HomeMy WebLinkAboutForestry & Parks Committee - Minutes - 6/12/2023BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY AND PARKS DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE MEETING June 12, 2023 County Board Room Members Present: Fred Strand; Jeffrey Silbert; Steve Sandstrom; Larry Fickbohm Staff in Attendance: Jason Bodine, Administrator; Deanna Regan, Office Manager Others in Attendance: Joseph Lebouton, WI DNR 1.Call to Order of Forestry and Parks Committee Meeting. This meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM. 2.Public Comment: None. 3.Approval of the May 8th Meeting Minutes. MOTION: (Fickbohm, Silbert) Approve minutes and place on file. All: Yes. Carried. 4.Land Trade: Ryan Frostman. Updated request to expand South Shore Sand and Gravel operations east of Iron River along Highway 2. They would receive roughly 5 acres of county forest land along their southern lot line in exchange for the county getting 10 acres of land located about 1 mile to the south, along with a permanent easement for forest management purposes only. Also included would be 10 loads of material for use on a future project. Frostman would also absorb any costs associated with transfer. Approval requires a withdrawal from County Forest Law (CFL). MOTION: (Silbert, Sandstrom) Approve Land Trade. All: Yes. Carried. 5.Resolution: County Forest Law Withdrawal. Five acres of land in the Town of Iron River to be withdrawn from CFL. MOTION: (Sandstrom, Fickbohm) Forward resolution to Executive Board with recommendation to approve. All: Yes. Carried. 6.Access and Utility Permit Request: Ryan Frostman. Requesting a 10-year temporary access and utility permit along a portion of Primrose Lane that is adjacent to county forest land. Would also include permission to bury underground power. Roughly 3 cords of trees would need to be removed. Charge for removal would be included in permit fee. MOTION: (Sandstrom, Fickbohm) Approve Access and Utility Permit Request. All: Yes. Carried. 7.Monthly Reports. a)Forestry (all updates): Stumpage revenue for May was well below average at nearly $163k. Current total timber sale revenue is just under $1.4 million, which $400k behind the three-year average. Expenses are on target with many capital projects well under budget. a.Spongy Moth. Defoliation has already started and is predicted to be high to severe throughout much of the Bayfield Peninsula this year. Red Oak is one of the preferred food sources. The Ashwabay ridge will likely be one of the hotspots. Some basic information has Bayfield County Forestry & Parks Committee June 12, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 been posted at the CAMBA trailheads alerting riders. Two sales will be temporarily suspended this year to try to minimize additional stress to the oak stands: 27-21 (Ashwabay sale) and 31-21 (off Big Sand Bay). Depending on conditions next year, the suspension could be extended through 2024. b.Carbon Project. ACR has finished final review of our project and some of the final documents were signed this week. Our project will produce just over 558,000 credits as part of the first reporting period and credit issuance. Final approval should occur over the next few days or weeks followed by credits being formally issued shortly thereafter. c.Bass Lake Barrens. The DNR completed a prescribed burn on nearly 200 acres in May. The primary access road project along the western perimeter is almost finished. d.Forest Carbon Offset Reserve Fund (FCOR). Anticipating the first carbon returns starting to arrive by late summer, which will trigger work to start on the various guidance documents. e.Land Acquisition Projects. All major land acquisition projects have been completed. Received reimbursement of Community Forest grant. DOA and DNR are working to finalize new ARPA grant contract which would be used to reimburse the county for the entire Bark River purchase. The remaining balance would be available to the county for a future land acquisition project. Already working with Landmark Conservancy and TPL on new potential projects. The final requirement of the Community Forest grant is development of separate management plans for each parcel, due by the end of the year. f.Spring Timber Sales – Direct Sales. Ashland Mat had agreed to purchase tract 27-21 (Ashwabay sale) but due to spongy moth infestation and consequent suspension of harvesting, have handed the contract back. This will not be offered as a direct sale but will be included in the next offering. All other sales that went no-bid during the last offering have been posted to the website and are available for direct sale. Biewer purchased salvage tract 24-23. g.2024 Budget. Work on the 2024 Budget has already begun. Capital projects are not anticipated to be as high as 2023 although there will be continued improvements to the parks and upgrades to the cabin at Twin Bear. FCOR related projects are expected to begin in 2024 but lack of revenue to date makes it difficult to budget. b)Campgrounds and Day Use Parks. Campgrounds opened May 17. Use at Big Rock has been slow primarily due to mosquitos. Twin Bear and Delta have been very active, especially the boat launch at Twin Bear. The Highway Department completed construction of the overflow lot at Twin Bear, and we are in the process of putting in new entry signs. Still investigating options for future retaining wall work and expanding a small parking area at Delta, both to be completed by the Highway Department. a.Brownstone Trail Project. Q&A with DNR regarding LUG grant application. Abeles-Allison working with Landmark on lease agreement language. c)Trails and Recreation. a.Motorized Trails: Trails opened May 25. Working with clubs to install trail counters to monitor use. Maintenance contracts updated with all three ATV clubs and Snowmobile Alliance. b.Non-Motorized Trails: Rec trail work on Siskiwit Falls property started. Will Krift is completing new hiking trail along the western portion of the Siskiwit River as well as installing a few steps along the existing trail to address a wash-out problem area. The highway Department will complete a similar project on a newer portion of the trail. Lost Creek Falls trail improvement projects will start soon. Working on inventory of Dire Hill property. CAMBA is creating new bike trails at the Ashwabay location. Working with CAMBA and Birkie on new bike trails withing Cable SMA. Bayfield County Forestry & Parks Committee June 12, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 c.Yurts. Had to replace dome on one of the yurts and the two Bayfield yurts have issues with rodents chewing through the canvas. Cable yurt outhouse needs to be refinished also due to rodents chewing. d.Events. Women’s Mountain Bike Clinic was held in May at the Ashwabay location. The annual CARE run will be held in Cable on July 4th. MOTION: (Silbert, Fickbohm) Receive reports as presented and place on file. All: Yes. Carried. 8.Access Permit Renewal Request: Lee Deiss. The primary access road to the Deiss property clips a small corner of county forest land. Access permit has been in place for some time. MOTION: (Fickbohm, Sandstrom) Approve access permit renewal. All: Yes. Carried. 9.Recreational Use Request: Ashwabay Outdoor Education Foundation (AOEF). Bayfield Area Trails Committee is creating a new hiking trail from the Les Voight Fish Hatchery to Mt. Ashwabay. The final stretch is proposed through a portion of county forest land. This stretch (if approved) would be included in the rec use agreement with AOEF. MOTION: (Sandstrom, Silbert) Approve access permit. All: Yes. Carried. 10.Committee Members Discussion. Discussion regarding improving communication and education and addressing complaints with the public. 11.Joseph LeBouton, DNR Representative, Comments: None The next Forestry and Parks Committee meeting has been scheduled for Monday, August 14th, at 6:00 PM Meeting adjourned at 6:52 PM. Submitted by, Deanna Regan