 1: Develop a plan to increase awareness and use of funding for home repair through programs administered by Northwest Regional Planning Commission. ●UW-Community Development ●NWRPC Objective 4: Apply for all available federal and state assistance available to local governments that will support an increase in energy efficiency and electrification in local housing, in order to contribute to the county's goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Action 1: Research opportunities available through federal, state, local and private programs( BIL, Focus on Energy, Xcel, Bayfield Electric, etc) to support energy-efficient infrastructure development. December 2025 ●Administration Action 2: Partner with Cheq Bay renewables to incorporate solar technology in County-sponsored housing development in Washburn. December 2025 ●Cheq Bay Renewables ●Cinnare Solutions ●Administration ●UW-Community Development ●City of Washburn Collaboration Goal: Bayfield County will actively participate in collaborations and partnerships across state, federal, tribal, county, and municipal lines, and with both the private and non-profit sector, to ensure that adequate housing options exist across the region. 7 Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Bayfield County will collaborate with Red Cliff to explore new opportunities to achieve shared housing goals. Action 1: Host Quarterly meetings with Red Cliff Housing Authority to identify opportunities for collaboration on shared housing goals. Bi-annual (2x per year)●Red Cliff Housing Authority ●BCHA ●UW-Community Development ●Administration Action 2: Include housing updates regularly on County -Tribal relations meetings. Bi-annual (2x per year)●Red Cliff Housing Authority ●BCHA ●UW-Community Development ●Administration ●Housing Coalition Objective 2: Bayfield County will collaborate with towns and municipalities to explore new opportunities to achieve housing goals. Action 1: Enact a support program to assist communities in development of RFPs and contracting with developers to build needed housing. December 2025 ●UW-Community Development ●Administration ●Housing Coalition Action 2: Identify cost-sharing opportunities to support shared-housing development goals with municipalities. December 2024 ●UW-Community Development ●Administration 8 Objective 3: Bayfield County will increase collaboration with the Bayfield County Housing Authority to increase the efficiency and efficacy and range of collaborative housing efforts. Action 1: Develop a shared housing action plan that can increase capacity to administer a broader range of housing programs and activities serving an expanded target population. December 2024 ●BCHA ●UW-Community Development ●Administration Action 2: Formally review MOU with BCHA to include clarification on shared goals and objectives. December 2023 ●BCHA ●UW-Community Development ●Administration Objective 4: Bayfield County will increase capacity to address housing at a county level by partnering with UW-Madison Extension to hire additional staff and dedicate additional resources to improve housing opportunities for residents. Action 1: Provide facilitation, and backbone administrative support for Regional Housing Coalition and other housing related partnerships and collaborations through annual goal setting, bi-annual meetings and quarterly updates. Ongoing with Annual, bi-annual, quarterly, activities ●UW-Community Development Action 2: Enact a support program to assist communities in development of RFPs and contracting with developers to build needed housing. July 2023 ●UW-Community Development 9 Action 3: Participate in UW-sponsored research on climate migration patterns and their potential effect on housing to better understand the potential challenges and opportunities. December 2024 ●UW-Community Development Objective 5: Bayfield County will coordinate with the business community to increase workforce housing opportunities so that businesses can grow and thrive in Bayfield County. Action 1: Explore the development of an employer-based funding source to increase new workforce housing within the WHEDA Rural Affordable Workforce Housing Pilot. July 2024 ●UW-Community Development ●BCEDC ●Larger Local employers ●Chambers of Commerce Objective 6: Bayfield County will partner with Northwest Regional Planning to ensure the disbursement of Community Development Block Grant Housing funds. Action 1: Develop a plan to increase awareness and use of funding for home repair through programs administered by Northwest Regional Planning Commission. Northwest Regional Planning Commission Zoning and Land Use Goal: Bayfield County will develop a housing strategy that increases opportunities for attainable housing while maintaining community character and the integrity of the natural environment. 10 Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Bayfield County will encourage development of parcels that are within or adjacent to existing utility, transportation, daily living and recreational infrastructure. Action 1: Enact a support program to assist communities in development of RFPs and contracting with developers to build needed housing. July 2023 ●UW-Community Development ●Bayfield County Action 2: Develop an inventory of sites that are particularly advantageous for new housing development across Bayfield County. July 2023 ●UW-Community Development ●Land Records Action 3: Research opportunities and facilitate access to loans, grants and other funding sources for site development. Annually, opportunities identified by October. ●Administration ●UW-Community Development Objective 2: Bayfield County will identify tax delinquent lots suitable for housing development. Develop a process for identifying tax delinquent properties suitable for redevelopment for the purpose of housing. December 2024 ●UW-Community Development ●Land Sales Committee ●Administration ●Planning and Zoning Objective 3: Whenever possible, Bayfield County will favor multi-family zoning and the permissibility of accessory dwelling units to increase residential density and lower the cost of new housing unit development. 11 Action 1: Evaluate the zoning code for changes that will increase housing opportunities. March 2024 ●Zoning and Planning ●Consultant affiliated with WHEDA RAWHI program Action 2: Modify or rewrite the zoning code to allow for increased density. December 2026 ●Zoning and Planning ●Consultant affiliated with WHEDA RAWHI program Objective 4: Bayfield County will encourage reevaluation of overlay districts to increase density and opportunities for housing development. Action 1: Reevaluate overlay districts for congruency with county housing goals. March 2024 ●Zoning and Planning ●Consultant affiliated with WHEDA RAWHI program ●Municipal government officials ●Ashland Bayfield Towns Associations Objective 5:Bayfield County will streamline permitting processes making housing development easier and less costly. Action 1: Evaluate the permitting process for inefficiencies and delays. March 2024 ●Zoning and Planning 12 ●Consultant affiliated with WHEDA RAWHI program Action 2: Enact a streamlined permitting process to support housing development. December 2024 ●Zoning and Planning ●Consultant affiliated with WHEDA RAWHI program 13 WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 1 TRANSPORTATION Draft Revision Goal 1: The transportation system in Bayfield County shall facilitate the safe and efficient movement of its citizens within the County while preserving the identity of the community. Target Timeline Lead Agencies Involved Agencies Objective 1: Coordinate with other jurisdictions, agencies, and committees in enhancing transportation services. Action 1: Establish open line of communication with WisDOT and local or regional transit authorities to maintain and enhance transportation facilities throughout the County. 