HomeMy WebLinkAboutForestry & Parks Committee - Minutes - 5/8/2023BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY AND PARKS DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE MEETING May 8, 2023 County Board Room Members Present: Fred Strand; Jeffrey Silbert; Larry Fickbohm; Charly Ray Staff in Attendance: Jason Bodine, Administrator; Steve Probst, Assistant Administrator; Cassie Taylor, Office Manager, Deanna Regan Others in Attendance: Joseph Lebouton, WI DNR 1.Call to Order of Forestry and Parks Committee Meeting. This meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM. 2.Public Comment: None. 3.Approval of the April 10th Meeting Minutes. MOTION: (Silbert, Ray) Receive minutes as presented and place on file. All: Yes. Carried. 4.Spring Timber Sales. Bodine presents the spring timber sale offering bid results: 24 of the 33 sales offered were sold at today’s bid opening, resulting in just under $2.1 million sold value. Sales that did not sell were typically mixed hardwood pulp, frozen ground only, and limited access. Potential to post nine unsold sales as direct in the near future. RAY inquires about why Ashwabay tract didn’t sell and Bodine responds that the restricted use of ATVs to access the sale may have kept contractors from bidding. Bodine also presents the red pine pocket decline near Leino plantation, approximately 7 acres, being offered direct as tract 24-23. MOTION: (Ray, Silbert) Accept bid results as presented, including direct sale tract 24-23. All: Yes. Carried. 5.Resolution: Accepting the NOAA Grant for the Sand River Headwaters Land Acquisition Project. Closing date for land acquisition is scheduled for May 11. Contract with WI Coastal was signed last week. County is now in a position of having more funds than needed to complete the purchase. DNR and DOA recommend cancelling ARPA award so it can be repackaged for a future land conservation project, apply NOAA award towards Sand River, include roughly $320k from Community Forest Grant, and match with $320k county cash. Budget amendment has been changed, per Kim Mattson. MOTION: (Ray, Fickbohm) Forward resolution to Executive Board with recommendation to approve. All: Yes. Carried. 6.Recreational Use Request: CAMBA. CAMBA requested construction of two new mountain bike trails on county forest land within the Ashwabay SMA; Stick up-Stick down and Jump line. MOTION: (Sandstrom, Silbert) Approve Recreational Use Request. All: Yes. Carried. Bayfield County Forestry & Parks Committee May 8, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 7.2022 Accomplishment Report. Bodine presented Timber Sale Comparison over 10 years from 2013 to 2022. Timber sale establishment acreage is trending downward. Red pine poles and aspen are the most popular products. Yurts are going strong but still down ~20% from last year. Campgrounds keep breaking revenue records. Twin Bear may need overflow lot. MOTION: (Silbert, Ray) Receive 2022 Accomplishment Report and place on file. All: Yes. Carried. 8.Monthly Reports. a)Forestry (all updates): Stumpage revenue for the month of April was below average at nearly $190k. Current total timber sale revenue is just under $1.24 million, which is slightly behind the three-year average. Expenses are on target. a.Carbon Project. ACR is still reviewing project. It has now been 25 months since the contract was signed. Marketing the project has ramped up and we are actively working with ANEW on promotional materials. b.Forest Carbon Offset Reserve Fund (FCOR). Once there is some definite movement on the carbon project, work will begin on fleshing out various guidance documents for each of the three core programs: land acquisition, forest management and recreation, with recreation being the priority. c.Land Acquisition Projects. There is an opportunity to reassign the previously awarded ARPA grant to the recent Bark River acquisition, which would replenish the non-lapsing land acquisition account to roughly $1.5 million, plus provide an additional $270k+ in the remaining ARPA balance that can be used toward future acquisition. In discussion with Landmark Conservancy regarding 900 acres in Orienta. d.County Conservation Aid Grant. We were informed that there was a glitch in the funding protocols and DNR wildlife funds could not be used for the Bass Lake Barrens road. Bodine worked with the DNR to reassign the previously awarded conservation aid funds from the lake access projects to Bass Lake (plus securing more) so the project can continue to move forward. b)Campgrounds and Day Use Parks. Campgrounds slated to open May 17. Coordinating with Highway on various projects including overflow parking area at Twin Bear, repairs to retaining walls at Twin Bear, and grading at Delta Lake and Twin Bear. Big Rock will need additional attention to clean up from white pine branches that were most likely shed from the heavy snow load. c)Trails and Recreation. a.Motorized Trails: Snowmobile trails closed March 31. Forest Service won’t rescind their closure order until May 25. b.Non-Motorized Trails: Starting to prep for trail projects: touch ups to Lost Creek Falls trail, Siskiwit Falls trail improvements and construction, orchard maintenance at Siskiwit Falls, and plan development at Fire Hill. Updating rec use agreement with CAMBA and Birkie. Expecting work on Cable SMA plan to begin around the end of May. c.Yurts. Current occupancy rates presented by Bodine. d.Events. Nothing new to report. MOTION: (Fickbohm, Ray) Receive reports as presented and place on file. All: Yes. Carried. 9.Lake States Forest Management Bat Habitat Conservation Plan. There are restrictions on when trees can be harvested if within a certain distance of known bat hibernaculum or occupied maternity roost trees. Also restrictions on when trees can be harvested for permanent roads and rec trails on public lands. Member counties will be working with the DNR to determine best methods. Bayfield County Forestry & Parks Committee May 8, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 MOTION: (Silbert, Ray) Approve recommended Lake States Forest Management Bat Habitat Conservation Plan. All: Yes. Carried. 10.Access Permit: Adam Kaseno. Reciprocal standard 10-year temporary access permit to grant access in exchange for similar access across private land. We would also install a gate at the intersection of Siskiwit Lake Rd to restrict unauthorized motorized use. MOTION: (Fickbohm, Silbert) Approve access permit. All: Yes. Carried. 11.Committee Members Discussion. Silbert states need to improve outreach and communication. Discussion is had regarding communication. 12.Joseph LeBouton, DNR Representative, Comments. None The next Forestry and Parks Committee meeting has been scheduled for Monday, June 12th, at 6:00 P.M. Meeting adjourned at 7:27 PM. Submitted by, Cassie Taylor and Deanna Regan