HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 11/14/2023 1 Bayfield County Clerk Lynn M. Divine, County Clerk Jeran Delaine, Deputy Clerk Paige Terry, Clerk III Ph: 715.373.6100 ● Fx: 715.373.6153 ● Email: Lynn.Divine@bayfieldcounty.wi.gov ● 117 E. Fifth Street, PO Box 878, Washburn, WI 54891 Minutes Monthly Meeting of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors November 14, 2023 Meeting Held in the Bayfield County Board Room, Courthouse, Washburn, WI Call to Order: The monthly meeting of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Bayfield County Board Chairman, Dennis M. Pocernich. A roll call was taken by County Clerk, Lynn Divine, as follows: Dennis Pocernich-present; Steve Sandstrom-present; Mary Dougherty- present; Brett Rondeau-present; Larry Fickbohm-present; Jim Crandall-present; Charly Ray-present; Madelaine Rekemeyer-present; Jeremy Oswald-present; Marty Milanowski-present; Jeff Silbert-present; John Rautio-present; Fred Strand-present. Total: 13 present, 0 absent. A quorum was present to conduct business. Others Present: County Administrator- Mark Abeles-Allison; County Clerk- Lynn M. Divine; Planning & Zoning Director- Ruth Hulstrom; Finance Director- Kim Mattson; Corporation Counsel- John Carlson; Sheriff- Tony Williams; Chief Deputy- Andy Runice; Public Health Director- Sara Wartman; UW Extension Housing Development Educator- Kelly Westlund; UW Extension Housing Outreach Intern- Elizabeth Montgomery; Jaime Tucker; Bill Bussey; Keith Koenning; Liz Fentress; Mike Radtke; Charles Finn; Mark Peterson; Northwest Regional Planning Representative- Emily Nelson; and Clerk III- Paige Terry Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance. Moment of Silence, Harvey Anderson: The board held a moment of silence for Harvey Anderson, former Bayfield County Fairgrounds Assistant. Crandall spoke on his experience working with Anderson, stating that Harvey will be greatly missed. Bayfield County Proclamation No. 2023-01 Public Health Appreciation Day WHEREAS, Sara Wartman began work as Public Health Officer for Bayfield County in 2016 having worked prior as a public health nurse for Bayfield and Ashland Counties; and, WHEREAS, on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic; and, WHEREAS, the novel coronavirus pandemic is the biggest public health crisis the world has faced in more than a century; and, WHEREAS, as leader of the Public Health Department, Wartman oversaw the most extensive public health mobilization in Bayfield County history; and, WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Health Department’s public education campaign included hundreds of press releases, social media videos and posts, and presentations at schools, town halls, and county board meetings; and, 2 WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Health Department’s COVID-19 vaccination response included multiple vaccination clinics across the county, resulting in Bayfield County listed as one of the top vaccinated counties in the State of Wisconsin; and, WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Health Department developed extensive educational materials including prevention plans for businesses, food and lodging facilities, and sporting events, in addition to advocating quarantine guidelines and supporting the State’s Safer at Home campaign; and, WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Health Department helped lead the county forward as deaths shook area residents; and, WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Health Department, in conjunction with Emergency Management, implemented a massive personal protective equipment campaign involving extensive deployment and logistical issues; and, WHEREAS, on November 6, 2023, Sara Wartman became the full-time Bay Area WIC Director serving Bayfield, Ashland, and Iron counties; and, WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board recognizes the tremendous emotional investment, perseverance and continuous outflow of energy required during Sara Wartman’s time as Public Health Director; and, WHEREAS, the citizens of Bayfield County honor Sara Wartman and all Bayfield County Public Health Department Employees for the passion and commitment extended to all county residents and the community; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Dennis Pocernich, by virtue of the authority vested in me as County Board Chair for the County of Bayfield, I do hereby proclaim Friday, December 1, as “Public Health Appreciation Day” in Bayfield County, urging all citizens to join me in honoring Sara Wartman for her outstanding performance in the protection of all those residing, working, and enjoying this beautiful place we call home; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that