2024 BC Administration Highway WisDOT WTA Red Cliff Tribe Medical Transit Human Services Veterans Office Action 2: Continue to establish a local network of roads that are connected, coordinated, and affordable that will link residents to important community facilities and regional highways. Ongoing BC Administration Highway WisDOT WTA Action 3: Require private developers to design and construct roads under private ownership to County standards. 2024 BC Administration Planning & Zoning Highway WTA Action 4: Require the dedication or preservation of right-of-way consistent with County standards when property is subdivided and work with landowners/developers during the site planning process to implement safe and efficient roadway design including access points or 2024 Planning & Zoning Highway WTA WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 2 intersection with other roadways. Goal 2: Transportation improvements shall balance environmental factors with transportation needs and the desired land uses as identified in the future land use section of the Comprehensive Plan. Target Timeline Lead Agencies Involved Agencies Objective 1: Plan alternate routes throughout the County to make better connections as necessary. Action 1: Engauge local communities for input on all new highway projects. Ongoing BC Administration Highway WisDOT WTA Red Cliff Tribe Objective 2: Plan, design, and construct transportation improvements that respect the natural environment and reflect the aesthetic character and values of the citizens of Bayfield County. Action 1: Incorporate design features that maximize the natural environment and aesthetic characters of Bayfield County. Ongoing Highway WisDOT WTA Red Cliff Tribe Objective 3: Incorporate resiliency into future projects to mitigate impacts from changing weather conditions. Action 1: Include resilient features in future improvements to future projects that have experienced weather-related impacts. Ongoing Highway Emergency Management WEM FEMA WisDOT Goal 3: The future transportation system should be flexible, multi-modal, incorporate technologies to support the transition to electric vehicles, and provide for the needs of citizens and businesses in Bayfield County. Target Timeline Lead Agencies Involved Agencies Objective 1: Support efforts to expand walking, bicycling, ATV/UTV vehicles, transit, electric vehicle transition, and other modes of transportation. Action 1: Encourage bicycle trails throughout the County. Ongoing BC Administration Tourism Forestry Highway WTA Towns Villages WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 3 Action 2: Develop a comprehensive trail plan and develop funding sources. 2024 BC Administration Tourism Forestry Highway WTA Objective 2: Support efforts to obtain easements and additional Right-Of-Way for future separated pathways. Action 1: Include funding and professional services to assist with acquiring additional Right-of-Way on future projects as available. Ongoing BC Administration Highway FHWA WisDOT WTA Objective 3: Develop and implement a county wide alternative fuel filling station plan. Action 1: Gather stakeholders and identify needs and options. 2023 BC Administration Forestry Sheriff Highway WisDOT WTA Red Cliff Tribe Action 2: Develop Alternative Fueling Plan. 2023 BC Administration Forestry Sheriff Highway FHWA WisDOT WTA Red Cliff Tribe Action 3: Review with stakeholders, finalize and implement plan. 2024 BC Administration Forestry Sheriff Highway FHWA WisDOT WTA Red Cliff Tribe Objective 4: Encourage and work with commercial industry to establish alternative transportation and ride sharing options. Action 1: Identify and meet with stakeholders. 2023 BC Administration FHWA WisDOT WTA Red Cliff Tribe Medical Transit Human Services Veterans Office Highway Action 2: Develop options and research funding opportunities. 2023 BC Administration FHWA WisDOT WTA Red Cliff Tribe Medical Transit WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 4 Human Services Veterans Office Highway Action 3: Finalize options and apply for possible funding opportunities. 2024 BC Administration FHWA WisDOT WTA Red Cliff Tribe Medical Transit Human Services Veterans Office Highway Goal 4: Pursue alternative fuel sources for fleet vehicles as technology becomes available. Target Timeline Lead Agencies Involved Agencies Objective 1: Invest in electric, CNG, or other alternative fuel type vehicles as technology becomes available. Action 1: Incorporate available technology in new projects. Ongoing BC Administration Forestry Sheriff Highway FHWA WisDOT WTA Red Cliff Tribe WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 1 UTILITIES & COMMUNITY FACILITIES Draft Revision Goal 1: A clean, resilient energy supply that makes use of cost-effective renewable resources while protecting Bayfield County’s natural resources, that are consistent with and contribute to the County’s goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Support the County’s efforts to align its policies with the State of Wisconsin’s and Xcel Energy’s policy of carbon-free electricity by 2050. Action 1: Develop a county-wide electric vehicle charging infrastructure plan Action 2: Track and maintain carbon-free electricity status in all county-owned facilities even as electric usage may increase due to the electrification of transportation and building systems. 2025 Highway, Tourism, County Administrator and CheqBay Renewables Objective 2: Collaborate with area utilities to demonstrate advanced clean energy projects, including microgrids, to build county and grid energy resilience. Action 1: Develop county-wide energy resiliency guidance plan Action 2: Collaborate with area utilities and build working relationships to ensure power generating plants and transmission lines are incorporated into a smart grid. Action 3: Actively apply for grants to help deploy new technologies 2028 County Administrator, CheqBay Renewables Objective 3: Encourage deployment of “rooftop” solar photovoltaics on county residential and business properties through solar-friendly permitting, education assistance, utility collaboration, and potential incentive assistance as it might become available. Action 1: Work with municipal, tribal and county zoning administration to create solar-friendly zoning codes 2030 WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 2 Action 2: Promote Focus on Energy and other funding sources encouraging solar applications. 2024 County Adminstrator Objective 4: Encourage landowners and electric utilities to locate large solar photovoltaic arrays and energy storage systems near existing or future substations as this is the most cost-effective, efficient, and environmentally sound way to provide large-scale, locally sourced clean energy in this decade. Action 1: Encourage future land use planning exercises considering large scale solar application locations. Action 2: Emphasize importance of renewable energy generation to local utilities. 