HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuman Services Board - Minutes - 5/25/2023BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC & Virtual May 25, 2023 K:\Agendas and Minutes\DHS Board\Minutes\2023 DHS Board Minutes\2023-05-25_BCDHS_Board_meeting_minutes -final.docx 1 Board Members Present: Jeremy Oswald, James Crandall, Patrick Irvine, Lona Schmidt, Marty Milanowski*, Stephanie Defoe-Haskins*, Sue Rosa, Mary Dougherty* (*attended virtually) Not Present: Madelaine Rekemeyer Others Present: Elizabeth Skulan, Carrie Linder, Tom Croteau, Mary Anich, Jeanine Spuhler, Stephanie Eder, Sarah Traaholt, Val Levno Call to Order and Introductions Crandall called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Introductions were made. Opportunity for Public Comment (Limit 3 minutes please.) No Public Comment Discussion and Possible Action – Review and approval of the April 27, 2023, meeting minutes. Schmidt noted that her attendance was in person not virtual. With Schmidt’s attendance change, minutes were approved. Motion by Milanowski, second by Schmidt to approve the April 27, 2023, meeting minutes with Schmidt’s attendance change. Motion passed. Program Presentation – Comprehensive Community Support Annual Survey, Val Levno, CCS Administrator, Ashland and Bayfield County Region • Levno states that Bayfield County Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) staff is doing a great job and Tom Croteau is an excellent leader. • Comprehensive Community Services statewide uses a variation of the Mental Health Statistics Improvement Project (MHSIP) survey that is used by the Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Service Facilitators hand deliver surveys to participants who have been in the program for six-months or more. Surveys are confidential and voluntary. Survey questions include participant experiences, relationships and interaction with staff, services offered and growth of the participant. • Levno reviewed results of 2022 MHSIP survey that went out to twenty-five active participants and four discharged participants. Response rate was 79% overall, 92% without discharges, which is an excellent return rate. Bayfield County scored above or at the State mean score of 3.5. • Levno noted that the pandemic was very difficult for individuals with mental health and substance use issues. She said it is good to see that participants are utilizing services and having positive interactions and results. • Results of the survey help to drive program goals for the following year. Goals for 2023 include: increasing contracted providers of home and community services by 5%; increasing MHSIP Adult man domain score of “I feel I belong in my community” to 3.6 mean score; and increasing MHSIP Adult mean domain score of “I do better in social situations” to 3.9 mean score in Bayfield County. FINAL: Approved at the June 22, 2023 BCDHS meeting BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC & Virtual May 25, 2023 K:\Agendas and Minutes\DHS Board\Minutes\2023 DHS Board Minutes\2023-05-25_BCDHS_Board_meeting_minutes -final.docx 2 Monthly Section Reports Support Services – Stephanie Eder • Deanna Regan accepted the Office Manager position in Forestry. Regan’s last day in Human Services was May 15, 2023. We wish her all the best. • Eder noted interviews are scheduled for the vacant Clerk position. A joint interview with Economic Support was held today for a candidate who applied for both vacancies. Two more interviews are scheduled for Tuesday, May 30, 2023. • Eder stated information for the annual report is being compiled and assembled. • Audit preparation is complete. Auditors will be conducting a remote audit the week of June 26, 2023, and an onsite audit the week of July 10, 2023. Aging & Disability (A&D) Services – Carrie Linder • Linder presented a handout for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) activities. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is June 15, 2023. A variety of activities are planned for that week. Activities and information will be provided at the Farmer’s Market and Music in Legion Park on June 14, 2023. There will be a health fair including presentations on Power of Attorney Abuse and Undue Influence, Cognitive Decline and Diminished Capacity and Scams and Identity Theft on June 15, 2023. Banking and Law Enforcement presentations will be provided to local agencies on June 16, 2023. Finally, “Grandpa and Lucy”, a story about love and dementia will be shown at 6:00 p.m. at Stage North on June 17, 2023. and is free to the public. • Staff have been busy with outreach. Marianne Johnson is offering “Medicare 101” presentations for Bayfield County residents approaching sixty-five. Johnson has also been working on the 2023 Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program Voucher Distribution. Michelle Reiswig is hosting a series of Power of Attorney (POA) workshops throughout the county and virtually. Kristin Opperman and Hayley Weyers travelled to Bayfield and Drummond parents’ nights to present on Children’s Long-Term Services (CLTS). Economic Support Services – Jeanine Spuhler • Sphuler noted Economic Support Services is getting numerous calls regarding the public benefits unwinding in a volume she has not been seen in years. • The Economic Support (ES) team has been busy processing health care renewals in addition to regular on-going work. • The State of Wisconsin is emphasizing the message for applicants to wait until their renewal is due to renew benefits. • Frontline workers and supervisors are either learning or becoming reacquainted with pre- pandemic requirements. • Trainings, meetings, and emails are keeping everyone busy. • The state has hired a team of Limited Term Employees (LTE) whose services can be deployed throughout the state IM consortia to assist with the additional work caused by the unwinding at no cost to the consortia. • The Northern Income Maintenance Consortium (NIMC) has two workers from this team available for the next few months. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC & Virtual May 25, 2023 K:\Agendas and Minutes\DHS Board\Minutes\2023 DHS Board Minutes\2023-05-25_BCDHS_Board_meeting_minutes -final.docx 3 • Northern Income Maintenance Consortium hosted an all staff meeting on May 11, 2023. The meeting was held remotely, but it was a good opportunity for NIMC workers in all 12 counties to come together to meet and train. • Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP) wrapped up the 2022-2023 program year on May 15, 2023. WHEAP program runs annually from October 1st – May 15th. • Spuhler reported notice was received that another heating payment for those determined eligible for the Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program will be issued sometime this summer. Payment amounts are expected to average $500 and will be paid to heating vendors. • The state is also planning to offer a Summer Fill program for eligible households that heat with propane or fuel oil. • IM staff collaborated with Aging and Disability Services and IRIS for two clients who needed furnace equipment switched from fuel oil to propane. • Working on internal quality assurance reviews for WHEAP. Reviews happen twice a year. • Quality compliance for Food Share Management Evaluation Review (MER) has taken place. More information will be presented at the next meeting. • Spuhler stated ES had one worker out for two weeks due to an injury. • Interviews were held. Spuhler reported there were two good candidates for the vacant ES position. • Purchase request has been submitted for technology related items for ES workers. This will be the last opportunity for NIMC counties to purchase equipment using ARPA funding. Family Services – Mary Anich • Anich attended a meeting with the new Indian Child Welfare Director, Juliet Means to discuss mandatory reporting. • Staff of some agencies such as school staff, law enforcement, medical staff and mental health field staff are required to report suspected child abuse to the county child welfare agency. They can also choose and are encouraged to report to Indian Child Welfare as well, but this is not mandated. Anich and staff are working with the Sheriff’s Office and Red Cliff to make sure that mandatory reporting processes are followed. • Anich and Briana Aldaba met with Red Cliff Indian Child Welfare to discuss foster care licensing issues. Bayfield County pays all Red Cliff foster providers but the Tribe can issue foster care licenses to tribal providers. • Anich is busy completing performance evaluations for new staff. • Family Services staff are becoming more and more confident, independent, and are working well together as a team. • Family Services still has one vacancy. • Anich is in discussion with Skulan about reinstating the Coordinated Services Teams (CST) program. • Anich stated Youth Justice referrals are increasing. • Anich noted summer provides more flexibility to meet with families. BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC & Virtual May 25, 2023 K:\Agendas and Minutes\DHS Board\Minutes\2023 DHS Board Minutes\2023-05-25_BCDHS_Board_meeting_minutes -final.docx 4 Behavioral Health & Community Programs – Tom Croteau • Croteau is pleased to announce that Hailey BeBeau joined the behavioral health team on May 8, 2023, as a Behavioral Health (BH) Care Case Manager. BeBeau brings a lot of positive energy and enthusiasm and fits well with the team. • Behavioral Health continues to see an increased number of emergency detentions. The team works with Corporation Counsel to process the detentions then they provide support to the individuals who have been hospitalized or placed in treatment when the individuals return home and back in the community. • The increased numbers of emergency detentions and residential placement for the first four months of 2023 has resulted in an increase in spending for these mandated services. • The Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) census continues to grow. CCS currently has forty- nine active participants, with three participants to be discharged soon. Service Facilitators will work with participants to prepare for discharge. • Croteau notes the CCS team includes three full-time facilitators. Three other staff, two Behavioral Health Case Managers and Family Specialist Val Westlund, are also providing five to nine hours a week to the program. One limited term employee, August Gordon, will be here through the summer. She also provides services to CCS participants. • As the 2024 budget planning process begins, Skulan and Croteau are advocating for another Mental Health Professional/Service Facilitator to support the needs of participants in the growing program. • Irving questioned the increase in CCS clients. Croteau attributes climbing numbers to rebuilding the program, word of mouth, networking, public education and outreach. • Skulan reported there were 69 participants when New Horizons North, Inc. filed for bankruptcy and went out of business. The program is slowly growing as trust is being built in new providers and services. Croteau guestimates the participant numbers will plateau around 75. • Croteau noted the reimbursement to the county for CCS expenses is close to 100%. Monthly Reports Monthly Financial and Training reports were reviewed and placed on file. Discussion and Possible Action – Consideration and request to recommend to the County Board Chair the appointment of citizen member Lona Schmidt for another term to the Human Services Board. Lona has indicated her willingness to another term on the Human Services Board and DHS is seeking a formal recommendation to the County Board Chair. Motion by Oswald, second by Milanowski to recommend the appointment of citizen member Lona Schmidt to the County Board Chair for another term to the Human Services Board. Motion passed. Discussion – Review of Opioid Epidemic – Bayfield County Community Needs Survey. A total of 544 surveys were completed, 511 were completed by Bayfield County residents, a 6.70% return rate, given the 7,928 notices issued. The workgroup met to review the responses. There was consensus with the majority of survey responses that the money should be focused at and invested in BAYFIELD COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES BOARD MEETING EOC & Virtual May 25, 2023 K:\Agendas and Minutes\DHS Board\Minutes\2023 DHS Board Minutes\2023-05-25_BCDHS_Board_meeting_minutes -final.docx 5 prevention. Public Health is reaching out to CESA 12 to determine if there is a way to partner with them to provide Evidence Based curricula and prevention strategies in the local school districts. There was some discussion on mental health services, alliances and groups in the area. 2024 Budget Public Hearing Process Overview – 2024 Budget Public Hearing Process was reviewed. Other (Informational Items) • Data Regarding Medicaid Expansion – e-mail Nathan Bollhorst, WI Department of Administration. • Email complimenting performance of Behavioral Case Manager, Jamie Allen. • Recognition form Northern Income Maintenance Consortium Monthly Newsletter highlighting state feedback regarding call made to Economic Support Specialist, Jessica Soulier. Future Meeting Dates • June 22, 2023 – this meeting will include the Public Hearing on the 2024 Budget and Opportunity for Comments Regarding Bayfield County’s Policies and procedures for Equal Opportunity in Employment, Service Deliver, and Language Access and will be held in the County Board Room. • July 27, 2023 • August 24, 2023 Crandall Adjourned the meeting at 5:37 p.m. Submitted by Sarah Traaholt, Clerk III