I hereby present Sara Wartman with this Key to Bayfield County with deep appreciation on behalf of the residents of Bayfield County. Oswald and Chairman Pocernich read the proclamation to the board and Oswald presented a key to Bayfield County to Sara Wartman. Wartman thanked the board for their support during the COVID-19 pandemic and acknowledged all the support she received from staff as well as her family during the pandemic and while she transitions to her new role as the WIC Director. Motion by Oswald, seconded by Silbert to adopt Proclamation No. 2023-01 Public Health Appreciation Day. Motion carried, 13-0. Public Hearing, Bayfield County Comprehensive Plan 2023-2043: Abeles-Allison stated that the committee was first appointed 18 months ago and has been working with the Northwest Regional Planning Commission to update the Comprehensive Plan. Sandstrom informed the board that each element of the plan had a separate subcommittee that met approximately every two to three weeks to review and update that element. Sandstrom stated that he is proud to have been part of the whole process and thanked those involved in the process. Chairman Pocernich opened the public hearing at 6:14 p.m. Mike Radtke, Bayfield, suggested the word “primarily” be removed from the Forest Resources section on page 5-21 in the following sentence, “The majority of public forestlands in Bayfield County are 3 located within the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, a multi-use public forest managed primarily for timber resources and other forest products, recreation, fish and wildlife, and wilderness opportunities.” Radtke noted that the word “primarily” overemphasizes forest products over the other items listed in the sentence. Abeles-Allison distributed a packet to the board containing comments received for the public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan. Bill Bussey, Bayfield, commended the committee for including the goal of zero carbon emissions from all government operations by 2040 and from all sources in the county by 2050 in the plan and urged the board to adopt the plan with the presented changes. Matt Danielson, Bayview, thanked the board and committee for their work on the Comprehensive Plan update and for including the goal of zero carbon emissions from all government operations by 2040 and from all sources in the county by 2050 in the plan. Liz Fentress, Bayfield, thanked the board and committee for their hard work on the plan and expressed support for the zero-carbon emissions goal in the plan. Ruth Hulstrom, Bayfield County Planning & Zoning Director, thanked everyone that contributed to the completion of the comprehensive plan update. Mark Peterson, Bayfield, commended those that contributed to the plan with specific regard to the inclusion of the zero-carbon emissions goal. Peterson praised the inclusion of the “Need to expand and improve recreational opportunities” in the Economic Development section on page 1-2. Peterson suggested that the board consider adding a goal to make sure the county preserves an example of each type of land association and natural community currently found in the county. When looking at action items, Peterson stated he would have liked it if there was more inclusion of trails and recreational assets, such as Special Management Areas (SMAs) and Important Bird Areas (IBAs). Charles Finn, Bayfield, thanked everyone for their work on the Comprehensive Plan update and expressed concern regarding the way that forest resources are presented in the plan. He urged that the word “primarily” be removed from the Forest Resources section of the plan. Chairman Pocernich closed the public hearing at 6:31 p.m. Bayfield County Ordinance No. 2023-16 Ordinance to Adopt the Bayfield County Comprehensive Plan Update WHEREAS, W Secs. 62.23(2) and (3), Wis. Stats., authorize Bayfield County, Wisconsin to adopt or amend a comprehensive plan as defined in Section 66.1001(I)(a) and 66.1001(2), Wis. Stats.; and, WHEREAS, the County Board of Bayfield County adopted written procedures designed to foster public participation in every stage of the preparation of its comprehensive update as required under Sec. 66.1001(4)(a) of the Wisconsin Statutes; and, WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Comprehensive Planning Committee, by a majority vote of the entire committee, recorded in its official minutes, has adopted a resolution recommending to the County Board the adoption of the document entitled Bayfield County Comprehensive Plan 2023-2043, containing all of the elements specified in Sec. 66.1001(2) of the Wisconsin Statutes; and, WHEREAS, the County has held at least one public hearing on this ordinance, in compliance with the