2025 2024 Zoning County Adminstrator Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 5: Facilitate public input when permitting or approving utility infrastructure and oversee that utilities adhere to carbon reduction policies and intent of permits. Action 1: Encourage utilities to site future renewable energy sites now. Action 2: Incentivize future renewable energy investments. Objective 6: Educate residents on the impact of reduced carbon policies and the long-term cost savings. Action 1: Share energy savings with residents. Action 2: Demonstrate cost savings to residents. Action 3: Demonstrate resiliency impacts of new energy sources during extreme weather. Objective 7: Work with utilities to establish community resiliency centers. Action 1: Develop a map of potential county-owned community resilience centers Action 2: Encourage and support renewable energies to enhance resiliency at essential service locations. 2025 Emergency Management WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 3 Goal 2: Sustain the health, well-being, recreation, and safety of residents and visitors and improve the quality, quantity and affordability of social services and education for all community members, including children, youth, teens, seniors, and people with disabilities. Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Health care, child, and senior care programs are available throughout the County. Action 1: Develop a county-wide plan to address senior social isolation, with a goal of 3 new initiatives by 2033 Action 2: Develop and Implement a Health in All Policies ordinance Action 3: Explore options for collaborative partnerships, using county access to datq, funding, and facilities, that will increase childcare options throughout the county. 2027 2028 2026 Human Services Health Department Human Services and County Adminstrator Objective 2: Identify and support efforts by home health, health care, and supportive care organizations to address the need for recruitment and retention of caregivers for seniors and children. Action 1: Explore options for collaborative partnerships, using county access to datq, funding, and facilities, that will increase caregiving options throughout the county. 2027 Human Services and County Adminstrator Objective 3: Facilities and programs include accessible features to allow participation by all persons. Action 1: Develop a county-wide policy for best practices in accessibility for all county facilities and programs. Action 2: Develop a municipality or township- based self-evaluation and transition plan to work toward access for all and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance. 2025 2026 County Administrator County Administrator WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 4 Objective 4: Bayfield County government departments support school districts, libraries, municipal and tribal human service programs. Action 1: Develop a best practices guidance document detailing opportunities for County support of schools, libraires, and municipal and tribal human services programs. Action 2: Develop an ongoing calendar of County grant or other funding opportunities benefit that could school districts, libraries, and municipal and tribal human services departments 2025 2025 Human Services & Health Department County Adminstrator Objective 5: Actively support area non-profits and encourage public private collaboration to solve problems. Action 1: Develop an ongoing calendar of County grant or other funding opportunities that could benefit area non-profits with missions that are in alignment with County objectives. Action 2: Develop a best practices guidance document detailing opportunities for County support of area non-profits with missions that are in alignment with County objectives. 2025 2026 County Adminstrator County Adminstrator Goal 3: Support and strengthen essential services to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of the community. Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Response times for EMS, police, fire, and rescue services are established for each geographic area of the County and services are coordinated to meet these response times. Action 1: Develop a master list of emergency response agencies across the county, organized by municipality or towns. Action 2: Develop a guidance document, working with municipal or township emergency management leadership, for optimal response times 2024 2025 Emergency Management & Sheriff Emergency Management Objective 2: Broadband access and cellular reception are county-wide. WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 5 Action 1: Identify remaining broadband and cellular ‘deserts’ and work with broadband and cellular providers to bring service to those areas. 2025 County Adminstrator, Area Broadband Providers Objective 3: Onsite wastewater treatment, sanitary sewer service, stormwater management, and water supplies are safe and environmentally sound. Action 1: Develop a county-wide plan that provides guidance to municipalities re: climate- change induced impacts to waste treatment and water treatment plants 2026 Health Department Goal 4: Recognize the value and everyday importance of Bayfield County's parks and community centers, libraries, civic buildings, and cultural assets by investing in their maintenance and improvement. Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Invest in library capital improvement projects whenever possible to ensure their strong role in communities. Action 1: Survey libraries to determine what/if any CIPs they have planned and develop a funding plan to support their efforts 2024 County Adminstrator Objective 2: Encourage regular utilization of public facilities (Town, City, Village and Tribal Facilities) throughout the county to help ensure their use, upkeep and value. Action 1: Develop a comprehensive list of all county- owned public facilities with occupancy and use information and post on the county website, social media, and newsletters. 2024 County Clerk Objective 3: Support outdoor youth activities to create a strong appreciation and lasting value of our outdoors. Action 1: Work with UW-Extension 4-H and Youth Development Director to develop a 5-year outdoor youth activity programming plan 2025, and ongoing UW-Extension Objective 4: Identify and develop means of financing more energy efficient infrastructure, including the counties ageing housing stock. WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 6 Action 1: Develop a 5-year Capital Improvements Program to identify and plan for future utility and facility needs/upgrades. Action 2: Develop an inventory of all County-owned buildings with HVAC systems older than 20 years. Action 3: Convert all HVAC, hot water heaters, windows, and building insulation to high efficiency models. Action 4: Identify grant programs or state/federal funding that will fund the replacement of all HVAC systems older than 20 years old with high efficiency HVAC systems 2025 2025 2028 (50%) 2033 (100%) 2025 Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance County Adminstrator WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 1 AGRICULTURAL, NATURAL, & CULTURAL RESOURCES Draft Revision Goal 1: Protect, maintain, and enhance lakes and streams, wetlands, forestlands, habitats, and groundwater to maintain water quality, ecologic function, and recreational and aesthetic values. Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Assist private landowners to protect, restore, and enhance shorelands, watersheds, agricultural and forested lands. Action 1: Provide technical assistance for landowners in BayCo on private land projects. *Minimum 15 site visits annually BayCo LWCD USDA - NRCS Objective 2: Implement practices to reduce stormwater runoff volume and velocities. Action 1: Implement and fund slow the flow sediment reduction projects with neighboring counties; and provide technical assistance to landowners to restore, enhance and create water retention practices. *Minimum 7 site visits annually *Avg. 5 Implementation Projects installed annually BayCo LWCD USDA - NRCS Northland College USFWS Action 2: Provide technical and financial assistance to install projects and practices with partner agencies to reduce streambank erosion and clay bank slumping. *2023-2026 Funds thru EPA and other funding sources BayCo LWCD USDA – NRCS Northland College USFWS Action 3: Improve zoning development standards to reduce potential for new development to exacerbate erosion of steep slopes. 2024 ordinance update BayCo LWCD BayCo Planning and Zoning Action 4: Collaborate with the Bayfield Co Forestry Departments to address any environmental issues on recreational trails and county parks. *Avg. 3 site visits for technical asst. annually 2023-2025 BayCo LWCD BayCo Forestry Action 5: Map sensitive resources and identify management required to maintain habitat quality. 2024 BayCo Forestry BayCo LWCD WDNR USFS WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 2 Objective 3: Reduce the spread of invasive species to aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Action 1: Continue to implement and support the Bayfield Co AIS Strategic Plan and the NCWMA Strategic Plan *Avg. 50 site visits for treatment; 200+- acres treated annually BayCo LWCD NCWMA Objective 4: Protect and restore lake and stream ecological quality. Action 1: Maintain and restore forested headwaters and steep slopes of drainages and waterways. Ongoing BayCo LWCD WDNR Action 2: Focus land acquisition and conservation projects around lakes and streams. *Ongoing; Avg. 2 site visits annually with both depts. BayCo LWCD BayCo Forestry Action 3: Support and apply BMP’s from the most current WDNR Wildlife Management Plans applicable to northern WI. *Annually BayCo LWCD BayCo Forestry WDNR Goal 2: Reduce and mitigate surface and groundwater impacts from agricultural land use activities in Fish Creek, White River, and Iron River Watersheds. Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Work with farm producers on NR 151 Performance Standards and Prohibitions. Action 1: Provide technical assistance and cost share to farms for ATCP 50 projects and practices, including nutrient management planning. *Allocate avg $25,000 cost share annually for projects 2023+ BayCo LWCD USDA - NRCS Action 2: Continue to administer the county Farmland Preservation Plan. *Ongoing BayCo LWCD Action 3: Establish larger minimum parcel size for important agricultural lands. 2024-2025 ordinance revision BayCo Planning and Zoning BayCo LWCD Action 4: Develop 9 Key Element Plan for Fish Creek Watershed *2023-2026 BayCo LWCD WDNR Superior Rivers Action 5: Update Marengo River 9 Key Element Plan *2023-2024 Superior Rivers WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 3 Goal 3: Enhance or improve climate resiliency across all natural landscapes, with an emphasis on forests, and increase natural carbon sequestration to the extent needed to achieve the county’s goal of net-zero carbon emissions from county operations by 2040 and from all county sources by 2050. Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Maintain or increase the extent of forest ecosystems. Action 1: Establish a baseline trend of forest ecosystems by different forest types. Ongoing BayCo Forestry WDNR Forestry Objective 2: Improve or enhance a diversity of interconnected forested landscapes, with an emphasis on increasing the extent of public lands. Action 1: Continue to focus on land acquisition. Ongoing BayCo Forestry WDNR Forestry Action 2: Develop a process to evaluate additional land acquisition / protection. Ongoing BayCo Forestry Objective 3: Discourage habitat fragmentation. Action 1: Establish larger minimum parcel sizes for forestland habitats. 2024 BayCo Forestry BayCo Planning WDNR USFS Objective 4: Encourage the development and adoption of sustainable management strategies that improve forest productivity, diversity, health, and vigor. Ongoing BayCo Forestry Objective 5: Encourage the development and adoption of forest management strategies that enhance or improve carbon sequestration rates and storage capacity. Action 1: Achieve the balance of forest management and carbon sequestration. 2023+ BayCo Forestry Action 2: Reduce the potential for carbon loss from natural disturbances, including wildfire, insects and disease, as well as Ongoing BayCo Forestry WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 4 human induced disturbances including conversion Objective 6: Encourage and support regenerative agricultural practices by Bayfield County farms. Action 1: Promote practices and projects that encourage carbon sequestration such as perennial crops and rotational grazing. *2023+ BayCo Forestry BayCo LWCD UWEX Goal 4: Increase the climate resilience for planning, design, engineering, and construction of future projects due to more intense weather events. Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Increase technical assistance and education activities with landowners regarding coastal erosion on the south shore of Lake Superior and fluctuating inland lake levels Action 1: Continue to partner with NRCS, DATCP, and DNR to factor in more intense weather events when planning for projects. *2023-2026 BayCo LWCD Objective 2: Incorporate additional storage and protection measures during planning, designing, and installing all conservation practices on the landscape. Action 1: When possible, design projects to a 100YR storm precipitation / runoff event. *2023+ Avg. 10 site visits annually between depts. BayCo LWCD BayCo Forestry BayCo Highway Objective 3: Continue training for conservation staff and board members on climate resiliency as it relates to project planning and available funding. Action 1: Attend all possible specification / standard update trainings and engineering trainings *Annually BayCo LWCD BayCo Forestry BayCo Highway WDNR Goal 5: Protect, restore, and enhance sustainable fish and wildlife populations and habitat through an integrated ecosystem approach. WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 5 Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Maintain and restore the diversity of Bayfield County’s fish and wildlife populations while minimizing the negative impacts of overabundant species and satisfy the publics desire for hunting, fishing, and wildlife viewing. Action 1: Coordinate state, local, and federal mgt of Conservation Opportunity Areas. 2023+ WDNR USFWS BayCo Forestry & Parks Objective 2: Sustain and restore fish and wildlife habitat quality, quantity, and spatial distribution on public and private lands. Action 1: Provide assistance, guidance and incentives to landowners for habitat on private lands. 2023+ WDNR USFWS BayCo LWCD Action 2: Provide technical support to municipalities to mitigate negative impacts of land use on fish and wildlife habitats and populations. *Ongoing WDNR USFWS BayCo LWCD Action 3: Enhance fish and wildlife habitat by improving water quality, stabilizing water flow, and improving quality habitat. *2023+ Avg. 5 site visits annually with partner agencies BayCo LWCD WDNR USFWS USFS Action 4: Maintain and restore habitat quality by preventing fragmentation of land ownership. 