requirements of Section 66.1001(4)(d) of the Wisconsin Statutes; 4 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 14th day of November, 2023, hereby formally adopts the document entitled Bayfield County Comprehensive Plan 2023-2043, pursuant to Sec. 66.1001(4)(c) of the Wisconsin Statutes; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this ordinance shall take effect upon passage by a majority vote of the members-elect of the County Board as required by law. Oswald suggested the following changes should be made in the proposed plan: 1. Page 1-2: Under Utilities and Community Facilities the Dupont Center needs to be corrected to be listed as The Club. 2. Page 4-14: The mention of the sled dog race needs to be stricken as it no longer exists. 3. Page 10-23: The word “youth” should be removed from Objective 3 under Goal 4. The board agreed on the changes. After discussion and amendment, a motion was made by Sandstrom, seconded by Strand to adopt Ordinance No. 2023-16 Ordinance to Adopt the Bayfield County Comprehensive Plan Update with the previously discussed changes. Motion carried, 13-0. Public Comment: Jaime Tucker, Big Lake Organics, stated that he is interested in potentially acquiring 20 acres of land at the Bayfield County Business Park to relocate his business operations. Abeles- Allison encouraged Tucker to reach out to Cole Rabska, Executive Director for the Bayfield County Economic Development Corporation and begin discussions with him. Kelly Westlund, UW Extension Housing Development Educator, introduced Elizabeth Montgomery as the new housing outreach intern to the board and explained that Montgomery will be working to help raise awareness of the variety of programs available in Bayfield County. Montgomery introduced herself to the board. Minutes from October 31, 2023: Motion by Milanowski, seconded by Fickbohm to approve the Minutes of the Monthly Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Meeting held on October 31, 2023. Motion carried, 13-0. Consent Agenda: a) Bayfield County Resolution No. 2023-111; Request to Amend 2023 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Budget WHEREAS, the expenses below were allocated in 2021 and/or 2022 for the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) budget, but will be expensed in 2023; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 14th day of November, 2023, approves the following budget amendment to authorize revenues and expenditures necessary to balance the 2023 ARPA budget: Increase Revenue: 276-00-43333 by $515,968 Increase Expense: 276-14-57100-50820 by $450,000 276-20-54101-50121 by $ 6,000 276-23-55301-50315 by $ 25,000 276-00-55140-50720 by $ 34,968 5 Total Expense: $515,968 b) Bayfield County Resolution No. 2023-112; Request to Amend 2023 Coroner Budget WHEREAS, Autopsy expenses have increased resulting in the Coroner’s Office exceeding the 2023 budgeted expenses and revenues; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 14th day of November, 2023, approves the following budget amendment to authorize revenues and expenditures necessary to balance the Coroners Department budget for 2023: Increase Revenue: 100-00-49301 Fund Balance Applied by $5,500 100-06-46135 Death Certificate Fee by $ 500 Total Revenue: $6,000 Increase Expense: 100-06-51205-50250 Special Services by $6,000 c) Bayfield County Resolution No. 2023-113; Request to Amend 2023 and 2024 Capital Improvement Fund Budgets for Elevator Improvement Project WHEREAS, Bayfield County has budgeted $118,400 for elevator controls in 2024; and, WHEREAS, the elevator company requires a 65% down payment; and, WHEREAS, there is a 4 month waiting period; and, WHEREAS, the total cost of the project is $117,774; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 14th day of November, 2023, approves the following budget amendment to authorize 65% down payment in 2023 and amends the 2024 budget by: 2023 Budget Amendment: Increase Revenue: 100-00-49301 Fund Balance by $74,603 430-70-49201 Transfer from Other funds by $74,603 Increase Expense: 100-00-59430-50998 Transfer to Capital Improvement by $74,603 430-14-57100-50820 Capital Improvements by $74,603 2024 Budget Amendment: 6 Decrease Revenue: 430-00-49201 Transfer from Other Funds by $74,603 100-00-49301 Fund Balance by $74,603 Decrease Expense: 430-14-57100-50820 Capital Improvements by $74,603 100-00-59430-50998 Transfer to Capital Improvements by $74,603 d) Bayfield County Resolution No. 2023-114; Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Funds (LATCF) AND Cable And Grand View Garages Budget Amendment No. 2 WHEREAS, Bayfield County will receive Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Funds (LATCF) in the total of $1,042,929 between 2022 and 2023; and, WHEREAS, at the January 31, 2023 County Board meeting, the board approved the following projects; Allocations: Cable Garage $ 500,000 Grand View Garage $ 500,000 Court Room Security Glass $ 14,200 Joint Dispatch Study $ 11,000 Fair Exhibitor Fees $ 7,000 Total $1,038,000; and, WHEREAS, at the June 27, 2023 County Board meeting, the board approved Resolution No. 2023-73, a budget amendment to allocate LATCF funding; and, WHEREAS, the Cable garage is included in the 710 Highway fund bookkeeping; and, WHEREAS, an additional budget amendment is now needed to correct the numbers; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, assembled this 14th day of November, 2023 approves the following budget amendment: Increase Revenues: 277-00-43334 by $ 500,000 Increase Expenditures: 277-00-57910-50998 by $ 500,000 e) Bayfield County Resolution No. 2023-115; Authorizing Resolution for Participation in Department of Natural Resources Municipal Dam Grant Program WHEREAS, Bayfield County owns the Middle Eau Claire Lake Dam and requests financial assistance under s. 31.385 and s. 227.11, Wis. Stats., and ch. NR 335, Wis. Adm. Code, for the purpose of dam repair; and, WHEREAS, the state share for such a project may not exceed 50 percent (50%) of the first 7 $1,000,000.00 of total eligible project costs nor 25 percent (25%) of the next $2,000,000.00 of total eligible project costs; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 14th day of November 2023, hereby authorizes the County Administrator to: • Submit an application to the DNR for financial aid under ch NR 335, Wis. Adm. Code; • Sign grant agreement documents; • Take all necessary action to complete the project associated with any grant agreement; and • Submit reimbursement claims along with necessary supporting documentation; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Bayfield County agrees to pay a share of the eligible costs which is equal to the total project minus the state share. f) Bayfield County Resolution No. 2023-116; Request to Authorize a Loan to Northern Lights Services to Conduct an Operational Assessment and Hire an Interim Administrator in 2023 WHEREAS, Bayfield County and Northern Lights Services work very closely together; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County wants to support Northern Lights’ continued success and financial viability; and, WHEREAS, Northern Lights services has retained an interim administrator and has contracted for a facility assessment; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, assembled this 14th day of November, 2023 approves a loan of up to $80,000 to Northern Lights to assist with the interim administrator and facility assessment; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the loan terms shall be the same as previous loans in place; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the funds shall come from the fund balance: Increase 100-00-54210-50210 Professional Services up to $80,000 Increase 100-00-49301 Fund Balance Applied up to $80,000 g) Bayfield County Resolution No. 2023-117; Request for General Fund to Borrow to Squad Fund WHEREAS, Market supply and production have impacted the cost of vehicles greatly; and, WHEREAS, County Squad Fund is running a deficit in 2023 due to sudden cost increases and vehicle orders being fulfilled earlier than expected; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 14th day of November, 2023, authorizes the 100 fund loaning $300,000 to the 760 fund to be repaid 1/5/24. h) Bayfield County Resolution No. 2023-118; 8 Request to Amend 2023 Veterans Services Budget WHEREAS, Bayfield County was awarded a $14,228 Veterans Service Office Supplemental Grant funded through the American Rescue Plan Act; and, WHEREAS, On August 9, 2023 the Bayfield County Personnel Committee voted to increase the Veteran Benefit Specialist position from part-time to full-time; and, WHEREAS, mileage expenses for Veterans needing transportation to Minneapolis was more than expected; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 14th day of November, 2023, hereby approves the following budget amendment to authorize revenues and expenditures necessary to balance the Veteran’s Services Department budget for 2023: Increase Revenue 100-19-43564-001 Grant by $14,228 Increase Expense 100-19-54703-50340-001 Grant Promo by $14,228 Increase Revenue 100-00-49301 Fund Balance Applied by $37,130 Increase Expense 100-19-54701-50121 Full Time by $15,440 Increase Expense 100-19-54701-50332 Mileage by $21,690 i) Bayfield County Resolution No. 2023-119; Request to Amend 2023 Capital Improvement Project Budget WHEREAS, Bayfield County received the Healthcare Infrastructure Grant in 2023 that was not budgeted; and, WHEREAS, the Sheriff’s Department