2023+ BayCo Forestry USFS WDNR Action 5: Prevent introduction and spread of invasive species that degrade habitat for native species *Annually BayCo LWCD NCWMA WDNR USFS Objective 3: Support and increase opportunities for people to participate in fish and wildlife focused activities Action 1: Assure adequate and mapped public access areas to accommodate demand for hunting, fishing, and wildlife viewing on county owned lands Annually BayCo Forestry WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 6 Actions for Specific Species and Habitats: Some Species Requirements:: Pine martens succeed best in late successional, closed canopy, mixed coniferous forest with deadfalls that provide protected den sites. Populations are being re-established near Red Cliff and southeast Bayfield County. Bears do well in forests that have an abundance of hard mast (e.g., acorns) and soft mast (berries, fruits, spring grass and sedge sprouts). A mixture of hardwood forest, with openings and wetlands Conservation Opportunity Areas Management: Lake Superior Estuaries: These areas are critical to the ecological quality of Lake Superior, a globally significant resource. Not only do the support several endangered and threatened species, they also provide sites for fish reproduction and nursery areas, waterfowl habitat, and migratory bird habitat. Their ecological quality depends not only on protecting the areas themselves but also on managing headwater streams to protect water quality and steady water flow. Moquah Barrens and Northwest Sand Barrens: These globally significant conservation areas are dependent on fire, today through controlled burns and management of larger “patch sizes.” As a result, it is important to minimize the potential for habitat fragmentation and to minimize dispersed construction of houses and other structures that increase fire risks and interrupt habitat corridors. Vehicular use of these habitats easily erodes the sandy soils and increases the likely introduction and spread of invasive species. Such use should be concentrated in the most suitable areas in order to limit habitat disturbance and to limit habitat fragmentation. Lake Superior Grasslands: These areas have become important breeding habitats for some species of migratory birds. Some former farm fields have reverted to wetlands and are important habitat for waterfowl. Habitat quality depends on avoiding agricultural mono-cropping and fragmentation so that a diversity of grassland vegetation is maintained. It is also important to avoid converting these grassland areas to forestland. Goal 6: Preserve and enhance cultural resources, including historical and archeological sites and resources. Target Timeline Responsible Party WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 7 Objective 1: Coordinate with Red Cliff Tribe to support efforts to preserve cultural heritage, language, artifacts, archeology, and other cultural resources. Action 1: Support development of cultural programs. Avg. 5 tribal relations committee meetings annually Bayfield County Red Cliff Tribe Action 2: Increase non-tribal awareness and knowledge of tribal history and culture. Annually Bayfield County Red Cliff Tribe Action 3: Support and promote museums, cultural and interpretive centers. Annually Bayfield County Red Cliff Tribe Objective 2: Coordinate with the Bayfield County Historical Society to update the inventory of historic properties within the County and share this information with the state of Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory. Action 1: Develop a list of eligible or registered historical places in Bayfield County. 2023-2024 BayCo Historical Society Action 2: Work with private landowners on the preservation of historical buildings. Annually BayCo Historical Society Objective 3: Support preservation of cultural and historic resources. Action 1: Recognize cultural and historic values in land use and development decisions. Annually BayCo Zoning BayCo Historical Society *More detail regarding the Targeted Timeline for many of these Goals, Objectives, and Actions can be found in the following: • Bayfield County Land and Water Resource Management Plan • NCWMA Annual Work Plan • Bayfield County Forestry Annual Work Plan • Annual NRCS Farm Bill • WDNR Wildlife Action Plan • USFWS Coastal Program (Exact Plan titles may need updating for this section) WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 1 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Draft Revision Goal 1: Bayfield County will actively support initiatives that support recruitment and retention of a skilled workforce. Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Bayfield County will support initiatives that increase the availability of affordable workforce housing opportunities. Action 1: Identify new sites for housing development. January 2024 Housing Outreach Specialist BC Planning & Zoning Action 2: Identify existing sites for redevelopment and increase of density. January 2024 Housing Outreach Specialist BC Planning & Zoning Action 3: Collaborate with communities on the creation of RFPs for housing development June 2024 Housing Outreach Specialist Action 4: Determine resources to assist in the retrofitting/rehabilitation of existing housing. June 2024 Housing Outreach Specialist UW-Community Development Action 5: Educate the communities and public on resources available for assistance August 2024 Housing Outreach Specialist Communities and municipalities Objective 2: Bayfield County will support initiatives that increase childcare and eldercare opportunities, in order to increase the labor force participation rate. Develop short term study group of county board tasked with evaluating childcare and eldercare needs across the county and making recommendations for programs to address gaps. March 2024 BC Administration BC Human Services WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 2 Objective 3: Bayfield County will invest in community recreational assets, (e.g. trails, facilities, programs) recognizing that an amenity-rich environment is a critical tool in recruiting a vibrant stable workforce. Action 1: Stimulate trail development and maintenance by assisting local organizations and clubs through financing/funding, equipment, land access. Annually-2024 BC Forestry dept, BC Planning and Zoning local clubs and organizations. Action 2: Develop an assessment of trail needs, locations, and businesses needed to support those trails. October 2024. UW-Extension, 3rd Party firm, Forestry dept, Northland College (student or intern), BC Planning and Zoning, BC Tourism Dept. Action 3: Support 4H and other groups that create amenities/activities for youth in the communities. Annually-2025 BC government Goal 2: Through active partnership and collaboration with local and regional economic development agencies, Bayfield County will ensure that locally-owned businesses of all sizes are afforded access to critical business resources, including: Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Increased access to financial assistance and/or incentives through state and federal grants, and other financial instruments for existing and new companies. Action 1: Support regional entities that provide financial assistance and/or incentives. Annually-2023 BC government Objective 2: Access to opportunities for financial planning and succession planning access to opportunities for education in order for business owners to meet changing demands. Action 1: Support and utilize regional entities to provide bi- annual programming for succession planning to existing business owners. Annually-2023 BC government BCEDC WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 3 Objective 3: Access to programs that support entrepreneurship and locally-owned micro- and small business ventures. Action 1: Utilize regional entities to provide programs of support for entrepreneurship and micro- economies. Annually-2024 BC government Goal 3: Bayfield County will invest in critical business and industry sectors needed to support the changing demographics of the county. Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Bayfield County will invest in opportunities/facilities that will build a more vibrant medical, caregiving sector in order to meet the demands of the county’s changing demographic. Action 1(medical): Develop a List of current service provider locations and identify potential “desert” areas. 2024 BC government Current service providers Action 2(medical): Develop a streamlined process of: obtaining land, zoning, and construction of facilities in the “desert” areas. 2025 Bayfield County Gov. BC Planning & Zoning Current service providers Action 3: Develop a coalition of regional care providers and economic development to assess gaps in care and identify opportunities and strategies for new businesses and endeavors to fill in those gaps. 2026 BC Administration BCEDC, UW-Community Development Other regional entities WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 4 Goal 4: Bayfield County will invest in infrastructure improvements needed to support modern economic development and community needs. Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Bayfield County will continue to pursue broadband expansion until all residents of Bayfield County have exceptional access to broadband technology suitable for telecommuting and educational needs. Action 1: Seek partners and grants for expanding quality broadband services. Annually-2023 BC Government Norvado, Bayfield Wireless, others. Objective 2: Bayfield County will continue to invest in renewable energy infrastructure in order to increase regional energy independence. Action 1: Collaborate with renewable energy providers and consultants to identify projects suitable for funding through grants. Annually-2023 Cheq Bay Renewables Xcel Energy Bayfield Electric Coop BC government Objective 3: Bayfield County will support the expansion of sewer and water utilities in order to create more opportunities to develop and expand business and housing. Action 1: Compose a reference page that outlines the regulatory and financial benefits of building housing within existing water/sewer districts. 2024-begin discussions BC Planning & Zoning BC government Housing Outreach Specialist Communities/towns Local sanitary districts Action 2: Determine barriers of rehabilitating or construction on the sites available. 2024 in coordination with action 1. BC Planning & Zoning Bayfield County Gov Housing Outreach Specialist Communities/towns Local Sanitary districts Objective 4: Bayfield County will revise and realign zoning codes and ordinances in order to effectively streamline systems for economic development including business expansion, home, and commercial development. Action 1: Develop a clear, simple and streamline process with B.C. P&Z. 2024-2025, ongoing throughout the updating of zoning code BC Planning & Zoning BCEDC Local contractors and developers WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 5 Goal 5: Bayfield County will balance the needs of residents and visitors to the area. Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Bayfield County will revise short-term rental ordinances to ensure continuous quality of life for long-term residents. Action 1: Collaborate with B.C. P&Z to revise ordinances. June 2024 BC Planning and Zoning. BC Administration Local municipalities Action 2: Educate state representatives of the barriers of state regulation that adversely affect county enforcement. April 2024 BC Administration Local municipalities Objective 2: Bayfield County will explore an increase in direct fees related to tourism activities in order to raise revenues to support tourism related infrastructure (e.g., sales taxes, user and impact fees, etc.). Action 1: Educate state representatives on the benefits of a Premier Resort Tax covering all of Bayfield County. April 2024 BC Tourism BC Administration Chambers of commerce Objective 3: Bayfield County will continue to support public transit opportunities for the rural population Action 1: Provide continuing support of public transit service providers. Annually-2024 BC government WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 1 INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION Draft Revision Goal 1: Improve communication and collaboration with neighboring towns, municipalities, area school districts, state and federal agencies, and the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa to improve efficiency. Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Determine need for agreements with state, federal and municipal agencies and the Red Cliff Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa to facilitate response to all hazard incidents. Action 1: Compile a list of all current agreements with Agencies and survey other agencies to determine if additional agreements are necessary. Action 2: Analyze services that are currently being provided, identity activities and services that are beneficial to the County, identify those activities and services that are not currently being provided to the County but would be beneficial and recommend agreements that are not beneficial for the County. Action 3: Develop a list with a description of the location, use and capacity of existing public utilities and community facilities, and recreational areas. Action 4: Notify appropriate state agencies of proposed land use plans. Action 5: Notify WISDOT of proposed development projects adjacent to state trunk highways so they can plan accordingly for future improvements. Action 6: Coordinate with WISDOT and WDNR to ensure transportation / facilities are safe and natural resources are protected. Action 7: Ensure that the public rights-of-way and the pedestrian access route are accessible for users, including persons with disabilities. Objective 2: Seek ways to share community facilities and services with neighboring communities and coordinate on multi-jurisdictional applications whenever possible. Action 1: Inventory equipment and describe services provided by adjacent jurisdictions. WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 2 Action 2: Develop formal agreements when sharing and developing programs, services and activities. Target Timeline Responsible Party Action 3: Outline and develop cost incentives for sharing and collaboration of facilities, programs, services and activities. Action 4: Explore the potential for mutual services with neighboring towns including road development / maintenance, garbage collection, recycling, etc. Action 5: Seek funds for housing rehabilitation in coordination with other with other jurisdictions. Objective 3: Identify existing or potential conflicts between local governmental units, including future land use trends, and describe processes to resolve such conflicts. Action 1: Establish a conflict resolution process with adjoining and overlapping jurisdictions. Action 2: Work with surrounding towns and municipalities on land use and zoning issues. Action 3: Adopt and incorporate County-wide land use classifications that have been developed as part of this comprehensive planning process. Action 4: Continue the work of the Bayfield County Tribal Relations Committee with representation from Bayfield County Board and the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa that will meet regularly to communicate and address issues of concern to both jurisdictions. WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 1 LAND USE Draft Revision Land Use Vision Statement Bayfield County will maintain a mix of small communities, rural landscapes and natural areas that make this a unique area with a high quality of life. Growth and development will be encouraged in communities that have the capacity or opportunity to expand existing infrastructure. Single residential zoning will be focused on areas such as lakeshores and rivers where natural resources are most impacted by increased density and use. Communities will be encouraged to infill and increase housing within existing developed areas. Commercial developments will be encouraged within existing communities and along transportation corridors. Rural landscapes will be maintained by discouraging subdivisions and encouraging concentrated growth among existing residential areas and roads. Infrastructure projects which impact the visual rural landscape (road expansions, utility corridors, energy facilities, communication towers, etc.) should be designed to minimize impacts to the landscape. Agriculture and forestry will be supported through revisions to the zoning code, discouraging subdivisions in working landscapes, supporting transportation systems and technical support from County staff. The County will organize regular discussions with towns, cities and the public on land use, sustainable development and planning on a regular basis to continue developing and implementing a vision for the future of Bayfield County. Every two years, a meeting will be convened to review land use issues. Jurisdictional Planning Goal 1: Coordinate growth management and land use planning between the County, townships, cities, and agencies. Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Ensure that all towns within Bayfield County utilize the future land use classifications in the 2023 Comprehensive Plan. Action 1: Engage communities and towns into the process of utilizing the future land use classifications. 2023 Zoning B.C. Admin Towns WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 2 Objective 2: Develop a planning workshop every other year with representatives from the County, towns, cities and villages within Bayfield County to understand planning issues, review best management practices and discuss planning issues. Action 1: Implement workshops in even years. Action 2: Develop a planning & zoning educational outreach position. 2024 2024 Zoning Staff B.C. Admin Zoning Staff B.C. Admin Objective 3: County Board Zoning Committee will review the land use policies of this document as well as the land use map in February to ensure consistency and familiarity with the document. Action 1: Implement. 2024 Zoning Staff & Committee Objective 4: Promote the incorporation of Plan Commissions on a town-by-town basis. Action 1: Contact all of the towns/municipalities to provide information and support 2024 Zoning Staff Towns Objective 5: Update the Ordinance and Zoning Districts to align with Comprehensive Plan. Action 1: Revise Zoning code. 2025 Zoning Staff Zoning Committee Planning for the Environment Goal 1: Ensure that land use and development is compatible and harmonious with the natural environment. Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Modify zoning ordinance as needed with this goal. Ordinance already includes several requirements related to limiting environmental impact. Action 1: Research potential zoning in forestry, agriculture, lakeshore and riparian zones which maintains the use and function of the land with conservation development options for landowners. 2024 Zoning Staff Zoning Committee Action 2: Increase minimum lot sizes and develop conservation subdivision guidelines for maintaining agricultural and forestry land uses. 2024 Zoning Committee Action 3: Identify areas of the County for high density/impact commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreation development, or develop zoning codes for these categories. 2024 Zoning Committee Objective 2: Promote higher-intensity, higher density growth and development within Bayfield County on appropriate sites through Zoning Code revisions Action 1: Encourage residential developments, which include multi-family housing, in areas that can 2024 Zoning Staff Zoning Committee WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 3 accommodate more intensive infrastructure demands. Action 2: Encourage minimizing the number of driveways. 2024 Zoning Staff Action 3: Promote through-street systems over dead end roads/driveways. 2024 Zoning Staff Action 4: Develop appropriate parking standards for different uses. 2024 Zoning Staff Objective 3: Minimize light pollution Action 1: Develop guidelines for best practices on light pollution. 2024 Zoning Staff Action 2: Create programs to encourage and educate about dark skies and best practices for reducing light pollution. 2025 Zoning Outreach Staff Action 3: Evaluate areas of Bayfield County for Dark Sky designation to promote winter tourism. Ongoing BC Admin Tourism Goal 2: Encourage the protection of historic sites to preserve the County’s history, promote the sense of place and provide tourism opportunities. Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Identify historic and cultural sites within Bayfield County utilizing GIS mapping. Identify staffing and departments. Action 2: Develop a county work group combining multiple departments and Red Cliff representatives. Action 2: Develop and inventory cultural and historic sites 2024 Ongoing BC Admin BC Admin Goal 3: Protect water resources in volume and quality. Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Conserve the artesian water system at near current levels in Bayfield County. Action 1: Conduct a study of the artesian water system. Action 2: Evaluate policy and program options to conserve the artesian water system. 2023 2024 BC Admin BC Admin Objective 2: Protect water resources through planning and zoning. Action 1: Address this in Zoning Code revisions. 2024 Zoning Staff Zoning Comm. Objective 3: Protect and restore public waters through policy, conservation purchases and facilitating access to water. WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 4 Action 1: Prioritize public and private land acquisitions which conserve the watersheds, riparian zones, wetlands and lakes of Bayfield County with highest priority to Class 3 lakes and trout streams. 2024 Forestry Dept. and Committee Action 2: Prioritize acquisition of shorelines which provide public access to lakes and streams. Ongoing BC Admin Forestry Dept. Goal 4: Protect and preserve agricultural and forestland uses and the overall economic viability of working lands within Bayfield County. Target Timeline Responsible Party Objective 1: Develop and update the County’s Farmland Preservation Plan as a means of creating tax credits for agricultural preservation, soil and water conservation. Action 1: Update the FPP before expiration. Action 2: Staff and fund staff for this program. 2028 2027 LWCD BC Admin Objective 2: As a means of protecting active farmland within this land use, the County should incorporate the Land Evaluation Site Assessment (LESA) tool. Staff and fund this effort. Action 1: Review LESA and other tools and programs which could be leveraged to protect active farmland. 