received a grant from Memorial Medical Center to purchase AEDs; and, WHEREAS, the Forestry & Parks Department’s grants and budgets have run multi-year; and, WHEREAS, the Delta Landfill Project has not yet been reimbursed by FEMA which may require funds to be borrowed from the General Fund to the Capital Improvement Fund until the FEMA reimbursement is received; and, WHEREAS, the 2022 budget included an additional HVAC project separate from the Courthouse HVAC renovation project that was not paid until 2023; and, WHEREAS, the Emergency Management Department acquired ten new tables for the Bayfield County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) located in the Annex Building; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 14th day of November, 2023, approves the following budget amendment to authorize revenues and expenditures to the 430 fund budget for 2023 Increase Revenue: 430-70-49301 by $ 103,598 430-17-48500 by $ 15,800 430-70-49301 by $ 2,800 430-14-43335 by $ 20,000 9 430-34-43260 by $ 600,000 430-34-43584-002 by $ 79,513 430-34-49201 by $ 682,500 430-70-49301 by $ 919,619 100-00-49301 by $ 682,500 Total Revenue: $3,106,330 Increase Expense: 430-14-57100-50350 by $ 17,842 430-14-57100-50820-101 by $ 85,756 430-17-57100-50810 by $ 15,800 430-18-57100-50310 by $ 2,800 430-14-57100-50820-150 by $ 20,000 430-34-56132-50252 by $ 600,000 430-34-57100-50252 by $1,681,632 100-00-59430-50998 by $ 682,500 Total Expense: $3,106,330 j) Public Service Answering Point Grant #2 AND NextGen 9-1-1 Grant Acceptance k) Bayfield County Resolution No. 2023-120; PSAP Consolidation Budget Amendment WHEREAS, On July 31st, 2023, Bayfield County, in conjunction with Ashland County, applied for the FY23 DMA Supplemental PSAP Grant; and, WHEREAS, Resolution 2023-81 approved the 2023 budget amendment for the first grant; and, WHEREAS, On October 30th, 2023, the Department of Military Affairs Office of Emergency Communications awarded Bayfield County funding for the additional total of $1,213,270.89 which brings the grant total for the PSAP Consolidation total project budget to $1,719,145 and total project budget to $2,046,600.89; and, WHEREAS, 16% ($327,456.14) of the Supplemental Award is required for a local match to be split ($163,728.07 each) between Ashland and Bayfield Counites; and, WHEREAS, Funds must be used by December 31st, 2024; and, WHEREAS, to meet the completion deadline, purchasing related to the PSAP grant must begin to ensure timely arrival of equipment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 14th day of November, 2023, does hereby authorize that the 2024 Budget be Amended as Follows: Increase Fund Balance Applied 100-00-49301 by $ 97,062 Increase Transfer to 242 100-00-59200-50998 by $ 97,062 Increase Grant Revenue 242-16-43520 by $1,019,148 Increase Ashland Co. Reimb. 242-16-47320 by $ 97,061 Increase Transfer from Other Funds 242-16-49201 by $ 97,062 Increase Equipment 242-16-52606-50810 by $1,179,051 10 Increase Contractual 242-16-52606-50290 by $ 34,220 l) Bayfield County Resolution No. 2023-121; 2023 Health Department Budget Amendments WHEREAS, amendments to the 2023 Health Department budget are necessary due to increases/decreases in federal and state grant funding; and, WHEREAS, this will not affect the amount of tax levy requested by the department; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 14th day of November 2023, amends the 2023 budget by $114,116 and authorizes the increase/decrease of the following revenue and expense accounts for 2023: ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION ADJUSTMENTS Revenue Amendments 100-20-43550-004 Beach Monitoring Grant $ 6,091 100-20-48508 AODA/HYHE $ 10,000 100-20-43550-156 IMWI Grant $ 50,000 100-20-43550-024 THIS-WIC Grant $ 1,681 100-20-43550-811 ARPA Covid Grant $ 40,344 100-20-46510-002 PNCC Risk Assessment $ 6,000 Total Revenue Amendment $114,116 Expenditure Amendments 100-20-54120-50121 Full time $ 2,290 100-20-54120-50154 Health ins $ 771 100-20-54120-50325-005 Reg and Tuition – San $ 110 100-20-54120-50332 Mileage $ 186 100-20-54120-50336-005 Lodging – San $ 220 100-20-54120-50340 Operating supplies $ 2,514 100-20-54128-50121 Full Time $ 1,681 100-20-54156-50121 Full time $ 11,100 100-20-54156-50390 Other supplies $ 23,500 100-20-54156-50315 Advertising $ 13,000 100-20-54156-50391 Medical supplies $ 500 100-20-54156-50332 Mileage $ 1,900 100-20-54152-50121 Full time $ 6,169 100-20-54152-50290 Contractual services $ 900 100-20-54152-50315 Advertising $ 2,000 100-20-54152-50325-001 Reg & tuition dept head $ 4,725 100-20-54152-50332 Mileage $ 250 100-20-54152-50390 Other supplies $10,000 100-20-54152-50391 Medical supplies $15,000 100-20-54152-50810 Capital equipment $ 5,300 