2025 LWCD Objective 3: Encourage restorative agriculture and farming techniques that support the economic and environmental integrity of agricultural land within the County. Action 1: Support the hazelnut initiative and other efforts to develop specialty crops suitable for the region. Action 2: Support best management practices and reduce impacts to the environment of agriculture. Ongoing Ongoing UW-Ext. LWCD Objective 4: Support forestry and agriculture economy by maintaining and ensuring access to transportation infrastructure. Action: Use bridge and road aids for working lands road improvements. Ongoing Highway and Forestry Committees Objective 5: Ensure regulatory and policy changes are supportive of working agricultural and forestlands. Action: Lobby for working lands road aids. Ongoing Superior Days WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 5 WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 1 HAZARD MITIGATION AND RESPONSE IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE Workgroup Vision: To promote resiliency among county departments and partner agencies during natural and manmade disasters. Goal 1: Inform and educate citizens about hazard mitigation as well as the various hazards. Target Timeline Lead Agencies Involved Agencies Objective 1: Educate residents and surrounding communities on the risk exposure to natural hazards and ways to increase the members’ capability to prepare, respond, recover, and mitigate the impacts of these events. Action 1: Community Education Seminars Minimum of 2 scheduled annually beginning in 2023. Emergency Management Highway Department WTA Red Cliff Tribe Action 2: Public Service Announcements Re: Natural Disaster preparedness Seasonal – 4 announcements to be sent seasonally Emergency Management Highway Department DNR USFS Tourism Objective 2: Develop and attend classroom discussions in local schools to promote education. Action 1: Develop & Implement the Bayfield County Schools EOP Plan and present to the area districts & Students Initial plan to be completed by January 2024, with annual audits and updates. Emergency Management Sheriff’s Office School Districts of: Ashland Bayfield Drummond Maple South Shore Washburn Objective 3: Use best available data, science, and technologies to improve understanding of location and potential impacts of hazards, and to promote disaster resilient communities by discouraging new development in hazardous areas or ensuring that development is done in such a way to minimize risk. WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 2 Action 1: Utilize existing mapping resources to identify hazardous areas. Annual audit of local municipal road maintenance forms to identify problematic areas. This data will assist the mapping of this data. Annual auditing and updating to be completed by August of each year (to accommodate for budget season) Land Records Highway Department WTA Red Cliff Tribe Planning & Zoning Objective 4: Present Hazard Mitigation topics to through public outreach using 3 different form of social media, in-person presentation at the County Fair, and presentations to the WTA. Action 1: Hazard Mitigation Public Outreach 6 different topics to be presented annually Annual outreach to be conducted using a seasonal or opportunity-based process. Emergency Management Sheriff’s Office Red Cliff Tribe Goal 2: Include resiliency of infrastructure for hazardous events. Target Timeline Lead Agencies Involved Agencies Objective 1: Continue to seek funding for climate change impacts on natural disasters – wildfire, flooding, winter storms, heavy rain events etc. Action 1: Seeking state and federal grant opportunities. Apply for a minimum of one opportunity annually. Highway Department Land & Water Conservation Emergency Management Land Records Tourism Objective 2: Provide and or improve flood protection through various means, such as increase flow capacities at stream and river crossings with larger structures to accommodate high flows and land uses/ topographic engineering that slows the flows of tributaries. Action 1: Design infrastructure to withstand Continuous Highway Department USFS DNR WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 3 a 100-year storm when applicable Land & Water Conservation County Forestry County Administrator Land Records Objective 3: Encourage hazard mitigation measures that result in the least adverse effects on the natural environment and that use natural processes, while preserving and maintaining cultural resources. Action 1: When possible, follow best management practices for future work or repair projects Continuous Land & Water Conservation Planning & Zoning County Administrator Highway Department USFS DNR Action 2: Incorporate resilient attributes in new capital projects Continuous County Administrator WTA Red Cliff Tribe Action 3: Develop mapping system with capabilities to identify and locate residents most vulnerable to risk. December 2025 Sheriff’s Office Emergency Management Land Records Action 4: Develop a COOP (Continuity of Operations Plan) for county offices December 2024 County Administrator County Board County Department Heads Objective 4: Assist and educate town road crews on proper road maintenance reporting so they qualify for FEMA and WDF funding when applicable. Action 1: Initiate training with FEMA & WDF for local municipalities FEMA and WDF Training to be held annually by December 31st of each year. Land & Water Conservation Highway Department Emergency Management WTA Red Cliff Tribe Action 2: Development & Implementation of the Road Maintenance form for local municipalities August 2023 Emergency Management Highway Department WTA WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 4 Goal 3: Increase collaboration and communication between citizens, local government, departments, tribal departments, federal agencies, and the private sector. Target Timeline Lead Agencies Involved Agencies Objective 1: Promote recruitment for emergency responders in all areas of the county Action 1: Advocate for legislative changes at the state level to improve recruitment efforts Continuous Emergency Management County Administrator Bayfield County Board WTA Objective 2: Enhance the regional interoperability communications between emergency response agencies: WISCOM. Action 1: Work with the State of WI Office of Emergency Communications (OEC) to influence regional interop frequencies December 2028 Emergency Management County Administrator Sheriff’s Office Highway Department Objective 3: Utilize the community wide emergency notification system. Action 1: Identify and create policies regarding how the county wide emergency notification will be used July 2023 Emergency Management Sheriff’s Office County Board County Administrator Objective 4: Engage local governments to promote collaboration. Action 1: Seek opportunities to create formal agreements and MOU’s 2023 - Continuous County Administrator County Board WTA Red Cliff Tribe USFS DNR NPS WEM Action 2: Update agreements with Bayfield County Highway, USFS, and other partner agencies 2024 Highway Department County Administrator USFS DNR Red Cliff Tribe WTA WORKGROUP ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 5 Goal 4: Develop and implement training plans for future emergency events. Target Timeline Lead Agencies Involved Agencies Objective 1: Further training of county officials / staff. Action 1: Schedule and host ICS training To be held at least once annually County Administrator Emergency Management Action 2: Conduct tabletop exercises of actual incidents to prepare for actual emergencies. To be held at least once annually Emergency Management Highway Department TC Energy Enbridge Northern Natural Gas FEMA WEM Action 3: Host training events with all 3 pipelines that run through Bayfield County To be held at least once biennially. Emergency Management TC Energy Enbridge Northern Natural Gas USFS