100-20-54114-50121 Full time $ 5,000 100-20-54114-50332-008 Mileage – PH educator $ 2,000 100-20-54114-50340 Operating supplies $ 1,000 11 100-20-54127-50121 Full time $ 2,000 100-20-54101-50121 Full time $ 6,000 Total Expenditure Amendment $114,116 Crandall stated that the resolution should read that the General Fund is “loaning” money to the squad fund for Resolution No. 2023-117. The board agreed. Motion by Rondeau, seconded by Crandall to adopt the consent agenda with an amendment to change the word “borrow” to “loan” in Resolution No. 2023-117. Motion carried, 13-0. Bayfield County Amendatory Ordinance No. 2023-17 An Ordinance Amending Sections 2-2-7, of the Code of Ordinances, Bayfield County, Wisconsin WHEREAS, Wisconsin Statutes §59.03(2) provides that, except as elsewhere specifically provided in the statutes, the board of any county is vested with all powers of a local, legislative and administrative character; and, WHEREAS, Wisconsin Statutes §59.02(2) permits the enactment of ordinances by the County Board of Supervisors; and, WHEREAS, Section 2-2-3, Code of Ordinances, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, authorizes County Board committees or individual supervisors to introduce proposed ordinances; and, WHEREAS, at the April 16, 2013 County Board meeting, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors adopted Amendatory Ordinance No. 2013-06 which amended Section 2-2-7 of the Code of Ordinances which restricted meeting attendance in closed session to in-person attendance only; and, WHEREAS, the COVID-19 pandemic was an unprecedented event that led Bayfield County to explore other technological opportunities which allowed staff to work remotely; and, WHEREAS, the closed session attendance policy was suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic to allow board members to attend meetings remotely; and, WHEREAS, a number of other Wisconsin counties have adopted ordinance language that allows board members to attend meetings remotely; and, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be in the best interest of Bayfield County that the Code of Ordinances, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, be further modified and amended in the manner hereinafter set forth; and, WHEREAS, the proposed changes shall go into effect immediately; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 14th day of November, 2023, does hereby ordain as follows: AN ORDINANCE SECTIONS 2-2-7, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN Section 1. Subsections (a) (2) of Section 2-2-7 [Governing Rules] of Chapter 2 [Rules of the Board of Supervisors] of Title 2 [Government and Administration] of the Code of Ordinances, Bayfield County, Wisconsin is hereby “amended” to read as follows, with additional 12 language highlighted by double underlining (additions) and with deletion highlighted by the strike-through feature (deletions): Sec. 2-2-7 Governing Rules. (a) These rules, and all amendments and additions thereto which may hereafter be made, shall govern the Board until altered or repealed. (Revised 4-16-13) (1) Board members attending meetings remotely shall be considered part of the quorum and be allowed to vote in open session provided they are in attendance for an entire agenda item before they vote; (Revised 4-16-13) (2) Board members may not attend closed session portions of meetings remotely; (Revised 4-16-13) Board members may attend closed session portions of meetings remotely provided they ensure that their location is private, and others may not overhear the closed session discussion. (3) Board members attending remotely shall be entitled to compensation for participation provided they attend the entire meeting, however, they shall not be entitled to mileage reimbursement. (Revised 4-16-13) Motion by Strand, seconded by Rondeau to adopt Amendatory Ordinance No. 2023-17 An Ordinance Amending Sections 2-2-7, of the Code of Ordinances, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Motion carried, 13-0. Planning & Zoning Committee Report No. 2023-18 Petition to Change District Boundaries of Two Parcels Owned by White River Ag Products, Inc., Town of Kelly, from Agricultural-One (Ag-1) to Forestry-One (F-1) 13 Motion by Rekemeyer, seconded by Oswald to receive and place on file Report No. 2023-18 Petition to Change District Boundaries of Two Parcels Owned by White River Ag Products, Inc., Town of Kelly, from Agricultural-One (Ag-1) to Forestry-One (F-1). Motion carried, 13-0. Bayfield County Amendatory Ordinance No. 2023-18 Petition to Change District Boundaries of Two Parcels Owned by White River Ag Products, Inc., Town of Kelly, from Agricultural-One (Ag-1) to Forestry-One (F-1) Hulstrom informed the board that the application is for two parcels and noted that the town supported the rezones, and no concerns were raised at the Planning & Zoning Committee meeting. Motion by Rekemeyer, seconded by Silbert to adopt Amendatory Ordinance No. 2023-18 Petition to Change District Boundaries of Two Parcels Owned by White River Ag Products, Inc., Town of Kelly, from Agricultural-One (Ag-1) to Forestry-One (F-1). Motion carried, 13-0. Rekemeyer thanked Silbert for his efforts and assistance with completing the rezone process. Reinstatement of Ad Hoc EMS Advisory Committee: Abeles-Allison informed the board that the Bayfield County Ad Hoc EMS Advisory Committee met for approximately one and a half years. The 2024 budget includes funds for a countywide EMS study and recommended that the EMS Advisory Committee be reinstated to review a request for proposal for the study and to determine the focus area of the study. Milanowski asked what the committee would achieve if reestablished. Abeles-Allison clarified, stating that the committee will help ensure that the study is focusing on the correct areas by re- examining the county EMS agencies and identifying current problems throughout the agencies before a 14 request for proposal can be drafted. Motion by Sandstrom, seconded by Fickbohm to approve reinstating the Ad Hoc EMS Advisory Committee. Motion carried, 13-0. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2023-122 Designation of Authorized Depositories in 2024 for Bayfield County WHEREAS, Section 34.05 of the Wisconsin Statutes authorizes counties to invest any of their funds not immediately needed, in time deposits, in banks, or savings and loan associations, in accordance with and subject to the limitations of Wisconsin Statute §66.0603(1m), and also authorizes counties to engage in financial transactions in which the public depository agrees to repay funds advanced to it by the county plus interest, if the agreement is secured by bonds or securities issued or guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Federal Government; and, WHEREAS, it appears to be to the financial benefit of the County and its citizens to invest funds not immediately needed in such deposits and to enter into such financial transactions from time to time; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, assembled this 14th day of November, 2023, hereby authorizes and directs the Bayfield County Treasurer to invest 2023 County funds, not immediately needed, either in time deposits in accordance with and subject to the limitations of Wisconsin Statute §66.0603, or by entering into financial transactions in which a public depository agrees to repay funds advanced to it by the County plus interest, if the agreement is fully secured by securities issued or guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Federal Government, with any of the following financial institutions, which have been designated as public depositories for Bayfield County: • Bremer Bank & Bremer Trust; • Security State Bank; • Northern State Bank; • Chippewa Valley Bank; and the • Local Government Investment Pool, investing in public instruments as approved by the County Executive Committee in accordance with county and state investment policies and laws; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that County funds not so invested shall be deposited in checking or savings accounts at any of the foregoing institutions. Motion by Rondeau, seconded by Crandall to adopt Resolution No. 2023-122 Designation of Authorized Depositories in 2024 for Bayfield County. Motion carried, 13-0. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2023-123 Holding of Meetings as may be Necessary in 2024 WHEREAS, Wisconsin Statute §59.13(2)(a) requires counties containing less than 25,000 population limit the number of days for which compensation and mileage may be paid to Committee members to 20 days, not more than 10 of which shall be for services on any one committee, except that the Board may increase the number of committee meetings under par. (b) and similarly fix the compensation of the members for the additional meetings; and, WHEREAS, the committees of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors are required to conduct business of said Bayfield County, to hold and conduct committee meetings in excess of the number permitted by State Statute §59.13(2)(a); and, 15 WHEREAS, by action of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, the number of meetings of said committees beyond the statutory limit may be extended; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 14th day of November, 2023, agree that the committees of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors be and are hereby authorized to hold such meetings during the year 2024, as may be necessary to conduct the business of said Bayfield County and be compensated for any such meetings. Motion by Crandall, seconded by Rondeau to adopt Resolution No. 2023-123 Holding of Meetings as may be Necessary in 2024. Motion carried, 13-0. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2023-124 Authorization for the County Board Chair, County Clerk, and County Treasurer from Bayfield County to Borrow Funds on a Short-Term Basis WHEREAS, it may be necessary to borrow funds on a short-term basis, in order to meet payrolls and other obligations including current and ordinary expenses within the next year; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors of assembled this 14th day of November, 2023, directs and authorizes the County Board Chairman of the County of Bayfield, the County Clerk, and the County Treasurer, to borrow funds on a short term basis for 2024, in an amount not to exceed Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) in aggregate if in their opinion it should be to the County’s best interest to make such loan or loans. Motion by Oswald, seconded by Rondeau to adopt Resolution No. 2023-124 Authorization for the County Board Chair, County Clerk, and County Treasurer from Bayfield County to Borrow Funds on a Short-Term Basis. Motion carried, 13-0. Northern Lights Roofing Project Bid: Abeles-Allison reviewed the Northern Lights roof bids with the board. Three bids were received with the bid from Jackson & Associates being the lowest bid at $1,143,000 for a hot asphalt application and $1,343,000 for a cold asphalt application. Jackson & Associates anticipates work beginning in Spring 2024. After reviewing the bids, Abeles-Allison stated that the Northern Lights Board is comfortable moving forward with the hot asphalt mix, the primary difference between the hot and cold mixes being the amount of odor. Motion by Silbert, seconded by Dougherty to approve the bid from Jackson & Associates for $1,143,000. Roll Call Vote: Dougherty- yes; Ray-yes; Silbert-yes; Rautio-abstain; Milanowski-yes; Rekemeyer-yes; Sandstrom-yes; Fickbohm- yes; Oswald-yes; Strand-yes; Pocernich-yes; Crandall-yes; Rondeau-yes. Motion carried, 12-0, 1 abstain. Reports: a) Future County Board Meeting Dates: a. December – no meeting b. January 30, 2024 c. February 27, 2024 d. March 26, 2024 b) ATVs on County Highways: Abeles-Allison reported that the Highway Committee has drafted a two-page ordinance pertaining to opening up county highways to ATVs. The question was asked if any exceptions had been made or if all highways would be open. Crandall explained that there is a line included in the ordinance where exceptions may be made, but none have been made so far and the ordinance would last for a one-year trial period. Abeles-Allison noted that the item should come before the full board in January. c) County Board Election Update: Divine gave a review of the county board election forms to the board. 16 Supervisory Reports: Strand reported that Forestry recently held their annual fall timber sale and received $2,065,000 bringing the total timber sales for the year up to approximately $4.2 million, an estimated $3.3 million over budget. Divine reported that payroll asks that board supervisors submit their time sheets as soon as possible for year-end purposes. Milanowski asked if there were any updates regarding the carbon credits. Strand reported that the Forestry Department has recently sold approximately 1,000 carbon credits but is unaware who bought them and for how much. Fickbohm asked that the Highway ATV ordinance be postponed until February as he would be out of town in January and would like to be able to attend the meeting. The board agreed to postpone the item until February. Closed Session: Motion by Milanowski, seconded by Oswald to enter Executive/Closed Session at 7:20 p.m. Motion carried, 13-0. 7:20 p.m. – The board took a short recess. 7:23 p.m. – Rondeau left the meeting. 7:27 p.m. – The board reconvened. Discussion took place regarding the Closed Session Minutes from October 31, 2023, 2024 Teamster Local 346 Collective Bargaining Agreement, Northern Lights Finance and Operations, Business Park Land Sale, and Tribal-County Law Agreement. There being no further business to conduct in Executive/Closed Session, a motion was made by Milanowski, seconded by Rekemeyer to return to Open Session at 8:47 p.m. Motion carried, 12-0, 1 absent. Northern Lights Services Inc. Financial Assistance: Action was taken in closed session. Tribal-County Law Enforcement Agreement: Action was taken in closed session. Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, Chairman Pocernich adjourned the meeting at 8:47 p.m. Respectfully submitted, LYNN M. DIVINE Bayfield County Clerk LMD/pat